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Year 10 - N° 463 - May 1st, 2016

Juiz de Fora, MG (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


José Passini

Analysis of the book ”Workers of the Last Hour”


Focused work: Workers of the Last Hour

Authors: Carlos A. Baccelli  and Inacio Ferreira (Spirit)

Publisher: Didier


The Spirit that passes by Dr. Ignacio Ferreira has tried, in its last books, to lessen the humorous, disrespectful, and pimp comments it has used in other previous works. After attacking the Spiritists in general and the mediums in particular, it now tries, with the proper techniques used by those who are fascinators, to make a confusion regarding doctrinal points. The book now analyzed is an attempt to make, by using exaggeration, Andre Luiz’ revelations implausible and ridiculous. This Spirit also acts like this against Chico Xavier: it praises his achievements, but mocks his work. See the book "Chico Xavier Answers".

We copy, without quotation marks, in bold, the texts taken from the book under analysis. Our comments will be written in normal type.

 (...) There is a certain emptying of the Spiritists Centers with which many are concerned and rightly so. If the herd leaders, holding a stick in their hands, turn against each other, which way will the herd go? (27)

This statement is completely unfounded, since what is seen is just the opposite: It is worrying the volume of people that are coming to the Spiritist houses.

We are failing the base ... Authoritarianism, rancidity, the struggle for power and vanity are doing almost irreparable damage! (22/23)

That comment, placed in the mouth of Maria Modesto Cravo, echoes with the singsong carried out by another fascinator Spirit, under the name of Ermance Dufaux, who from the top of its alleged psychology course, makes similar criticisms to the Spiritists.

After using five pages of the book describing the breakfast that they would have at a certain Lyceum, it starts the study of "The Book of Spirits", informally, as in a chat ... We can see the great difference between the environments described by Andre Luiz, in "Our Home", which shows the seriousness with which the issues and work were treated.

At one point of the studies on reincarnation, Domingas says she heard from Chico Xavier, on Earth, the following statement: ... those with the unshakable belief in reincarnation came from other worlds - immigrated from other planets to Earth! (43)

If it was not enough that many incarnated are publicly stating this information based on “Chico said…”, now there are also the disembodied ones doing the same! Note that this statement contradicts what has been learned about reincarnation so far. So, the Spirits came from other planets...

Andre Luiz told us about the existence of organized life in the Spiritual World, so similar to life on Earth. Dr. Inacio exaggerates this “material” issue by stating that there is incarnation on the other side, although there is no flesh. By exaggerating he tries to discredit, and in another work, he talks about the possibility of getting land on a “comodato” basis to build a place with the purpose of protecting animals, and now, he mentions the ownership of a private car, in which Dr. Odilon takes them to an Indian village, on a healthcare service...

I brought some food bags in the car - food for adults and children – he clarified. (57)

After sharing goodies with the children, he listens to a girl:

Uncle, do you bless? Grandpa is bedridden... do you bless? Of course, let’s go and see him, he answered.

A shirtless little boy, said: Mom says that with the medicine you gave her, she is much better from her headaches... Did you bring some more?

How is our Morubixaba?

- He is feeling better – he replied with a wink. - Fever, however, comes and goes. (58)

It is weird that a wise Indian, is able to reveal, only by smelling the hands, the past and the future incarnations of some of the Spirits present, and, however,  he continues old and ill.

At that point, Patuwa had a coughing fit that nearly took his breath away. (62)

Leaving him, Dr. Odilon went to visit other Indian families, and Dr. Inacio went on talking to the Indian Patuwa. In this conversation, he adds self-compliments, as he always does, and emphasizes his roll, as a revealer.

Patuwa liked you very much: an honest and fearless man. Your fight is great, but there cannot be discouragement. The world must know the truth... it is enough of so many lies! You do write books, don’t you? (64)

Continuing the conversation, Patuwa says he lived at the time of Father Anchieta and Father Manoel da Nobrega. Then, he "reveals" that Chico Xavier was Father Anchieta ... If it was not enough the useless controversy about Chico/Kardec, well fed by him, now Dr. Inacio comes with another one, placed in the mouth of the Indian Patuwa:

Then the last I heard was that he was back on Earth - he on Earth and Father Nobrega here, on this Other Side ... Father Nobrega wrote for him - the same as what Inacio is doing with his friend!

- So…Anchieta? - I questioned, dumbfounded.

- He was in a new religion... The white Witchdoctor Odilon knows everything!

- Was he Chico Xavier?!

- Yes, the two committed themselves to Jesus for a long time...Father Anchieta on Earth and Father Nobrega outside the body. Now they are going to reverse it! (65/66)

The patient Morubixaba says he is going to "disembody" (it would be better to say "disperispiritize") soon, leaving his body for Dr. Inacio to study:

Patuwa does not say it, but he knows that he is close to dying again... Don’t say anything to anyone. The white Witchdoctor already knows... I do not want sorrow in the small tribe. When Patuwa "dies," I will give my body to you...

- To me?! - I asked in amazement.

- Do understand that it is for you to study it. I want you to open it, see what's inside and write to Earth telling what you saw.

- But I'm not a surgeon! - I argued - I'm a psychiatrist! I do not know how to dissect a body... (67/68)

And the dialogue continues, ending with this statement:

- I'll leave a document signed to donate my body to you... (68)

Dismissing everything we have learned so far about the perispirit, Patuwa gives a lesson about perispiritual anatomy. But the lesson was interrupted...

Patuwa had another coughing fit and a few droplets of blood stained his sweat-soaked shirt.  (69)

Everything indicates that Patuwa is going to "disembody" due to tuberculosis, which caused his fever, and cough:

- The fever is coming back increasingly stronger - he said quietly. - I will leave this carcass in the New Moon – he predicted gasping. (71)

In the text below, he repeats something implausible that had already been reported by another medium:

St. Francis of Assisi, on certain occasions, even rolled over brambles, flagellating himself voluntarily, not to offer the possibility of tuning with the Spirits that tempted him! (78)

From time to time, he goes back to the old standard attacking Spiritists and Mediums:

It is weird that certain supporters of Spiritism, who arrived now to the Doctrine, hardly know it yet, practice half a dozen of deeds of Charity, begin exercising their incipient mediumship, and already consider themselves Superior Spirits… How much illusion! (83)

We learn, in Spiritism, that the human Spirit is the result of a long and arduous walk, a spiritual principle, following the evolution of the physical forms, through countless millennia. In this work there is an adhesion to the theory of the fall of the Spirit. Moreover, the author refers to the "act of creation", as if it were the moment of creation of the Spirit, considering literally the expression "simple and ignorant":

The Spirit in the act of creation had no body - simple and ignorant. The need to evolve is what first made it "incarnate" and "reincarnate" in the Spiritual World, in its "descent" to matter. By acquiring bodies increasingly coarse in its "descent," the Spirit, in its movement to ascent, gradually, will get rid of them. (86/87)

Contrary to what you read above, one learns that the Spirit will increasingly use more subtle bodies... Following, he captiously mentions Andre Luiz, in a try to induce the reader to believe that when the Spirit breathes in the spiritual world, he does not do it with his perispirit, but because he is "reincarnated" there.

In the book Our Home (...) "my lungs breathed in long gulps". (87)

What follows, needs no comment, because it is so absurd:

Absolutely, I did not consider myself fit for what he requested: participate in the dissection of the "dead body" of his perispirit! (90)

As always, Dr. Inacio makes a point of mentioning his contact with Spirits, who have left on Earth marks of their knowledge, their integrity, and their dignity. In other works, he mentioned he had contact with Emmanuel, Bezerra de Menezes, Andre Luiz, Leopoldo Cirne, Euripides Barsanulfo, and Hernani Guimaraes Andrade. It is hard to believe that these serious Spirits would have time to pay attention to the one, who cultivated irreverence, bad taste, mockery and even objectionable jokes… This time he only mentions Hernani Guimaraes Andrade and Hemendra Nath Banerjee. Here again, there is the concern of mocking the revelations of Andre Luiz about life in the Spiritual World:

Gradually, the dishes, I asked our excellent cooks to prepare as the Indians do were served.

- Basmati rice! - Said Banerjee.

- It is in your honor - I said - I do not know if the seasoning is to your liking. Our Chef, who is from the state of Minas Gerais, is more used to prepare rice and beans “tutu” with a special local chili and...

- Mayonnaise with curry! He cried when he saw the second dish that Anastasia, the Chef, personally brought us, all decorated with tender lettuce leaves. (140/141)

The description of the dinner goes on until the dessert, a yogurt pudding.

Further, he reports that he gave a talk to young people about atomic weights, in a blatant demonstration of those who want to fill book pages. Then he reports the meeting with Tomaz Novelino, a disciple of Euripides Barsanulfo, who had founded a school in the Spiritual World. For this purpose, he hired an architect, made the project, and he only lacked to say where he got the funding for the work, its first module having 10,000 square meters.

- Did you spend a lot,  Tomaz? - I asked.

- No, and I'll explain why. Here, Doctor, in the Spiritual World, the works to benefit the community, such as schools, hospitals, factories and industries, recreation parks, and so on, cost less than those of private use.

- Interesting.

- There is a government decree that rules that community works, from the foundation stone to the roof, should cost 1/3 less than any other.

- So the workers, who engage in construction, earn less?

- Absolutely! They earn more! (159/160)

Someone asks Dr. Inacio if he did not know this when he built his hospital, to which he replied he was asking only because he was writing a book... (160)

Notwithstanding, once again, the habit of bragging, he "transcribes" the words of Tomaz Novelino:

- With no intention of praising you, Doctor – far from me such a purpose - the theory of reincarnation in the Spiritual World that you have shown in your works, broadens considerably the horizons of Life!

- Nevertheless - I argued - the mentioned thesis has been object of mockery on the part of some supporters of the Doctrine... (166)

Kardec brought to the world several revelations, which were complemented through the work of Chico Xavier, always written in serious, high, dignified language. Would Heaven now send to Earth new revelations by a mocking, irreverent, bragging, and disrespectful Spirit? Let us read the texts below, analyzing some of his words:

Would it be credible to make further revelations about Kardec, by a Spirit who claims to have eaten a porcupine barbecue within the Umbral, the lower zones, who had a stomach ache and since there was no toilet available, he lowered his pants and improvised a latrine, in front of everybody? Is this Spirit credible, if at an alleged Emmanuel Foundation in the Spiritual World, after reading the comments in a newspaper that gossiped about him, he makes a rude and vulgar gesture (almost equivalent to the middle finger gesture) towards the Spiritists on Earth, who had criticized him? Or a Spirit that says it is the director of a hospital - founded by Euripides Barsanulfo - and wakes up in a bad mood or feeling very much depressed?

Dr. Inacio does not say whether he, Dr. Odilon, Domingas and Modesta are "embodied" in the Spiritual World, but "reveals" that they are likely to have been contaminated by viruses since they were not vaccinated...

Our sister Domingas is pale - said Carmelita, realizing that she was perspiring.

- I believe this is a viral infection – I explained - and, therefore, I am asking Modesta to take her back to our base at the Hospital of Mediums. (222)

Our sister Domingas was really not well; I noticed she was very down - said Carmelita.

- As we had to come very fast – I said - there was no time for proper immunization... (227)

Patuwa "disembodied" and, as promised, he left his body for Dr. Inacio to study it in a Medical School. As he was disembodied for 22 years, he had to first prepare for necropsy. He planned to stay in the crust three days to feel what it was like to "to be incarnated" again. With this purpose in mind, he invades the privacy of an incarnated, like an obsessor. He chooses a man who was having a coffee in a bar:

I approached something obese and tired, sweating to the point of wetting his shirt at his armpits – and this I have always hated! - He asked for a coffee.

When he took the cup to his mouth to take the first sip, I overlapped his body, as if, from that moment, we were conjoined.

I noticed he felt some sense of relief, but, at first, I almost suffocated. I had to control myself not to vomit, not because I felt any repulse for him, but it was like as if a stomach, involuntarily, would try to get rid of the food that had not fallen very well. (348/349)

Then he enters the intimate life of the incarnate, not resisting the temptation to demonstrate his disrespect and bad taste:

The poor man, when he was bathing, his belly folded over and he could not rub his private parts, the front or the back. With a generalized rash, he put talcum powder and ... his hygiene was this! (...) After all, in the demanding condition of a "tenant", I practically lived in the body of that poor man without, so far, paying nothing for the "rent."

I waited for him to sleep (...) I sat on the edge of the bed. I sniffed my own armpit - it was a mess - and I helped Sebastian to become free of his body for a few centimeters. (354)

Returning to the Hospital, during the "autopsy", Dr. Inacio announces the weight of the perisprit: one thousandth of the human body weight.

For example: someone whose body weighs 70 kilograms, the weight of the perispirit will be 70 grams - the mental body would weight one thousandth of seventy grams, about the weight of the pineal gland, estimated between 70 and 100 milligrams. (365)

To be true this "revelation," the disembodied Spirits - and the incarnated freed by sleep - could prove their presence here on Earth, by sitting down on the plate of a scale...

The autopsy continues with unreasonable explanations of Dr. Inacio, among which stands out:

Regarding the Superior Spirits, in their most subtle mental body, brain and heart melt! (367)

The whole book is, as are the previous ones, a real attempt to common sense, morality, dignity and respect due to the Doctrine.

From all this, there is a question to be made: how can some people believe these "revelations" made by this Spirit, who makes a point of attacking the Spiritists, the Spiritist Movement, using such an irreverent and vulgar language?

Do the leaders of the Spiritist centers, Spiritist bookstores, responsible for the book clubs are evaluating the responsibility they have in promoting the dissemination of works like these?


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