Theme: Charity and happiness
The generous bunnies
Winter was coming fast that year. The icy wind chilled
all the animals in the forest. In addition, strong gusts
of wind swayed the tree branches, threatening to
overturn the birds' nests.
Lili the rabbit and her daughter Lolita had warm clothes
and a well-protected den, but they worried about the
other animals, who might be having problems.

For this reason, every day, they dressed warmly and left
the house with a basket of food and some clothes that
they sewed themselves and went visiting their friends
and neighbors, asking if everyone was okay.
One day, they went to the squirrel family's house and
found the mother squirrel very distressed. She said that
Daddy Squirrel had left the house the day before in
search of food but had not returned. She was very
worried, and the little squirrels were crying for food.
Lili hugged mother squirrel tenderly, telling her that
they were there to help her and that everything would be
Lili and Lolita took out several seeds from the basket
and distributed them to the children and mother squirrel
too. They loved it, ate it all and hunger was gone.
Lolita invented a game to entertain the puppies while
the mothers talked.
Then Lili called everyone for a pray. She asked, with
great faith, for God's protection for that family and
for Papa Squirrel, wherever he was. All together also
said the “Our Father” prayer.
After the prayer, the children went back playing.
Lili told mommy squirrel that she was going to look for
information about daddy squirrel in the forest and later
she would come back with more food, since her friend
couldn't leave the house and leave the puppies, still so
small, alone.
The two hugged and the mother squirrel thanked Lili and
Lolita for their kindness.
As the bunnies were getting ready to leave, the door´s
house opened. They saw, surprised and very happy, the
daddy squirrel, who had just arrived home.
He was dirty and tired. He explained that he had climbed
to the top of a tree to get food, but the wind was
strong and suddenly the tree fell. He wasn't hurt, as he
fell down among the leaves, but he got caught between
the branches and couldn't get out from it.
Daddy Squirrel called for help, but no one listened.
Tired, he had to spend the night among the foliage and
It wasn't until the next day that some animals
approached to take a closer look at the huge tree that
had fallen to the ground, and it was when they heard
him, and he managed to be rescued.
The squirrels hugged each other happily. Lili and Lolita
were moved watching that scene of reunion and relief.
Everything ended well. The bunnies said goodbye and
On the way, Lili said:
– Lolita, it's very important that we help people when
they need it. Some people miss the opportunity to do
charity because they leave it for later. If we are
willing, God can use us as His instruments. Isn't it
– Yes mom. I really enjoyed handing the seeds over to
the squirrels and then watching them play happily. Glad
we were able to help them. I was very happy today! –
said Lolita.
Lili smiled contentedly. Her little daughter
comprehended that charity is the way, not only for
happiness of those who receive it, but also for those
who practice it.
(Adaptation of the book “Lili e Lolita”,
by Regina Timbó.)
Larissa Martine -
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