No one ignores the
importance of affection and
love in the task of
educating children and
constructing a home where a
child can turn into an adult
who acts and lives worthily.
This is the focus of this
week’s editorial, entitled
The hand that hits is the
same that cherishes.
One of the highlights this
week is the interview
conceded to our collaborator
and editor Antonio
Nascimento by the confrere
João Paulo Bittencourt
Cardozo, from Sarandi (state
of Rio Grande do Sul). In
the interview, the confrere,
who is a Public Defender,
talks about some of his
experiences on the search
for a better world and
instigates us to unite
efforts in benefit of this
ideal through Spiritist
Another highlight in this
issue is the special report
by Paulo da Silva Neto
Sobrinho, who analyzes the
theme communication between
both plans, while he
comments the book The
dead speak to us by the
Father François Brune, who
positively affirms that we
are able to communicate with
those we so-called deads.
The Dutch Spiritist Council
has promoted the I Fraternal
Meeting on January 31st, in
Wervershoof, Netherlands,
whose main objective was the
team work between children,
youngsters and adults, as
shows the report by Claudia
Werdine, which is also a
highlight in this edition.
The day of tomorrow,
February 15th, reminds us
the disincarnation date of
Gabriel Delanne, which took
place in 1926. Being
considered one of the most
important Spiritist authors,
Delanne has founded the
French Spiritist Union in
1882 and the newspaper Le
Spiritisme in the same year,
leaving us works of great
relevance for the Spiritist
scholars, such as
Spiritism and Science;
The Spiritist Phenomenon;
The Evolution of the Soul;
The Soul is Immortal;
The Materialized
Apparitions of the Living
and the Dead, in 2
volumes, and The