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Year 2 - N° 96 – March 1, 2009


Emerson Gadelha Lacerda - emerson.gadelha@gmail.com


A reason to live
with happiness

In the interview Divaldo Franco conceded to Ana Maria Braga in her daily show on Globo TV, she got surprised with the medium’s joviality who has passed the age of 80 as we know.
What’s the secret to that joviality? Divaldo says: “Happiness for living”, adding then that the Spiritism has clarified all the questions regarding the psychological aims and purposes of our existence on Earth.

Possibly, it is right in the fact of clarifying ours questions where resides the reason by which the Spiritist Doctrine enchants adults that have discovered it after following other belief.

The same was said by a man who visited a Spiritist meeting for the first time, after losing his youngest child in very sad circumstances. By studying the Doctrine, knowing better all details and mysteries of life, he also says that the Spiritism answered all the questions that not even an entire life dedicated to Catholicism could do.

Last week, in the Editorial, the main theme was the extreme distance that exists between the world we know and the one dreamt by the French revolutionaries, world where Fraternity, Equality and Liberty will rule some day.

The inevitable question is: why is this day so distant?

As observed by Kardec in regard to this theme, it’s all about the absence of Fraternity on Earth, which might appear in some situations or groups but still constitutes a distant ideal for all different societies of this planet, with heterogeneous cultures and a very strong nationalist feeling that divides instead of uniting human beings.

Showing with clarity what our true intentions in this existence on Earth are and which goals that the human spirit has in its long evolving process, the Spiritism can be more of a help on this union much necessary these days since it forms the foundation for the ideal of Fraternity, that is, the fact of being all brothers and sisters under the same Father and heading the same aim.

Last week, a subject that seems to be trivial was discussed in this magazine: the authenticity of the phrase “The best charity we can do for the Spiritism is its divulgation”, which many people believe that was said by Emmanuel who was Chico Xavier’s spiritual mentor.

Suscitated by a magazine reader, the theme received the following comment from our collaborator Leonardo Machado: “In regard to Cláudio Luis Mota da Silva e-mail, published on the 94th edition, I know a similar phrase by Emmanuel, with other peculiarities though. I transcribe the context in which it is: ‘Remember them, almost mad from suffering, and work so that the Spiritist Doctrine offer them an opportune help. Thus, we shall study Allan Kardec, under the clarity of Jesus Christ message and, by example or attitude, in the action or in a word, we must recall that the Spiritism ask us a permanent kind of charity – the charity of its divulgation. This context is in the book Study and Live from Emmanuel/André Luiz by Chico Xavier/Waldo Vieira, chapter 40, message entitled ‘Opportune help’, edited by FEB.”

According to what is said by the confrere, it is explained the origin of that well-known phrase which actually was not written in such way by Emmanuel.

To divultage the Spiritism does not mean to practice charity towards it. No. To divulgate the Spiritism means to assist people so that, as Divaldo observed, they can eliminate all doubts about their psychological aims and purposes of their existences on this planet. By doing so, we will contribute to turn the ideal of Fraternity into reality in world we live in.


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism