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Year 2 - N° 92 - February 1, 2009

Recife, Pernambuco (Brasil) 
Mani Fagundes dos Santos - manifagundes@yahoo.co.nz


Aetiologies of the
panic disorder

The panic disorder is a very afflicting disease, but its prognosis is
not so bad then, as the medical literature shows impressive
results and motivating recovery

Panic disorder is a syndrome characterized by the occurrence of recurrent panic attacks typically unpredictable and spontaneous. These are distinct episodes of fear or anxiety, which lead to several related somatic symptoms such as palpitations and sweating. They are so painful for individuals who have it as they feel they are dying. Its aetiology, however, still remains unknown to conventional medicine. 

In spite of that studies of the human genome have identified suggestive risk loci at 1q, 7p15, 10q, 11p and 13q.However,it is unclear how the autonomic nervous system in this syndrome      exhibits      an      increased

sympathetic tone (this is a system of "alert" that creates many changes in the body), adapts itself more slowly to repeated stimuli (the interesting thing is that it adapts itself faster in half) and responds excessively to moderate stimuli (ideally it would have a balance). This implies that, certainly, these patients have an exaggerated sensitivity to somatic symptoms, and this triggers a state of increased vigilance that precipitated the attacks. We know, too, that the brain stem (composed of the mesencephalon (or midbrain), the medulla and the bridge), the limbic system and pre-frontal cortex are the most important, in the scope of the central nervous system in the genesis of panic. Speaking on Neuroendocrine terms, one can see that, among other abnormalities, at least three neurotransmitter systems are involved: a norepinephrine, serotonin and Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA). Recently, through research with brain imaging, such as emission tomography for positrons, it is perceived that the attacks of panic are associated with cerebral vasoconstriction. 

So far, however, we only showed somatic aetiologies. However, these causes can be called, how I often do, cause-consequence, of causes-instrument or causes-environment, as it does not manage to solve the fundamental problem from the beginning, when explaining the reasons why from the moment that the phenomena started. We must therefore take into account the psychosocial factors.

Fear is a major motivating force of
human conduct, because it is a factor
 of life preservation

Noting, therefore, the cognitive-behavioural theories, we would see that, according to the classical conditioning, a noxious stimulus that occurs with a neutral stimulus could result in the avoidance of the second. Although these theories they are good to explain the severity of the panic attacks, like the biological causes mentioned above, they can not answer the following question: Why is there a first panic attack? 

Thus, it is necessary to understand the specific psychological causes. In this perspective fear and anxiety are the main figures in the aetiology. And, although they are quite similar, they possess features that distinguish them. 

Fear is a major motivating force of human conduct. This is because it is a factor for preserving life, defence and protection, which is the increase in the instinct of self-defence, conservation. Thus, when well run, fear turns into prudence and balance, helping in decision-making, at least at the beginning of the evolutionary journey. When, however, disproportionate, it becomes psychopathological expressions in the form of a panic disorder, for example. 

Anxiety, on the other hand, although its definition to be very difficult, even for Etymological issues, is a distressing emotional state characterized by unpleasant feelings of anticipation of an imminent danger. It is not known, however, why. Before, is a state of general anxiety in anticipation of suffering, which has no obvious reason. 

Aside from these two forces, another entity should be highlighted: guilt. That's because it is closely linked to the genesis of both. Guilt generates fear, by various processes, and these, when thrown to the deep unconscious, could bring up anxiety, when tangible manifestations appear. 

It is the immortal spirit that, according to Spiritism,
the origin of all distressing process,
especially in psychopathology

This triad: guilt-fear-anxiety, may have their origins in childhood, as Sigmund Freud pointed out, through wrong educational processes, for example, that instil fear based on a threatening bringing up based on trade and rewards; or that generate parents projections on their children, based on educating children as if they were a continuation of the parents, forming guilt in them if they do not do what is expected from them. Guilt can also be created by a loss in this period, whether physical, especially the death of parents, geographic, especially by divorce, or sentimental, when the parents deprive the children of their companies, making with them emotional trade, buying with the money they earn at the lack of family living. And in individuals that are more emotionally fragile, the vulnerable condition of the planet, which is subject to many natural shocks, can generate uncontrolled states, and therefore psychopathological disorders. Emphasised by the garbage news media that exalt the freak and the grotesque. 

At this point, however, reflection on the essential human nature is needed, and thus it is imperative to reformulate the concepts brought by compendiums that are intended for the study of the psyche, adding them the words spirit and perispirit. When this happens, many insoluble problems attain solutions. Since it is the immortal spirit, which is the origin of all distressing process, especially in psychopathologies. Is Valuable, therefore, to remember the words of the eminent Allan Kardec: "taking into account only the ponderable material element, Medicine, in assessing the facts, deprives itself of a constant cause of action. With knowledge of perispirit is the key to many insoluble problems of today "(*). 

Thus, admitting the existence of the spirit and the ethereal envelope around it, it is easy, to deduct the reencarnatory reality of it. At this point, it is understood that the triad (guilt-fear-anxiety), also may have its origin in spiritual frame, as the panic disorder is rooted in being who disregarded the laws of God, and, because these are imprinted in the consciousness of the individual, even if human justice can not observe the offence, the offender himself keeps this triad on their psychic webs. 

The sum of educational processes and wrong
experiences in various previous reincarnations
contribute trigger the panic

Thus, because the individual was unpunished in his/her past life, he/she reincarnates following an intimate view of a need to get rid of the guilt, with a physiological predisposition, imprinting in the genes the necessity of repairing the crime. This guilt, although not identifiable with an obvious cause in the present life, generates terrible anguish that the individual has a tendency of self-punishment, as a frustrating way to get rid of it. Moreover, it brings the fear of being identified. When this fear is bombarded in to the deep unconscious, in an attempt to be forgotten, it generates the motivating somatic manifestations of anxiety. Moreover, the very sum of educational processes and wrong experiences in various previous reincarnations contribute to onset the panic.  

A similar state opens the individual’s psychological barriers to the interventions of disincarnate spirits. Therefore, when the obsession is installed, the victim will be bombarded by a parasite exchange, with terrifying images of clichés that are set up to become alive and menacing. These images, in turn, can be obtained by spiritual entities, from the depths of the offender’s unconsciousness, when he/she fits the description on the previous paragraph, or even do not have deep respect for the mistakes of the past, the obsessing spirits send these images and the ones that are obsessed accept them. It is indeed a mix of these situations. 

Thus, without a shadow of a doubt, as you can see, the panic disorder is a very afflicting disease. Fortunately, its prognosis is not so bad so. The data of the medical literature shows impressive results and motivating recovery. And if they only take into account the benefits of drugs and psychotherapy, what about the possibilities of the association of these treatments with spiritual therapy? 


1. Kaplan, Harold I. Sadock, Benjamin J. GREBB, Jack A. trad. Dayse Batista. Compendium of Psychiatry: behavioral sciences and clinical psychiatry. 7. Ed. 6th reprint. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 1997, Capt.. 16.2, p.553-562.

2. Harrison internal medicine. Editor Dennis L. Kasper ...
[et al.]. 16. ed. Rio de Janeiro: McGraw-Hill Interamericana do Brasil Ltda., 2006, Capt.. 371, p.2672-2674.

3. Moore, Burness E. Fine, Bernard D. Psychoanalytic terms and concepts.
3. ed. Porto Alegre: Artes Medical, 1992, p.17-18. 3. Grünspun, H. Neurotic disorders in children - and Psychodynamic Psychopathology. 1. Ed. capt.15, p.455-456.

4. Machado, A. Functional neuroanatomy. 2. ed. São Paulo: Editora Atheneu, 2005, Cap.20, 27, 28, p.195, 270-271, 277.

5. Franco, P. Divaldo Love, unbeatable love. Spirit by Joanna de Angelis. 2. Ed. Bahia: LEAL Publisher, 1998, capt.10, p.195-198.

6. Franco, P. Divaldo Autodescobrimento - a search inside.
Spirit by Joanna de Angelis. 11. Ed. Bahia: LEAL Publisher, 1995, capt.9, p.117-120.

7. Franco, P. Divaldo Existential conflicts. Spirit by Joanna de Angelis. 1. Ed. Bahia: LEAL Publisher, 2005, capt.4, 6, 8, p.49-62, 73-82, 97-106.

8. Kardec, Allan. The Spirits' Book.
76. ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, questions 459 and 621. (The order of service).

9. Kardec, Allan. The Mediums' book.
62. ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, Part II, capt.I, paragraph 54, p.78. (*)


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