People who die of starvation
in several countries, many
natural scourges, homeless
children, young people
leaving this world after an
unsuccessful abortion,
politicians caught with the
money from corruption, and
finally, the search for the
legalization of euthanasia
in countries like the
Netherlands , is the theme
of this week's editorial,
entitled After all, who are
One of the highlights of the
edition is the interview
that the colleague Oceano
Vieira de Melo, born in
Alagoas but rooted in the
city of São Paulo (SP),
granted to our collaborator
Orson Peter Carrara. In the
interview, the colleague
said about the reasons that
prompted him to launch a
Versatile Video Spirite,
which uses video and film
for better dissemination of
Another highlight is the
special in which the
colleague Renato Costa from
Rio de Janeiro (RJ),
examines the problem of good
and evil, in the light of
Spiritualism. The study was
divided into two parts. The
conclusion will be published
next week.
Held on 21 February in
Londrina (PR), a further
meeting of the Regional
Inter, featuring the spirit
of the three regions
corresponding to the 4th,
the 5th and the 6th Regional
Unions Spiritualists, as
shown in the report special
is part of this issue and is
also one of the highlights
of the week.
Two news auspicious close
this letter.
First, we begin this issue
the Systematic Study of the
New Testament, which
includes the study of the
Gospels of Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John and the book
of Acts. The study, which
replaces the lessons of the
INCE, also will be
translated for English and