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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 10 - N° 497 - January 1st, 2017

Johnny Silveira / silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


A Desire To Be Useful

Christmas was fast approaching. School was almost over and Laís anxiously awaited Christmas.

The streets looked beautiful, full of decorations, lights and Christmas carols. Only Santa had not yet arrived with his presents.

Lais had heard her mother say that Christmas is a time of love, of helping people, of greeting strangers, of lovingly embracing family and friends but especially of helping the most needy.

Even though Lais was still very young, she already wanted to be

helpful, to help someone. But what to do? She did not have anything that was really hers. At home, apart from her room with her things inside, everything else was her father's or her mother's. How could she help someone?

One day, Lais was at school thinking about how to help people. She wanted to have more things to share with her classmates but she did not!

Suddenly, Lais saw a bunch of her classmates step out of the classroom and surround her. Soon, that flood of people left after passing by joyfully.

Standing quietly in a corner, Lais watched the agitation of all of them but wanted peace so that she could talk to Jesus!

At that moment, our little Lais saw an older girl crying. She went over and asked:

- Why are you crying?

The girl, still crying, showed Lais her bare feet. Her sandals had fallen off her feet and she was upset.

- I do not know how to put on my shoes! - explained the girl, full of shame.

Lais smiled happily. She had learned from her Mom how to put on shoes and could help her friend! It was her opportunity to help someone.

So she bent down, picked up the girl’s sandals, put one on the girl's foot, and then fastened the buckle. Then she did the same with the other foot.

When she was finished, Lais felt radiant! Paula had stopped crying and smiled happily.

- Thank you, Lais! How did you learn to do that?

Feeling proud, the little girl replied:

- It was my Mom who taught me! But now you know it too!

- That is true!

Paula, smiling, gave her little friend a hug. Then, hand in hand, they went into the yard to play while they waited for their parents to come to pick them up.

Now that they were friends, everything was fine. Christmas itself was looking better and happier.

Paula asked her friend:

- Why did you help me?

Little Lais thought about it for a moment, then replied:

- Because I have learned that we have to help one another!... Jesus taught us that

we are all brothers and sisters and children of God who is our Father! So, not just at  Christmas time but every day of the year we should help each other!...

Paula looked startled at that little girl who was still so young but already had a lot of love in her heart and then hugged her.

- Thanks! You're a special girl! Merry Christmas!...

Paula and Lais hugged each other while they smiled and felt happy because now they were true friends.


(Psychographed by Célia X. de Camargo on 08/12/2014.)


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