The theme death and to die
come to our minds at the
moment we remember the
tragedies that victimized so
many people in the beginning
of this year, especially the
ones that fell out over
Angra dos Reis, in the state
of Rio de Janeiro. However,
before the pain of those
loses, it’s important that
we and the people involved
remember that death doesn’t
exist in the way we usually
face it and that our beloved
deads haven’t disappeared,
as shows this week’s
editorial, entitled “Where
do we go after we die?”
Among the highlights in this
edition, we call the
reader’s attention to the
interview that our confrere
André Ribeiro Ferreira, from
Brasília (DF), conceded to
the editor Orson Peter
Carrara. André, Spiritist
since his childhood, works
as both editor in the
newspaper Brasília Espírita
and coordinator of the
contest A
Doutrina Explica (The
Doctrine Explains),
whose origin and purpose he
explains in the interview.
Another highlight in this
issue is the special by
Maria Eny Rossetini Paiva,
from Lins (São Paulo state),
in which she says with her
usual clarity that the
ecologic view is highly
spiritualizing, as she shows
that everything is
integrated in systems and
ecosystems. She recognizes,
however, that translating
such understanding to the
“little ones” is still a
challenge that we can’t
Dermeval Carinhana Jr., from
Campinas (São Paulo), shows
in a special report how the
I Spiritist Observatory
Award Winners Nomination
took place, an initiative of
the Spiritist Radio Campinas,
a station of the ADE
(Association of Spiritism
Advisers) of Campinas city.
The report is also one of
the highlights in this