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Year 10 - N° 477 - August 7, 2016

Juiz de Fora, MG (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


José Passini

Analysis of the book “The Living Thought of Dr. Inacio”

Focused work: The Living Thought of Dr. Inacio
Carlos A. Baccelli  and Inacio Ferreira (Spirit)
: Didier

This is a compilation of texts originally presented on the blog "Mediumship on Internet". Perhaps because he came to his senses and saw that very few believed, when he stated in previous books, that letters of the embodied were placed on his table at the hospital, in which he said he worked, in the Spiritual World where he is, without even explaining this weird phenomenon in Spiritism, this Spirit now decided to communicate through internet. However, if the means of communication changed, the same did not happen regarding the seriousness of the work.

We made it clear from the beginning that, when we emphasize the name Dr. Inacio we are not agreeing with its authenticity, but just avoiding the hassle of putting it always in quotes.

We will use bold to copy the words of the book. Our comments are in normal type.

The majority of people that are reborn here and in the nearby worlds is through sex! They have intercourse! You spoke in orgies and too many pregnancies, as if the contraceptive methods exist only among the incarnated ... No!

I do not know in what book it is – it is one written by Ranieri - but once talking in secret with the medium and prophet Chico Xavier, he said that in about 200 years, science will build a large uterus and then women will be released from pregnancy! But, he said, the spirit would reincarnate in the same way... does it not sound like fiction?! (20).

Poor Chico, in whose mouth they are putting the most absurd statements, even saying that he agreed with abortion in cases of rape and anencephaly. The testimony of Ranieri, here invoked, is doubtful, especially after his absurd books about "Sex beyond Death" and "The Abyss."

And for me not to miss myself in these words, give a middle finger for the rest! (23)

Is it necessary to comment on the rudeness of this Spirit, who says he lives with Euripides, Bezerra, Chico (Kardec, so he said), in the position of a director of a hospital founded by the Benefactor?

They want me to write an Obstetric Treaty Beyond the Grave! They think that because of the question 200 and following of "The Book of Spirits," the disembodied are all gelded! My God, what a curse it would be to die! Of course, the spirits do not have sex, or rather they have every imaginable sexual variations but the perispirit has genitalia, yes! And they have intercourse! To make it clearer, they copulate! (26)

No one would expect that Dr. Ignatius would write a book on obstetrics, because this was not his specialty on Earth. But we would expect him to write something about Psychiatry, explaining the theses presented in "New Paths in Medicine" in his two-volume masterwork that he wrote here on Earth. Did he unlearn everything he taught and lived here, becoming a critic of the Spiritist Movement, of the spiritists and mediums, using a vulgar, indecent and coarse way of speaking? This Spirit continually refers to the works of Andre Luiz, but in them there is nothing comparable to these pictures of imbalance and bad taste to which he refers constantly.

In the book "Our Home", there is the story of Tobias', who had been married twice on Earth. The subject is treated with the seriousness that is expected of a Spiritist work. It is known that one of his wives still maintained this condition, but Andre Luiz does not go into details of the coexistence of the couple.

This promiscuity vaunted by Dr. Inacio is shown in the book "And Life Goes On" (Chapter 14), in the invitation that the wacky Tulio makes to Eveline, inviting her to leave the colony where she lived to go with him to the wacky community where he lives: "- The people where I come from now, the people of the land of freedom, are absolutely right... I understand, you are now part of the saints, but I'm not disguised. I am what I am, a man with the functions that are normal to me... I desire you and does this surprise you? What a good joke! You are a woman like the others, you are not any better than those I know in the land of freedom, only with the difference that you hide yourself under the ragged cover of discipline”.

The reader does not require a great insight to understand that there is a certain sexual freedom among its inhabitants. Now, just ask yourself: would it be in a colony of this level that Dr. Inacio works?

- The fluid therapist and medium cannot smoke, cannot drink too much coffee, and cannot eat meat… - I know that the ban list was huge, and I was prevented from working as a fluid therapist to other incarnation! (50)

Here, Dr. Inacio makes a fool of the natural requirements concerning the preparation of the fluid therapist, presenting an emergency case reported in the book "Liberation", Chapter XVII, wanting to rule what is an exception. His comparison is only valid for those who have no insight or do not even reason.

Many of the spirits who communicate with the mediums on Earth (I would almost venture to say the majority) are not present in the physical room or next to the mediator that serves them as an instrument. (58)

There is a mention to Bittencourt Sampaio’s communication, in the book "Psycho Phonic Instructions”, Chapter LXIV. This example does not match the facts. The noble Spirit left, after having given the message. The incarnated noted with regret that the recording failed. Due to the whines regarding the loss of the great pronouncement of that Spirit, Jose Xavier, who was present, offered to dictate to Chico the text, because he and Memei had also recorded it. The message was dictated and published in that book. Just by this example, we can clearly see how this Spirit that passes by Dr. Inacio distorts the truth.

Those two furnaces that we absently used to explore with the forefinger and thumb... Well… let this matter rest. Let us return to the "transcendent" episode of the bell (...). Is the Spiritual World as spiritual as men imagine it to be? If Lisias’ house always had the door closed, could she receive, let us say, those who “like to steal”? (95)

Again, this Spirit that says he studies "Our Home", once again doubts the environment of harmony and respect that Andre Luiz says reign in that colony. The reader is thus led to believe that in "Our Home" there are thieves. A closed door indicates order, respect for a domestic privacy. Andre Luiz did not say a locked door – this would mean something else.

- Domingas, we need to end this false story... I never cursed in my writing! These people need to stop filling my scrotum bag!

- "Scrotum bag" is this not a pimp term, Doctor?

- You should ask God, who made it, don’t you think so? What term would you suggest, when he have to refer to the genital, male or female? (233)

Is it necessary to comment on this dialogue in a book considered Spiritist? A dialogue like this is not even found in the worst TV shows...

He attacks, makes a fool of FEB (Brazilian Spiritist Federation) and disseminates news that come from a sick mind, when he says that the Federation is preparing a list of condemned books, i.e., producing an index...

One can see that his capacity goes far beyond the line of bad taste and cheap sense of humor, and it enters lying and inventing too.

...The spirits will again begin to manifest in the Church, obviously bringing their versions of the Spiritual World! And I want to laugh. (290)

In the passage quoted above, which is the statement of the medium, saying it will laugh at what the spiritists will say about the Spiritual World revelations by Catholic mediums. Once again it shows the fallacy of that Spirit, trying to mix things. No spiritist would fight him if he made his "revelations" about the reincarnation in the Spiritual World, of its use of foul language, false statements regarding materialization, of support to abortion, of being proud of being a heavy smoker, of talking about licentious sex in the colony where he lives, if he did not use the name of Kardec, the Doctrine and Chico.

We have analyzed only a few texts from the book. It would be exhausting to fully go through the book, as we did in his previous works, even though no one, to date, pointed us something unfair in our criticism.

Unfortunately, among us, there are still many leaders of Spiritist organizations that deliver these works to the public without having at least past their eyes on some pages.


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