A chat with Helena
The Bible and the cell
phone is the editorial
this week, and it is also
the name of an interesting
message that has being
conveyed by the worldwide
network of computers, in PPS
One of the highlights of
this edition is the
interview that our spiritist
friend, Helena Bertoldo
Silva, from Rio Grande do
Sul, gave to our
correspondent Antonio
Augusto Nascimento. A
retired teacher, she holds a
post-graduation degree in
Youth Education and Culture.
Here she speaks to us about
her participation in the
tasks of spiritism and
explains the project “
Knowing and Managing the
Environment in the Nature ”,
under the umbrella of the
Spiritist Federation of Rio
Grande do Sul.
Another highlight - in this
Special Edition - is the
contribution of José Carlos
Monteiro de Moura, from
Minas Gerais, in which in
his article he talks about
the importance of the
mediumship issue in the
legal area. He examines the
case of Cesare Bonesana
Beccaria, who was the
Marquis of Beccaria, and was
the author of an important
book in which one can
clearly notice the signals
of it having been inspired
by spirits.
We would like to draw your
attention to the article
that we are here
reproducing of a text by
Allan Kardec, in which he
presents us with valuable
lessons that all parents
should bear in mind, in
order to fulfil their
children's education. The
article was originally
published in the Revue
Spirite of February 1864.
To conclude, we are making a
start with the methodical
study of the book” The
pathway to light” from
Emmanuel – spirit and
automatic writing, through
the mediunship of Francisco
Cândido Xavier. The book was
written in 1938 and first
published in 1939 by the
Brazilian Spiritist