Spiritist Conference again
brings together a large
week’s editorial, “What did
we do with the child
entrusted to our care?”,
analyses, in light of
Spiritism, the important
role of parents in
conducting their children on
the path of life.
One of the highlights of
this issue is the interview
granted to us by Gladys
Helaine Miranda da Silva,
born in Paraíba do Sul-RJ
and living in Campinas-SP,
city where she is associated
with the Allan Kardec
Spiritist Center. In the
interview, Gladys talks
about the interesting and
important program, ”Weaving
Life” , created in 2009, and
which focuses on people of
the so called 3rd age .
“Cancer: a factor of
metanoia” is the title of
the special article of the
week, authored by Eugênia
Pickina, who understands
that despite the suffering
and concerns that it brings,
cancer can be a great
opportunity for a deep
development and
transformation of people .
The XVI State-wide Spiritist
Conference was held March
14th-16th in Pinhais- PR,
and was attended by a large
audience, with
participations by Divaldo
Franco, Haroldo Dutra Dias
and Alberto Almeida, as
shown in the article
authored by our colleague
Paulo Salerno, which is also
one of the highlights of
this edition.
date - March 30th - marks
one more anniversary of the
discarnation of the poet
Sebastião Lasneau, which
occurred in 1969. Born in
Barra do Pirai-RJ, Sebastião
Lasneau was a poet,
“repentista” and
“trocadilhista” , as well as
a constant presence at
Spiritist Weeks in several
cities in the states of Rio
de Janeiro, Minas Gerais,
São Paulo and Espírito Santo.