The mission
of the reformers is full of
pitfalls and dangers
The above sentence is part
of the codifications that
Spirit of Truth, coordinator
of the work of codification
of Spiritism, made on June
12, 1856 – exactly 167 years
ago – to Professor Hippolyte
Léon Denizard Rivail, who
would later be known by the
pseudonym of Allan Kardec.
The dialogue between the
professor and the spiritual
mentor was about the
encoder's mission. It is
worth remembering what was
then announced and what
actually happened.
Maria Valéria Santos Terra,
from Rio de Janeiro who
lives in the city of Porto
Velho (Rondônia), is our
interviewee today. Spiritist
since childhood, she is part
of the team of workers and
is the current president of
Casa de Peixotinho, a
spiritist institution with a
social focus that is very
active in the city, born
under the inspiration and
influence of the Spirit of
Peixotinho, who became
famous in our country for
his work as a medium of
physical effects.
“The second death: initial
considerations” is the title
of the Special published in
this issue, by Paulo Hayashi
Jr. In the article, after
his doctrinal considerations
on the subject, the writer
reminds us that the
so-called second death – or
loss of the perispirit – can
represent both a blessing
and a certain misfortune for
the being, and transcribes
in the sequence what the
spiritual instructor Gúbio
reported on the matter.