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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 465 - May 15, 2016
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Antonio Carlos Braga dos Santos: 

“Suicide is a matter of public health, which can
be prevented”

The organiser of the guidebook “Suicide, a Silent Epidemics” talks about his ideas on that area and about GAES – Grupo de Apoio Aos Espíritos em Sofrimento or Support Group for Suffering Spirits

Antonio Carlos Braga dos Santos (photo), an economist born and bred in Brazil’s largest city, São Paulo, became a Spiritist 30 years ago. He is a volunteer worker at the Aliança Espírita Evangélica, where he takes part in mediunimic groups. He is also a member of the well known CVV, Centro de Valorização da Vida, a support group to help peo-

ple under risk of committing suicide. He organised a guidebook on the issue for free distribution and also available online. That is the main theme of this interview. 

How did you come up with the idea of producing the guidebook? 

I was re-reading the book Memórias de um Suicida (Memories of a Suicide), which was dictated by the Spirit, Camilo Botelho Cândido to the medium, Yvonne do Amaral Pereira, and in particular Chapter VI (Communion with the Higher Spheres), and I was struck by the effort the rescue teams in the Spirit World have to carry out in cases of violent death, especially suicides. It occurred to me that we, incarnate spirits, must help them in that process, because we have a type of energy that is exclusive to was when we are incarnated in the matter. I thought that if suicide was a major concern when the book was published, in the middle of the 20th Century, let alone now, when more than 1 million people take their lives around the world every year. It is clear that all Spiritists must be alerted and call upon to help on that huge effort, especially as our planet goes through this transition period, leaving the phase of Trials and Tribulations and ascending to a phase of Regeneration. 

Tell us about the foundation of GAES, the Support Group for Suffering Spirits. 

Shortly after I had the insights I have just described, I discussed these ideas with a group of friends who take part with me in a mediunship group. We decided to create GAES as our work group and we suggested that any other Spiritist Centre that decides to work on the area take on the same name, GAES. We follow very closely the work of three eponymous groups. The idea is to spread across the planet small light beams that will help those already working in the Spirit World to prevent suicide and help those who take their lives and who go through so much suffering on the astral circles closer to earth’s surface. 

What would you like to say about the effort to prevent suicide? 

Firstly, that this is an issue that must be talked about publicly. We must get rid of the fear and taboo associated with suicide. The CVV support group is a reference in Brazil in that area. Its work, which began more than 50 years ago, must be publicised. Information is the first step in prevention. Let’s remember what happened with breast cancer, which was something we did not talk about 20 years ago. When we began having mass awareness campaigns in Brazil and across the world, things changed. The same can be done with suicide. It is not a disease, but 90% of people who commit suicide are going through some mental disturbance. In most cases, they are suffering from depression. That is why the World Health Organisation says suicide is a matter of public health, which can be prevented. 

What aspect from your experience helping Spirits who committed suicide strikes you the most? 

The emotional suffering they were going through before taking their lives is now added to the torments caused by not understanding the state they are in. They took their lives but they are still alive. They get profoundly disturbed, anesthetised and became oblivious even to the presence of the Spiritual Benefactors who come to help them. And I have learned that it is not only those Spirits who committed suicide who need to be rescued, but also all of those who go through a sudden, violent death, in accidents, catastrophes, homicides, wars and other conflicts. There are millions of souls in despair, going through pain and suffering. 

What does you 32-page guidebook say? 

It explains the problem of suicide in Brazil and the world. It talks openly about the issue, in an attempt to break taboos. It explains what we can do for those who have already committed suicide and offers guidance on how to organise support groups for spiritual help. It has extracts from Memories of a Suicide and it ends with reference and recommendations for further reading. The guidebooks are now being handed out for free. We have already published 15,000 copies. It takes only 20 minutes to read booklet. It can also be downloaded free of charge from our Facebook group, https://www.facebook.com/apoio.gaes/. For further information, please contact us via email, apoio.gaes@gmail.com. 

What else would you like to add? 

There is a movement called Yellow September. That is the month dedicated to the prevention of suicide. I would like to invite Spiritist Groups and Centres to join that movement, to decorate their rooms with yellow balloons and lights, to dress in yellow to help raise awareness to the problem of suicide. How about a seminar in September gathering all the GAES groups?

We must bear in mind that suicide is a worldwide problem. Only in India, there are 260,000 cases per year. And we have all the violent deaths across the world. That is why there is so much suffering in the astral spheres closer to the planet. Millions of spirits lie in those regions, in suffering. And we must not forget the role Brazil has to play in this matter, as it has the highest number in the world of prepared and properly trained mediums. Brazil is the Heart of the World and the Gospel’s Nation. It seems me that dealing with the problem of suicide is one of Brazil’s tasks.


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