Antônio Carlos Navarro, from
São José do Rio Preto, talks
to the magazine
This week’s editorial, "Coat,
galoshes and umbrella"
analyzes the role of parents
regarding the orientation of
their children, in respect
to the dangers of drugs and
other challenges that
adolescents face in
contemporary society.
Antônio Carlos Navarro, from
São José do Rio Preto-SP, is
our interviewee. Member of
the Spiritist Center
Francisco Cândido Xavier, he
serves as Secretary and
Director of Doctrine, and is
also a very well known and
respected lecturer in his
state. In the interview,
which is one of the
highlights of this edition,
he tells us about his
experience in the
dissemination of Spiritism.
Another highlight of this
edition is the special
article titled "The death
penalty does not kill the
offender spirit",
authored by our colleague
André Luiz Alves Jr., who
analyzes the social and
spiritual consequences of
capital punishment and also
comments the scenes of
lynching that every so often
occur in our country.
Last week, Divaldo Franco
completed another series of
conferences in cities across
the Rio Grande do Sul, as
shown in the article written
by Paulo Salerno which is
also one of the highlights
of this edition.
On this date - October 26th
- in 1943, passed away in
Rio de Janeiro Luiz Olímpio
Guillon Ribeiro, born in São
Luís-MA on January 17, 1875.
Civil engineer and
journalist, Guillon Ribeiro
was editor of the Jornal
do Comércio and
collaborator of the largest
newspapers of his time.
For many years, he was
Director-General of the
Secretariat of the Senate
and was also a director and
then president of the
Brazilian Spiritist
Federation, for which he
translated almost all the
works of Allan Kardec and
several other spiritist