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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 495 - December 11, 2016
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


In defense of the Doctrine

Kardec never defended his own honor. His silence waited for time to show who was innocent. He only reported to himself when the personal attack aimed at denigrating the Doctrine. His defense of Spiritism was vehement and energetic, but always public and respecting opponents.

"This is the doctrine worthy of faith, and I earnestly desire to teach you, that those who have believed in God may learn to exercise themselves in good works. This is what is good and useful for men." (Titus 3: 8)

The moral teaching is at the center of the project of social renewal operated by Spiritism. The whole Doctrine presents moral consequences to us, even in the texts in which the treated subject is material. Because there is a parallel movement between moral and material in which where one thrives, the other conceptualizes.

The Spiritist Doctrine is a sacred deposit. And it must be taught, but the means of transmitting the teachings which it contains consists in a personal edification, so that the one who teaches best does so by his behavior, that is, by his thoughts, words and deeds.

But what it is characteristic of Spiritism is to be a practical philosophy. Everything in the Spirit philosophy has a reason for being and a purpose. If the spirit man has a doctrinal formation, this happens so that it becomes a focus that must guide other men to the practice of the spirit morality. And this practice is nothing more than the exercise of charity, a fact which, according to the apostle Paul, "it is good and useful for men."

"Therefore, brothers, always progressing in the work of the Lord, be steadfast and unshakable, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." (1 Corinthians 15:58)

Christianity demands of its adepts the courage to face adversities with patience and resignation. And in a continuous way, they are always progressing morally. The temptations themselves are seen as opportunities for growth. Therefore, we must persevere "firm and unshakeable" because we know that one day we will reap the rewards and that, no matter how small, no action is devoid of importance for our future.

Kardec gave much emphasis to future sorrows and joys, warning us that we cannot accommodate ourselves because we will be responsible for all the good we fail to do and for all the evil that results from our omission.

But it should not however, do the good by thinking of something in return. True charity is disinterested. Those who act with interest act with selfishness. Now, selfish charity is a counter-claim. It should do the good for the pleasure of doing good, and not thinking of future enjoyment.

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4: 7)

These words of the apostle of the Gentiles could have been in Kardec's mouth at his death. His life was a hymn in praise of human dignity, respect for the men’s rights, respect for sincere beliefs that aim for the good of humanity, and the expansion of efforts for the education of peoples.

Kardec was and continues to be a shepherd of souls for Jesus, since his work has attracted for the good and for the teachings of the Master thousands of transgressed people who, in the sun of Spiritism, are renewed for good and give, as a consequence, a new path to their lives.


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