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Year 10 - N° 469 - June 12, 2016

Recife, PE (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Wilson Garcia

The grey side of Mediumship in the Modern Spiritism

Messages attributed to Rizzini, Herculano Pires, and Arnaldo Rocha deride the Mediums, the Mediumship and the Doctrine itself

The physical death of the Medium Chico Xavier did not take only the Spirit to the other plane of life; it also took common sense and it paved the way for candidates to good men to
consolidate a new madness of our time: the battle at all costs so that the dear medium becomes the god of Spiritism, an absolute and unquestionable guide of the Doctrine, giving him the supremacy of thought of a movement that daily rolls downhill under the cloak of exacerbated religiosity.

Macena, a low balanced journalist, and very astute, having become the president of a Medical-Spiritist association, flung open the gate to the belief - with no scientific base whatsoever to support it - that Chico was Kardec. Some followed him by the dark road that had been opened, but gradually lost breath and stopped. Then appeared the controversial figure of Marlene Nobre with the command post of the Folha Espirita, a newspaper she ran, and published on the first page the absurd idea. In an interview, where she interviewed herself, she spread on a whole page the news that an alleged medium (of little expression while medium) Hilario Silva “confirmed” that Chico was in a near past Allan Kardec, and she also enlightened a naïve and tearful booklet, written by a fanatic follower of Chico, in which he said, among other nonsense that Chico was Kardec and nobody could remove this belief from his brain full of mystical synapses.    

Uncontrolled and suspicious mediumship

From there onwards, the batter of the cake soured. It was not enough that some famous names of the Spiritist Movement came to public to oppose to the ideas of the then President of the Medical-Spiritist Association of Brazil with facts and arguments that showed the farce. Marlene, a physician, widow to a highly regarded politician did not want to answer the criticism that pointed out the lack of responsibility regarding the arguments and their enormous distance from scientific evidence. She preferred to answer with a tearful and repetitive text. She maintained her pearls of nonsense such as the one that Kardec’s wedding to Amelie was just formal, with no intimacy, much in the manner of Roustang and his followers, who stated that Jesus had no physical body, only an apparent body. 

Chico does not live to tell the truth. But this now has no importance whatsoever, since those who defend the reincarnation of Kardec as Chico, immediately opened another gate, the one of the uncontrolled mediumship, without even noticing the loud noise of the opening of the gate, and making Spirits, specially chosen for this, to “parade” one after the other, among them the Medium born in the state of Minas Gerais (Chico), and they were deaf and blind to the supposed code that Chico had handed to three of his loyal followers. For the records, none of these three assistants of Chico endorsed up to today the messages said to be sent by Chico.

The way Chico’s worshipers act

Mediums that Chico had forbidden their presence beside him, for unknown reasons, began to transmit messages claiming that they were authored by Chico, in the same manner as Carlos Baccelli, who had already been exposed to the more serious and responsible public, because he published other texts of doubtful authorship of famous Spiritists. To be the first one to come to public, he hardly waited for Chico’s body to be buried.

Presently, our mail boxes are full of mail regarding so called psychic messages that reveal the “conversion”, after they died, of the same people that had in life fought the insane will of those, who wanted to prove that Chico was Kardec. Among those, who form what I call the worshipers of Chico, is Nuno Emanuel, a Portuguese citizen, presently living in Brazil, whose only mission seems to be to everyday instigate this belief. In this affair he is helped by the Brazilian, who also calls himself a Medium, Geraldo Lemos Neto, and uses the network for his propaganda, besides a site linked to Geraldo, totally turned to the spreading and defense of this controversial idea. This is the link: http://www.vinhadeluz.com.br/site/noticias.php

The alleged “conversion” of Rizzini and Herculano

In an action similar to the one practiced by the Catholic Church in the past, who told its Bishops to give the last rites to the opponents in their deathbed, so that afterwards they could proclaim their conversion; the worshipers of Chico search for messages through which they can spread that their alleged spiritual authors, all of them, in life, then contrary to the idea of Chico-Kardec, promptly regretted what they did when they arrived on the other plane, and now they defend this idea.

Neither of them sees the ridiculous of these messages, protected as they are by a cloak of nonsense, and consider them true to wave the flag of the universal teaching of the Spirits, and this evidences that the blindfold they wear is an obstacle to the use of reasoning.

Through very little known mediums, and with no significant representation, they bring to public absurd messages, which they attribute to, among others, Jorge Rizzini, Herculano Pires and Arnaldo Rocha, who say they changed their opinion when they arrived on the other plane of life. Rizzini appears in a rather poetical form, in seven-syllable verses, he who was not a poet and did not write poems, but was yes a master in tales. He is introduced – gasp! – in a naive poem of very poor verses and rhymes, which, if he was alive and as a medium, he would have never allowed any communicating Spirit, whoever he may be, to do such a thing.

Herculano Pires, this one yes, a famous poet, appears “confessing” his supposed mistake in life, but the poems - used to reveal his change – are at a great, immense, distance from the quality of the poems he wrote in life. Well, the medium here is the carnal brother of the one who “psychographed” Rizzini and both belong to the circle of the fanatic followers of Chico. Even the father of one of these mediums was “psycho graphed”, defending the same thesis, this strongly evidencing how much the mediumship environment of these intermediaries from beyond is contaminated, or shall we say intermediaries of this side?

This campaign is ridiculous

These mediums have courage, and those who publish, and applaud them, are absurdly ridiculous, because they do not take into consideration the simplest doctrinal observation that if the psychic messages are not distinguished by the style, they should be distinguished by the contents.

Very well, not satisfied with these pearls from beyond, they now present others, such as those attributed to Arnaldo Rocha, he himself, Chico Xavier’s the not imposed, but the true friend, and widower of Meimei, who strongly opposed to this campaign of making out of Chico a god and mentioned an extensive list of possible reincarnations, none of them as Kardec, he, Arnaldo, is now thrown into the fire of passions as someone who also regrets not having “seen” that Kardec was in the body of Chico. Surprisingly, this is said less than five months after he had disembodied! Nearsighted before, Arnaldo now sees through the eyes of the fanatics of Chico on this side and thus he is able to run away from the fire that burns him and turns everything into ashes.

As Rizzini would say, let us not be naive and conceited to think that we can stop this insane worshiping and mythmaking of Chico, but we have to denounce this sickening campaign that leads the Doctrine to the extreme of ridiculousness. If not for ourselves, let it be as a manifestation of respect to the author of the Spiritist work that raises the notion of Spirituality to the Mount Ararat of common sense.


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