The so-called End of Days,
which is sometimes theme for
film productions, scared
many people at the eve of
2000, like possibly occurred
due to the year 1000 as
well, which originated then
the famous phrase: “1000
will pass away, but 2000
won’t arrive”, title of
this week’s editorial.
One of the highlights in
this edition is the
interview that the confrere
Nelson Bastos conceded to
our collaborator and editor
Wellington Balbo. Current
president of the Spiritist
Center Love and Charity
(CEAC, in Portuguese), from
Bauru (São Paulo state), and
an extremely active person
within the Spiritist
Movement in his city, during
the interview, he talks
about the 90 years of CEAC
and the construction of the
new night hostel of Bauru.
Another highlight in this
issue is the conclusion of
the special by Abel Sidney
about suicide and preventive
methods. In his article,
Abel says that understanding
the soul’s immortality and
the reincarnation as natural
laws offers a new
perspective about life,
demonstrating that suicide
doesn’t solve anything.
The third highlight in this
edition is the special
report by Claudia Werdine,
the magazine’s correspondent
in Europe, regarding a
conference organized by the
Spiritist Groups in Germany