The obsession is a labor of love coupled with humility, with logic, with good sense and knowledge. It is an exchange between three souls who come together for a common understanding: the medium, the communicant and clearer medium, with the tutelage of mentors who direct the work. And every meeting is never random. And not just for yourself, because everything depends on the accession of the obsessed. If he does not change his behavior, hardly will free himself.
Obsession is often a process of symbiosis between the obsessive and obsessed, in which they become dependent of each other. But it is the process itself, be the disobsessive work, the first step is to undo the hypnosis of the fixed idea that he is responsible for the obsession. Incidentally, the fixed idea is also the basis for a host of mental illness. Many obsessed people are with psychic disturbance, which confuses health professionals, as well as those responsible for the disobssession. How many schizophrenics are confused with mediums, as well as how many mediums are mistaken for Schizophrenic!
André Luiz, in the book Disobsession, ch. 24, says that in certain cases of disobssession should study whether psychiatric treatment should be indicated as adjunctive therapy. But many spirits, even when aware of it, usually despise psychiatry, thinking that everything is due to obsession.
The enlightening medium should realize what is the immediate interest area of the communicant. Some spirits, participating in disobsession meetings, find it strange how, in most cases, after a few minutes of conversation, the communicators accept arguments and are carried away in the arms of the guards. There is no magic. What happens it is that the communicators were longer or shorter time being watched. So it is given them the opportunity to attend the meeting, directly or indirectly, and find the support and affection that sought.
It also happens that the protester ia a spokesman for a group of people who have the same need, and he answers for them, and so all benefit indirectly. This kind of collective care is as it were the service to a single individual, unless a psychic medium corroborates the fact, because many times the communicator does not know anything about being a spokesperson.
The authority of the enlightening medium is not in his manners, nor in his ideas, nor in his erudition, not in the way he speaks. It's all in his behavior. In view of this, even the most violent obsessors recognizes the moral authority of the enlightening medium. This does not mean that they have, at the meeting, disrespectful attitudes, but they know that in the face of supported moral in the calm conscience any domain can be achieved by them.
There are some spirits who practice evocation as an end or middle in his psychic work, claiming it was the normal practice of Kardec and recommended by him. We do not want to discuss its merits, but we rely on Emmanuel and André Luiz explanations on the need for spontaneity of communications, because we know that all the work is orchestrated by the spirit team and no communication is accidental.
It would be really proud who believed that his talk in attendance is due solely to his initiative and authorship. Now the enlightening mediums do not ignore the need to be attentive to the intuitive field. So it is not hard to see that it is not us talking because we have in these moments lucidity and eloquence that rarely occur outside the work premises. This is one reason why Andre Luiz calls enlightening medium to that previously was called doctrinaire.