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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 490 - November 6, 2016
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Leya Fernandes Reis: 

“I run on music, I cannot
live without it…”

The well-known singer tell us about how she became a
Spiritist and speaks about her efforts to disseminate
Spiritism through music

Leya Fernandes Reys (photo) lives in the Brazilian city of São José dos Campos, in the state of São Paulo, where she works as a volunteer at the Amor e Caridade (Love and Charity) Spiritist Centre. She has a degree in Literature. She is a musician who performs alongside her husband, Paulo Sérgio dos Reis, in Spiritist events and talks across São Paulo

state. In this interview she talks about her work in Spiritism. 

When and how did you become a Spiritist? 

I became a Spiritist in 1991, shortly after my brother Marcos passed away, aged only 28. He had two young children: a boy who was then a year and eight months old and a girl who was 44 days old. I had been raised as a Catholic and could not find an answer for that void, for all that sadness. Nothing then provided an answer to the doubts I had about what had happened and the reason for such an abrupt and violent departure (he died in a car crash on the Rio-São Paulo highway as he returned from work). I had a friend called Paul then, who worked with me and was a Spiritist. He gave me my first Spiritist book, Somos Seis (We are Six), written through the mediumship of Chico Xavier.  Another friend, Décio Nery, who knew Spiritism in depth and was already very active in the Spiritist Movement, told me many beautiful stories about Chico and Spiritism. I laugh now when I remember how careful they were to introduce me to Spiritism. They knew I was a Catholic and must have worked very hard on their patience at the time to comfort me then! 

How about your passion for music? 

I was born with that! My mother says I used to sing since I was very young. She also jokes that it all began because she partied during carnival when she was pregnant with me. When I was 10 years old I was invited to join the Catholic church choir in Eldorado Paulista, where I was brought up. I loved it and was really dedicated to it. After a few years I was invited for the first time to play Veronica in the Easter procession. I had to learn to sing in Latin, in an opera style. I loved to act! I was Veronica for two years, until I moved to the city of São José dos Campos. I was then 15 and I found a way of playing Veronica there too. I still cherish the memories of what acting in the theatre and singing meant to me in that stage of my life. 

Are the songs you sing written through mediumship? 

Almost all of them are. The ones I sing in Spiritist Groups and events are all dictated by the Spirits. They teach us so much. If you close your eyes, lift up your thoughts and think of Jesus, paying attention to the lyrics, you will learn like when you read a good book by a good author. 

How did you begin your musical partnership with your husband? 

It all began when we worked in the same company, Embraer, in São José dos Campos. He was looking for a singer for this band, Carinhoso. I went for an audition and was approved. We played in events, parties etc. The band eventually stopped performing, but our musical partnership didn’t. After all, our agreement was made before we reincarnated, wasn’t it? We played and sang in many fundraising events for the Spiritist Centre we used to attend, Batuíra. I also sang in bars in São Paulo. Paulo always supported and respected me because he knew about my passion and my need to sing, sing and sing. I ran on music, I cannot live without it… 

How do you feel about singing songs of such spiritual relevance? 

It has become clear to me that thanks to God and the Spiritual Benefactors IU was able to find out in good time the reason why I am here, in this incarnation. This gift I have makes sense to me now. Even though I loved singing at events, bars and among friends, I knew that something was missing.  I felt that even though the atmosphere in those places was good and family-like, there was nothing spiritual, relevant or edifying about those songs. There was something missing in that puzzle, and the missing bit finally came up. That puzzle has now been completed.  

How do you feel the public’s reaction? 

I feel a very pleasant and electrifying energy when I perform. There’s something that takes over and make people come to me later and say, looking astounded: “My God, what have you done here? What’s happened?!” I simply say that we were tools in the work of Jesus and of the Spiritual Benefactors who help us. The support, the incentive and dedication I get from those who watch the talks and attend the events give us strength to carry on with this project of taking the gospel of Jesus to other people through music. 

Tell us about the CD you launched. 

Well, we didn’t have any intention of recording that CD. I thought our job was only to spread the gospel through good songs. But then the Spiritual Benefactors told us that there would be a CD. I had many doubts, I thought even that we were being tested by the Benefactors, that that wasn’t a serious project. But they helped us along and we got the authorization of many Spiritist authors to put music to their texts. All the profit has been reverted to the dissemination of Spiritism. So our first CD has been launched, with 12 beautiful Spiritist songs, and we are preparing to launch a second one. The internet has helped us market the CD. You can contact us through Facebook (Espiritismo com Música) or the website, http://espiritismocommusica.com.br/ or via email (espiritismocommusica@uol.com.br).

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