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Year 2 - N° 84 – November 30, 2008

Guanhães, Minas Gerais (Brazil)
FELIPE DARELLA - felipe.darella@gmail.com

Pregnancy of Spirits

In a meeting of studies, in our Spiritist Center, someone asked us the following: could Spirits get pregnant? And we said: as far as we know, they can’t. He said, then: but there is this Spiritist book, he said the title, which talks about that. I didn’t know, I said, however, we’ll study it, since we can’t talk about what we don’t know.

We went then to look at the book Countless Homes,  which  we

transcribe an excerpt. It’s a specific part of the dialog between Dr. Inácio Ferreira and Odilon Fernandes, both disincarnated already. We start off with Dr. Inácio:

- With so much greatness over our heads and we insisting on looking at what we have under our feet... Even if I try, I can’t understand those who leave the body and keep in the same… It was not supposed that, on the Other Side, we had hospitals, expiation valleys or dark regions. Not even these brothers with problems of deformity in their spiritual body, at the point that they need to be reborn here, with the aim of reacquiring the human shape, before another dive into the flesh.

- This is a subject that transcends, Inácio, and about what, unfortunately, we shouldn’t go further with our incarnated companions that, in fact, are still reluctant to accept Reincarnation as it is... They wouldn’t understand the perispiritual “pregnancy” in the dark regions, where beings that suffer from abnormalities need a rebirth as a therapeutic resource. We let that the seed of idea blossoms naturally. If one can “die” here, why not being born again?...

- Or being born, isn’t it?

- Yes, or being born, because, if the High Spirits told Allan Kardec that in Nature nothing comes out of nothing, how can we explain, for example, without elements of transition in our Plan, the first human incarnation of the spiritual principle? The human body is not apt to receive primary entities, without its perispiritual organism had, before, humanized its shape. The first births happen here!... But, I repeat, maybe this is too much for the mind of those who couldn’t, by themselves, conceive such a reality. This subject has generated controversies, and we can’t compromise the task that, despite the odds, has produced fruits of quality.

- Maybe I went over the top...

(BACCELLI, 2003, pp. 59-60). (Our highlight)

Well, there’s no doubt about what the confrere told us about having a book on this subject. But it’s up to us to verify if we find support for that in the basic works of the Compilation, once that, as Kardec said, the opinion of a Spirit is nothing but his opinion and we can’t base our doctrine on one single opinion.

Initially, let’s see what we have in The Spirits’ Book, to Kardec’s question if Spirits had sex, the answer of the Spirits was: “Not as you understand sex; for sex, in that sense, depends on the corporeal organization. Love and sympathy exist among them, but founded on similarity of sentiments.” (q. 200, p. 134). According to this answer, Spirits don’t have sex, since they don’t have bodies. If there’s no sex, how could that be a sexual relation for the consequent fertilization of the ovum by the spermatozoid? Besides, where would the fertilized gamete be?

Further on, when the subject is the evolution of the intelligent principle, specifically at the moment that it comes out of the animal kingdom to stage in the human kingdom, Kardec asks (607b) the Spirits if the period of humanization starts on Earth. They say that “the earth is not the starting-point of the earliest phase of human incarnation; the human period commences, in general, in worlds still lower than yours.” (p. 300).

Coming from the animal kingdom, obviously, with a perispirit suitable for that kingdom, it, the intelligent principle, is not connected to a human body like ours, but to one closer to it, adapted to the conditions of primitive planets. This human body, so close to the animals’, doesn’t offer any sort of difficulty of adaptation to this new evolutional stage in which it’s going through. Certainly it doesn’t happen overnight, but in thousand of hundreds of years without being a solution of continuity: “everything is chained together in Nature”. This is what happened on Earth, when it still was a primitive planet, with the beings that we descend from, who looked more like animals than human beings that we are today. Kardec tells his considerations about the hypothesis of the origin of the human body, saying that “as there are no sudden transitions in Nature, it is probable that the first men appearing on Earth have differed little from monkeys in exterior form, and probably no more in intelligence.” (Genesis, p. 213).

In Heaven and Hell, chapter II, of the second part, when the accounts about the Happy Spirits, we find the assertive that “Spirits don’t reproduce” and that “Spirits can’t have sex”. Kardec explains: “It has always been asserted by Spirits that they are of no sex, because the sexes are only needed for the reproduction of bodies, and as Spirits do not reproduce themselves, sex would be useless to them.” (p. 183). Thus, it’s clear that Spirits don’t reproduce themselves, therefore, one can’t talk about pregnancy of Spirits, what happens, then, is the perispiritual pregnancy.

Again, we find Kardec talking about the subject, now in the Revue Spirite:

The souls or Spirits do not have sex. The affections that unite them are not that of the flesh and, because of that, they last longer, once they are founded upon a real empathy, and not subordinated to the vicissitudes of the matter.


Sexes exist only in the organism; they are necessary to the reproduction of material beings; but the Spirits, being God’s creation, don’t reproduce themselves, and that’s why sexes would be useless in the Spirit-world. (Revue Spirite 1866, p. 3). (Our highlight).

This last paragraph summarizes all that we look for in the Compilation, we didn’t need anything else, and however, we are going on with our research.

Let’s now fall back on the Spirit André Luiz, under the psychography by Chico Xavier, to explain even more the subject. He talks about a situation where it’s necessary to recompose the human spiritual shape, as we can read when he talks about monodeism:

It happens to him the monodeism by which the other desires fade away in his inner self.

By the occlusion of other stimulus, the organs of the spiritual body either retract or degenerate, for the absence of function, and they turn, instinctively, to the core of the mental government, where they are located, hidden and atrophied, in the fulcrum of thoughts in closed circuit upon itself, such as the potential implements of the living germen in the walls of an egg.

In such circumstances, if monodeism is only revertible through reincarnation...


In this period, we normally state that the disincarnated lost his spiritual body, becoming an ovoid body, what happens, by the way, to countless disincarnated ones, in situation of unbalance... (XAVIER, 1987, pp. 90-91). (Our highlight).

Therefore, some Spirits lose the perispiritual human shape to turn into ovoid. Could they reincarnate in such conditions? Would they have necessity to get to their human shape again? After all, what will happen in this situation? Let’s follow André Luiz who, further on, talks about the necessity of reincarnation, on an overall form:

CORPOREAL FORM - However, just like the germen to develop in the egg it needs the heat of the bird which shelters it like a mother or proper thermal environment, as if in an incubator, and just like the seed, to release the germinating principles of the gigantic vegetable in which it will become, doesn’t prescind from the tepid berth in the soil, the disincarnated Spirits, thirsty for reintegration in the physical world, they need the genesic vase of the woman that tunes well with them, in the lines of affinity and, consequently, inheritance, vase in which they get together, mechanically, and where, according to the laws of reincarnation, operate in some days all the occurrences of their evolution on the inferior kingdoms of Nature.

Assimilating organic resources with the help of the female cell, fertilized and fundamentally marked by the father’s genes, the mind elaborates, by itself, a new physio-pyschosomatic vehicle, attracting to its hidden moulds the physical cells to reproduce through karyokinesis, along with the conformity that is imposed upon them, it means, reflecting the conditions in which it, the disincarnated mind, finds itself.

This way is formed, with a new corporeal form, a new vehicle for the Spirit, that is remade or reconstituted in recent formation, interlaced with subtle cells, and this vehicle will also evolve after berth and will keep living after tomb. (XAVIER, 1987, pp. 91-92). (Our highlight)

He clarifies the question that the Spirit has to comply with the Law of Reincarnation, entering again into a female body, via fertilized ovum, to follow its normal course of reincarnation process. And, in special, for the cases of Spirits ovoid-shaped he says:

Categorically inferior Spirits, most of times, suffering from monodeism, enter into a fluidic symbiosis with the female organizations they are linked to, experiencing the languishing of the spiritual body or the phenomenon called as “ovoidization”, being helplessly attracted to the uterus vase, in suitable circumstances, for the reincarnation that shows upon themselves, in moulds entirely dependent on heredity, as to what happens to the seed, which, after being away from the dry fruit, germinates in the soil, according to the organogenic principles it obeys, as soon as it finds the right environment. (XAVIER, 1987, pp. 152-153). (Our highlight).

That’s how, even in this case, there’s the necessity of the connection of the Spirit ovoid-shaped to the ovum already fertilized, with no other procedure but spiritual reduction. Interesting is that for the reincarnating, the act of “limiting the spiritual body” is linking to to the ovum. Curious is that the process of perispiritual reduction for reincarnation is very similar to the ovoidization by mental fixation of the Spirit, still attached to inferior feelings, from which, it seems like, he doesn’t want to get rid of.

We can go even further, with this information brought to us by the Spirit Adamastor:

The ovoidization is one of the most pungent illnesses that the Spirit may come down with after death. It consists of the loss of active consciousness, when the inner self is completely fallen apart, due to unbearable sufferings, turning to itself, nullifying itself and losing all sense of reality. The conscious activity of the souls gets into lethargy, hiding in the layers of unconsciousness. The continual thought is, losing its conduction, and the perispiritual structure is completely marred, losing its human shape, acquiring the shape of an egg, whose dimensions are about the same of a child skull. The process is similar to the bacteria that convert into a cyst in difficult times of life, waiting for new opportunities to come back to their regular activity. The ovoidization has no cure in the Spirit-world, being one of the most serious illnesses of our world, and only through expiatory reincarnations can it be reverted, when the Spirit finds himself in a new environment of manifestation and can rebuild the metabolism of his consciousness. Many reincarnations, though, are consumed in frustrating attempts, in a way that the waste of time is enormous for these unhappy beings. Many retreat to such primary conditions of life that they need to reincarnate among primitive peoples, so that they can bear this serious condition, with no explanation for human Biology. [...] (FREIRE, 2002, p. 28). (Our highlight).

We also add to this research, the considerations of the Spiritist writer Eurípides Khül, in his study of the chapter XII – Soul and disincarnating, of the book Evolution in Two Worlds. Let’s read:

5) What are ovoid and what’s their origin in the existence of the spiritual world?

R – Ovoid are Spirits that, still in a primitive stage of evolution, take on the shape of an egg, after disincarnating, due to their incapability to adapt to their new place, now in the Spirit-world. The single idea, only one, self-hypnotizing, of being born again in the flesh, keeps its psyche connected to the corporeal life and magnetizes its mind, repressing other stimulus to the organs of the spiritual body, that retract and degenerate, for the lack of function. They turn, then, these organs, to the mind, where they are dominated by thought. Their cells are degenerated by the only idea of coming back to a physical body. It’s a similar process to the reduction of the perispirit for the sake of reincarnation. While this situation happens, the Spirit loses its human shape, becoming an ovoid. The egg shape is explained for being the birth of many other beings, including the man himself, who has his physical body created in the mother’s ovum. That’s why the minds of those Spirits, attached to the idea of being born again for the physical life, they create the ovoid form.

They remain like this until another reincarnation opportunity arises. Once this process is begun, they assimilate new organic resources, being helped by the parents’ cells. Its mind starts to elaborate the new physiologic vehicle, in moulds whose orientation imposes. It is created, this way, a new corporeal form, a new physical body, which rebuilds and reconstitutes the perispirit, reacquiring the human form.

André Luiz compares these creatures to some bacteria that, away from their environment, become insensible to cold and heat, remaining still for long stretches of time, but get into activity as soon as they find themselves in a suitable environment again.

6) How is created the new corporeal form in which the reincarnating Spirit will have?

R – For the reincarnation process that will release him from the ovoid form, the reincarnating Spirit needs the genesic organism of the future mother, with whom he has affinity and from whom he will inherit physical characteristics, to assimilate organic resources through the female cell, fertilized by the father genes. His mind, then, elaborates, by itself, new physio-pyschosomatic vehicle, attracting physical cells that reproduce according to what is imposed upon him and his evolutional state. It is created, then, the new corporeal form, which will affect the perispirit, through subtle cells, promoting alterations in the spiritual body since his rebirth and will live on after the tomb.

(Source: http://www.cvdee.org.br/est_nltexto.asp?id=08&cap=12). (Our highlight).

Therefore, we have here, according to this author, that reincarnation is necessary for the Spirit to have its human form again.

To Dr. Inácio’s question: “Are children born here?” André Luiz answered: “Of course...” (BACCELLI, 2002, p. 215), there’s no doubt that pregnancy is something real. However, from this study, we conclude that perispiritual pregnancy of Spirits, according to our idea on Earth, is not possible, since the laws in the Spirit-world are others. By the way, if it occurred, just at a perispiritual level, since the body of the Spirit, in the spiritual dimension, is the perispirit. Obviously, this is also a personal opinion; our objective is not to make you take our opinion as the rule, just to provoke a reflection about the subject, to find a way to solve the question raised. And we want to say we are against nobody, just analyzing opinions, what will certainly happen to us as we speak. 



KARDEC, A. The Spirits’ Book, Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1995.

KARDEC, A. Heaven and Hell, Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1995.

KARDEC, A. Genesis, Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1995.

KARDEC, A. Revue Spirite 1866, Araras - SP: IDE, 1993.

XAVIER, F. C. Evolution in Two Worlds, Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1987.

BACCELLI, C. A. Countless Homes, Uberaba – MG: LEEPP, 2003.

BACCELLI, C. A. Next Dimension, Uberaba – MG: LEEPP, 2002

FREIRE, G. T. Icarus redeemed: Santos Dumont’s life in the Spirit-World, Belo Horizonte: Ediame, 2002. 

The author is one of the responsible for the site http://www.apologiaespirita.org/ 

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