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Year 3 - N° 118 – August 2, 2009

Londrina, Paraná (Brasil)
Alcíone Fagundes dos Santos - alcionefagundes1@gmail.com


The advent of the world of regeneration

The transition from Earth to the world of regeneration has begun, but unfortunately, it is far from its conclusion    

Confreres from here and there have been, probably well intentioned, but wrong for sure, advertising for the year 2057 the advent of the world of regeneration. The subject matter seemed to be buried, but recently returned to scene in Londrina, which leads us to address the topic in a more clear way.

Conditions of the world where we live – It isn’t necessary to study at University to realise that evil and its derivatives reign sovereign in our world, where war, corruption, inequality, violence, social inequality and injustice occur in all continents, and not only in a few places. 

In 1948, year when he wrote the book "Voltei," psychographic by Francisco Cândido Xavier, Frederico Figner - that used the pseudonym: Brother Jacob - brought us the information that more than half the of Earth population, in that time, was compost by barbarians or semi civilized spirits and that only 30 % of the population of the globe had a superior spirituality. (See the book "Voltei," by Brother Jacob, FEB, 7 th edition,  pp.


In 1949, in the book "Liberation," cap. VI, pp. 79 and 80, André Luiz sent us other information that corroborates the data of the book above. In a time when he was in a spiritual city located in a region of darkness, Gúbio told him that, at certain times of the night, ¾ (three quarters) of the population of the crust was found in areas of contact with spirits and more people remained held in circles of inferior vibration like that. "This way - said Gúbio -, often painful drama started  in  that  area  to  develop  later  in  the fields of

matter. Big crimes had theirs sources in these sites, and if active work of guardian’s spirits that reveal to men in sacrificial charity labour and perseverant education, under the aegis of Christ, did not exist, creatures would be numbed by tragic events." 

Well, it is the same situation that we have now, almost 60 years later, in today's world: a world in a state of upheaval in which probably we have never seen all together, as today, that amount of ideological, social, political and economic problems. Conflicts in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq, disagreements between religious nature of Islam and Vatican; violence and terrorist actions that panic who live in big cities so-called First World as London, Paris, Madrid and New York, crowds of hungry people in Africa, widespread unemployment in almost all countries of the world, expansion of activities of drug trafficking and organized crime, corruption uncontrollable about everywhere, especially in Brazil, where it branched by the three spheres of power, Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. 

Factors necessary to bring planet Earth to a new level - Elevation of planet Earth from trials and expiation world to world of regeneration requires that occurs in our sphere a number of moral transformation that we are very far at the present moment. The advent of the world of regeneration does not happen nor completes itself in a short period of time. Of course that transition of Earth to the world of regeneration has begun. This fact is not discussed, since there is lots of information that confirms this fact on “Spiritist Magazine”. The misunderstanding is to date, or to set a time when this process will be completed. 

We cannot, either, ignore the fact that statistics released by the Church reports that only  - 1 / 3 (one third) of the world's population professes Christianity that included Catholics, Protestants and followers of all Christian religions. The other inhabitants of the planet  - 2 / 3 of the population, meaning, more than 4 billion people – do not even know the Gospel of the kingdom, that is essential for significant elevation of the planet to the condition of regeneration world.

The question of the day - Who has read the Gospels knows that Jesus, referring to that subject, said: " No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."(Matthew, 24:36). What is known, said the Master, is that when that time comes, the Gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world (Matthew, 24:14). 

Commenting on this passage from the prophetic sermon, Kardec said: "When these things will happen? Nobody knows, Jesus said, not even the Son. But when the time comes, precursors signs will warn men. Such evidence, however, will not be on the sun, neither the stars, they will be shown in social state and that will be more evident in moral than physical phenomena and, in part, that might be deduce from their allusions”. (The Genesis, ch. XVII, item 57.)

Among the scholars of Spiritism, the majority acknowledges, as Suely Caldas Schubert, that the conclusion of transition referred in the Gospel and Spiritism will not happen before a millennium. That was also said by Suely Luis Claudio Galhardo in interview carried in the air by TV Tropical on 23-9-2006 when, alluding to the transformation of the Earth, she said: "That will happen for sure, but it must take at least one thousand years. "

The three mistakes of the advertising idea – In order to not have doubts on this article, the reader should understand that we also admit that the transition of Earth, from trials and expiation world to world of regeneration, has already started. What we want to show is that, although begun, this transition is, unfortunately, far from its conclusion. 

Establish a date when it will happen, as the year 2057, is a mistake, that stems from three misconceptions: 

1st Mistake – The ones who defends this idea, believe in supposedly forecasts made by spirits, but we know that: 

I. Good spirits "allow that future things are presented, when that presentiment suits, never, however, with determined dates”. The prediction of any event for a given time is evidence of mystification." (The Book of Mediums, item 267, 8th paragraph, p. 334.) 

II. Emmanuel himself, who gave such information, states categorically in his book "Emmanuel": "The beings of my planet do not know the future, nor can they interfere in things that belong to them." (Emmanuel, cap. XXXIII, Feb, 7th edition, pp. 166.)

Moreover, regarding the forecast given to Emmanuel, Carlos A. Baccelli said in his book "Chico Xavier - The Reincarnation of Allan Kardec," pp. 186: "Perhaps what has occurred is an error of review in the work cited. By the state of things, Earth will take longer to become the world of regeneration that we all dream about. " Baccelli

reproduces with these words the thoughts of the Dr. Inácio Ferreira, who said in the book "Speak, Mr. Inácio Ferreira," pp. 38 and 39, that for a long time Earth will still be a world of trials and expiation. They asked: "Will this transformation occur in this millennium". "We hope so," Inácio said. 

2nd Mistake – To imagine that conversion of a planet is made by expulsion of inferior spirits. Of course that expulsion could happen, but that would be a small number of spirits, as Emmanuel addressed when concerns “The Exiled of Chapel”. 

According to what Emmanuel wrote in his book "The Path of Light" (pages 34 to 37), from many millennia of the orbs of Chapel - a great star located in the constellation of Auriga - reached the culmination of one of its evolution cycles. Some millions of rebel spirits existed there, on the way of general development, making progress more difficult, and they were relocated on Earth, reincarnating here as descendants of  "primate". The reader should note this fact: millions of rebel spirits, which is a tiny number compared with the billions of souls who live on a planet like ours. 

It is exactly that what Kardec teaches us, as we read in the “Journal of Spiritist” 1866, pp. 302-305: 

·        When arrives one of its periods of transformation, Earth will ascend in the hierarchy of worlds.

·        Earth will not be transformed by a cataclysm, which will destroy suddenly a generation.

·        One of the distinctive properties of the new generation will be the innate faith, reasoned faith, which clarifies and strengthens, and also unites all of us in a shared sense of love for God and for our neighbour.

·        The current generation will disappear gradually and the new one will succeed it, and nothing will be changed in the natural order of things, with one difference: one part of spirits who are incarnated will not reincarnate there anymore.  

·          This exclusion will reach only the spirits fundamentally rebels, who the pride and selfishness, rather than ignorance, make them deaf to the voice of good and right.  

3rd Mistake – To ignore what is really a world of regeneration, which as the name says, is not for expiation, it is in fact a place of transition, of rest, where spirits are preparing for new attacks, as shown in the following text, set of "The Gospel according to Spiritism", cap. III, item 17: "The worlds of regeneration serve as transition between the worlds of expiation the happy worlds. The penitent soul finds there the calm and rest to purify themselves. Undoubtedly, in such worlds man is still subject to the laws that governs matter, humanity still experience feelings and desires, but they are released of disorderly passions that their are slaves, they are free of pride that silence the heart, from envy that torture, from hatred that suffocate. On all fronts, it is written the word love, perfect equity places the social relations, everybody recognize God and try to walk to him, fulfilling His laws”.  

We can recall crimes and malpractice charged by the inhabitants of the earth only in the last 100 years - the communist revolution with its millions of dead, the world wars of 1914 and 1939, Vietnam war, war in Korea, the two wars in Iraq, conflicts between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, confusions between Arabs and Jews in Palestine, terrorist acts of recent years - and we can see that inhabitants of this planet, not just a minority, have much to atone, to repair and to fix, and is exactly that what hinders and delays the transition, making impossible to fix a date, as Jesus made clear in the known prophetic sermon.



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