A chat with Alessandro Viana
Vieira de Paula
Cup in Brazil: an
unforgettable party”
is the title and theme of
this issue’s editorial which
highlights the success so
far of the World Cup being
held in our country.
One of the highlights of
this edition is the
interview that our colleague
Alessandro Viana Vieira de
Paula, from Itapetininga-SP
gave to our collaborator
Orson Peter Carrara. In the
interview, the colleague,
who is also a collaborator
to this magazine, talks
about the work he has been
performing with the aim of
disseminating the mediunic
works psychographed by José
Raul Teixeira.
The colleague Luiz Carlos
Formiga, from Rio de
Janeiro-RJ, is the author of
the Special article of the
week, titled “Am I, by
chance, a Spirit?”, a
pleasant and timely text,
whose reading will be of
great benefit to all who are
interested in the issues
examined in Spiritist works.
On June 9th, in
Zurich, Switzerland, the
colleague Divaldo Franco
completed an extensive
doctrinal journey in Europe,
as shown in the article
written by our colleague
Enio Medeiros report, which
is also one of the
highlights of this edition.
Last Friday, June 27th,,
was launched by EVOC-Virtual
Publisher “O Consolador” the
online edition of the book "Journey
to Another World," by
the colleague Euripides
Kühl. Here is the link to
the EVOC page where the book
can be downloaded for free -