Paulo da Silva Neto Sobrinho (photo) is an active member of the Spiritist Movement in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte. A retired Tax Officer in the state of Minas Gerais, he became a Spiritist in July 1987. He has since become increasingly involved in the dissemination of the Teachings. He’s the editor of, the author of 35 books and one of the regular columnists of O Consolador magazine, as well as a member of EVOC’s Editorial Board since 2020. In this interview, Paulo Neto says that common sense and rationality should be at the core of our approach to Spiritism, stressing that the Spiritist Teachings require more discipline and studying from all of us. Only this way we will be able to put into practice the Teachings of Our Master Jesus:
Was there anything in particular that prompted you to seek Spiritism for the first time in 1987?
Yes. At the time I was in a relationship with someone who was going through a serious case of spiritual obsession, or attachment. She was advised to look for a Spiritist Centre and we found a Group here in Belo Horizonte where we received a great deal of care. I began reading and studying the Spiritist Teachings at that time and I’ve never looked back.
What was your family’s reaction?
It was overall positive, but those who attended Christian Evangelical churches weren’t particularly impressed by my “conversion.” But at the end of the day they respected my choice.
Which of the Spiritist books you have read would you recommend for our brothers and sisters who are starting their journey now?
I’ve noticed, for a while, how little knowledge Spiritists have of The Spiritist Review and Genesis. Most people focus on The Spirits’ Book and three of the four books published later that expand on each one of its parts: The Mediums’ Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism and Heaven and Hell. These are the books that all of us should know, not only the beginners.
What aspect of Spiritism strikes you the most: science, philosophy or religion?
In my opinion, Spiritism is a religion that has its foundations on science and philosophy. So I believe its religious aspect is the one that should stand out.
There are very few controversies concerning the principles of Spiritism and one of them regards the matter of secular Spiritism. So for you Spiritism is a religion…
Yes, as I said, Spiritism for me is a religion. I remember that the Spirit of Truth told Allan Kardec, the Codifier, when he unveiled Spiritism’s goal: “Religions will disappear and then one of them will be necessary, but a truthful, great, beautiful religion, worthy of the Creator… Its first foundations have already been built… As for you, Rivail, your mission is there.” (Posthumous Works).
I must also highlight the speech that Allan Kardec gave at the Paris Spiritist Society on November 1st, 1868, when he explained in a clear and straightforward manner that Spiritism was a religion. And he clarified why he initially avoided labelling it as such. It feels like he felt the urge to make a very clear point about that before passing away.
What are your views on abortion?
Considering the materialistic approach that prevails in our society these days and the widespread incentive to hedonism, unfortunately the current debate about abortion sees the foetus as an object that can be disposed of at any time. And that is regrettable. I think that all the different religions should enlighten their members about the value of life. Perhaps then this bizarre idea would disappear once and for all.
Are you happy with the Spiritist Movement in Brazil or do you think we could improve on our actions to help promote the Spiritist Teachings?
If our behaviour is the best way of promoting Spiritism, then we haven’t been doing well at all. Among the problems in the Brazilian Spiritist Movement, I should mention the lack of knowledge and research, the bitter disputes about a few theoretical issues, the fact that mediums and Spirits are being deified by some and the mysticism displayed by so many of our members. This sort of behaviour, where common sense, rationality and fraternity should prevail, sends out a very negative message to the wider public.
We have entered the preparation phase for the planet to become a world of regeneration, moving up from its current condition of a world of trials and tribulations. When that happens, as St Augustin said, the word love will be stamped on the foreheads of all of us and social relations will be marked by perfect equity. How long do you think that process will take?
Looking around, my feeling is that this event announced by the Spiritual Benefactors won’t happen for a long, long time. Being optimistic, I believe that it will take at least five centuries for the Earth to become a world of regeneration.
Is there anything else you would like to add?