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Year 2 - N° 64 – July 13, 2008

AMÉRICO DOMINGOS NUNES FILHO                          
Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil) 
FELIPE DARELLA - felipe.darella@gmail.com


Collective expiations

Before the divine laws all the men are equal. The diversity of instincts and intellectual and moral inborn aptitudes observed result from living, experiences and skills conquered along the time through countless reincarnations. When we badly use the free-will, suppressing the freedom of our fellows, imposing violently our ideas, harming our next one, we are against the natural laws, being considered by the Divine Laws as defendants, bringing the sentence written in our conscience, living intense inner suffering.

In the spiritual domains, remorse comes calling, suffering seems endless, never-ending really; without peace, we long for hope, in the Divine mercy, that allows the remission of our faults. We get on, then, making up for our previous mistakes.

The apostle of Gentiles, Paul, said that the man, in “flesh” (physical existence), since he planted corruption, he will have the chance to get rid of it, being free (Galatians 6:7-8). The infinite love of God allows us the experience of coming back to the road in the same point we had stopped before (“the sowing is free, the harvest, mandatory”). The Psalm 28 of David also has this teaching, as it follows: “Give them according to their deeds, and according to the wickedness of their endeavors: give them after the work of their hands; render to them their desert.” All of this confirmed by the Master: “...and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be” (Revelation 22:12).

Breaking the law, we are conduced to the court of our own conscience, penetrating into the spiritual world as executioners. With the opportunity of reincarnation in the flesh, we return as victims, getting rid of the unpleasant feeling of guilt. The burden has become temporary, according to Jesus: “But I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.” (Matthew 5:26).

The action of the expiation may happen, according to the previous fault. If the bad deed was committed collectively, it means, along with a group of people (“Woe unto the world because of offences! For it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!”- (Matthew 18:7), the solving of debts will happen with the presence of all protagonists involved, process known, in the Spiritist Doctrine, as a collective expiation.  

Clelie Duplantier says that collective
faults must be expiated collectively by
those who committed them before

Social misfortunes involving many victims are related to casual facts by materialists and spiritualists, which characterizes a very poor hypothesis, not to deserve consideration, since the harmony and order of the Universe, as well as the greatness of the galaxies, hint at an intelligent cause. Besides, this sentence by Teófilo Gautier is considered: “Chance is perhaps pseudonym of God when He does not want to sign His own name”.

The in-depth study of Spiritism leads us to understand the casual factors of calamities, opposing to those who disregard the cause, for the lack of good explanations. In “Posthumous Works”, in the chap. entitled “Questions and Problems”, there is a special approach by Kardec and the Spirits as to collective expiations and the entity called Clelie Duplantier says that collective faults must be expiated collectively by those who committed them before. It was also said that all the faults, no matter what they are, follow this same law. As there is the individual expiation, the same is applied when considering deeds performed by more people. By the way, Allan Kardec, in “Genesis”, chapter 18, item 9, says that humanity changes as it has changed in other times; and each transformation is marked by a crisis which is, for mankind, similar to the crises of the growth of individuals.

Duplantier also says that, thanks to Spiritism, the justice of probations is now understood and does not necessarily relate to the current life, because it corresponds to the debts from the past. He, then, says that the same applies to the collective expiations, which are expiated together by the individuals who did it previously, as they say “an eye for an eye”.

It is only the great sorrows, the events of serious
importance and capable of influencing your
moral state, that  is foreordained by God

Tragedies, leading to collective disincarnating, do not happen by chance. In the question 258, from “The Spirits’ Book”, A.K. asks if, before reincarnating, the Spirit is aware of what might happen in his earthly life. The answer: “He chooses for himself the kind of trials which he will undergo, and it is in this freedom of choice that his freewill consists.” Disincarnating, the right moment of death, really is predetermined, as it is written in “The Spirits’ Book”, Q. 853 that goes: “There is nothing fatal, in the true meaning of the word, but the time of death. When that time has come, no matter under what form death presents itself, you cannot escape it. Question 853(a) says: “You will not be allowed to die-and of this you have thousands of examples; but when your hour has come, nothing can save you. God knows beforehand the manner in which each of you will quit your present life and this is often known also to your spirit; for it is revealed to you when you make choice of such and such existence.”  It is also important the remark by A.K., in Q. 738, saying that” Whether our death be the result of a public calamity or of an ordinary cause. We are none the less compelled to go when the hour of our departure has struck: the only difference is that, in the former case, a greater number go away at the same time.”  In Q. 859, the Spirits tell A.K. the true and sole fatality consists in the hour at which you have to appear in, and disappear from, the sphere of corporeal life. In Q. 872, A.K. emphasizes: “It is only in regard to his death that man is placed under the law of an absolute and inexorable fatality; for he can neither evade the decree which has fixed the term of his existence, nor avoid the kind of death which is destined to interrupt its course”.

We should point out that only the great sorrows, the events of serious importance and capable of influencing your moral state, that is foreordained by God, because they will be useful to your purification and instruction. (”The Spirits’ Book”, Q. 859a). However, “He can do so if this seeming deviation is compatible with the life he has chosen. And, in order to do well, which should be, and is, the sole end of life, he may prevent evil, especially that which might contribute to a still greater evil. (”The Spirit’s Book”, Q. 860). 

Therefore, chance does not take part in divine determinations. Our Holy Father loves us unconditionally and provides us the opportunity of spiritual redemption, giving us another chance of paying the debts from the past opposed to His Laws, in various forms, including collectively. Collective expiations, according to “The Spirits’ Book”, question 737, make men advance more quickly. Have we not told you that destruction is necessary to the moral regeneration of spirits, who accomplish a new step of their purification in each new existence? In order to appreciate any process correctly, you must see its results. You judge merely from your personal point of view, and you therefore regard those inflictions as calamities, because of the temporary injury they cause you; but such upsetting are often needed in order to make you reach more quickly a better order of things, and to effect, in a few years, what you would otherwise have taken centuries to accomplish.

The Spirits, according to the immortals, influence
upon our acts and thoughts more than we suppose, 
for it is very often they who direct both

How does the summoning of incarnated ones for the event of a collective disincarnating happen? What is the spiritual explanation for the fact that many people get out of calamities alive, sometimes even by missing the transportation that is about to suffer an accident? The answers are based on the premises that chance cannot provoke intelligent phenomena and the certainty of the Divine Law being flawless, being performed by the Spirits of High Degree.

In Q. 459 from “The Spirits’ Book”, A.K., asking if Spirits influence our thoughts and our actions, obtained the following answer: “Their influence upon them is greater than you suppose, for it is very often they who direct both.”  Therefore, there is definitely an influence, though invisible, of the Spirits upon our acts, suggesting thoughts, “like a voice speaking to you.” (Q. 461). We receive a mental suggestion, our mind working like a radio, according to our line. The questions 526, 527 e 528 of “The Spirits’ Book” are so important for this understanding, since the Spirits, exercising the divine laws, act upon the matter for the accomplishment of the Divine Laws. 

In the production of volunteer facts, entities make use of natural circumstances to create events. If it is time to someone disincarnate and “it was his destiny to look like an accident”, the spirituality may inspire him to go up a broken ladder for him to fall. The Spirits did not break the ladder, though.

In another example, “a man has to die electrocuted by a lightning”. The Spirits inspired him the idea of seeking shelter under a tree that is about to be stroke. The entities did not provoke this lightning, but they knew which tree would be hit.

In another practical teaching, an ill-intentioned person hurls against someone a projectile which passes close by him, but does not touch him. If the individual aimed at were not destined to be struck, a friendly spirit would have suggested to him the thought of turning aside from the path of the missile, or would have acted on his enemy's sight in such a way as to make him take a bad aim; for a projectile, when once impelled on its way, necessarily follows the line of its projection. Important teaching, since many people live and work in dangerous places, mainly in major Brazilian cities, and they will only be victims of stray bullets if they were subjected to.

Question 470 of “The Spirits’ Book”: “No spirit ever receives a mission to do evil; when he does it, he does it of his own will, and, therefore, undergoes the consequences of his wrongdoing. God may let him take his evil way, in order to try you; but He does not command him to do so, and it is for you to repel him.”

The sinking of Titanic was sensed by 
some people, among them, the
English entrepreneur Middleton

Many people who possess abilities in the field of precognition or premonition get to forecast future tragedies. We quote the Irish Zak Martin, describing a place crashing into a skyscraper and being on fire. Six days later, two commercial planes crash into the Twin Towers, in New York. The terrible sinking of Titanic was sensed by some people like the English entrepreneur Middleton who dreamed during two nights in a row with a

ship sinking, surrounded by people and baggage floating. He decided, then, to cancel his trip and his relatives’. A sailor rejected traveling because of a premonition. The American Sylvia Browne, in October 2004, said on a TV program that tourists should avoid traveling to India. Two months later part of the aforementioned country was

hit by a tsunami.

In the Spiritist literature we have some information about the current topic: 1- On December 17, 1961, in Niterói (RJ), happened a tragic tragedy in a circus, related, according to the Spirit Humberto de Campos, as a collective expiation, involving Romans who killed dozens of Christians, in a circus in Lyon, in the year of 177 ("Letters and Chronicles, chap. 6, FEB); 2- The fire of the building

Joelma (picture), in São Paulo, with many casualties, was explained by debts back to the time of the Crusades (“Dialog of the Live Ones", chap. 26); 3- Emmanuel, through the psychographed by Chico Xavier, in the item 250 of the book “The Consoler”, tells us: “In collective probation we verify the summoning of incarnated

Spirits, partners of the same debts, when it comes to their past. The mechanism of justice, in the Law of compensations, works spontaneously, through the teachings of Christ, who summon the partners of the previous debts for common expiations, reason why, many times, people say – painful coincidence – about the circumstances that gather the most different ones in the same accident, which cause them the death of the physical body or the most varied mutilations, in the picture of their individual compromises” and André Luiz, in the chapter 18, of the book “Action and Reaction”, psychographed by Chico Xavier, describes the words of the Spirit Drusus, about an accident occurred with an aircraft, in which 14 people perished. We point out the information that “millions of criminals who commit heinous crimes against the Divine Laws have not yet been charged of them”.

May we be sure that the love of God is immense and there is a spiritual reason for the tragedies everybody dreads. And, there is no thing such chance. Holy Father provides his children his Eternal Mercy.

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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism