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Year 3 - N° 119 – August 9, 2009

Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Alcíone Fagundes dos Santos - alcionefagundes1@gmail.com


Discernment and good sense 

 Spiritists must always reflect on what they read,
do and how they do, and their criterion of discernment
and good sense must be based on logic


There are some vocabularies that can never be missing in spiritist practice. A person without discernment is someone who acts unadvisedly, without reflection, discernment is exactly a preliminary assessment of facts and circumstances, prudence in action, reflecting early. Good sense is the ability to discern, to judge, to use reason.


As spiritists we are always invited to reflect on what we read, what we do, and how we do. The criterion of discernment and good sense must be based on logic, but especially linked to well being of everyone. This requires attention, maturity, knowledge.

Allan Kardec, the encoder of the Spiritist Doctrine, is recognized by spiritists as “the reincarnated good sense ", because of his great ability of reflected analysis - which he showed in his writings - in face of phenomena that he had the opportunity to witness and study. The personal acceptance of reality of events was dependent of this characteristic of his personality that was used to consider and do careful analysis of facts, situation and news that life presented to him. It is interesting to consider this aspect of the personality of the teacher Rivail, because the detail was of utmost importance in the organization of the doctrinal body of Spiritism, because he submitted everything to prior analysis of reason, of logic and good sense.


Seeing the phenomena presented by the manifestations of spirits, Allan Kardec studied and subjected them to rigorous scientific method of observation, opting for the publication of what became known as the "universality of teaching", i.e., the teachings were the same, even though received by mediums unknown to each other, from different parts of the planet, and had concordance among themselves. That is a remarkable fact, because this concordance is what gives us assurance of these teachings.


Superior spirits want that we exercise our judgment
 to discern true from false

From these reflections, we can highlight important words harvested in the Spiritist Magazine (1): "We know that spirits are far from possessing the sovereign science and that they can be wrong, and that sometimes they emit their own ideas, fair or false, and that superior spirits want that we exercise our judgment to discern true from false, what is rational from what is illogical. This is why we do not accept anything with our eyes closed. This way, there would be no education without useful discussion. But, how can we discuss communications with mediums that do not support a little controversy, that are upset with a critical observation with a simple observation, and they think is bad that we do not  applause, even those gross scientific heresies manifestations? This claim would be removed if what they write were product of their intelligence; it is ridiculous since they are no more than passive instruments, they are similar to an actor that would be overshadowed, if we think that verses that he/she recites are bad. His/her own spirit can not be upset with a critical that is not direct to him/her; so it is the communicator that is hurt and transmits to medium this feeling. That is why the spirit betrays his/her influence, because he/she wants to impose his/her ideas by blind faith and not by reasoning or which is the same, he/she is the only one that wants to express his/her thoughts. As a result the medium that is in that situation is under the empire of a spirit that deserves little trust, since he/she shows more proud than knowledge. So, we know that the spirits from that category generally exclude their mediums from spiritists centers that do not accepted them without condition.

This bad behaviour, in mediums is a major obstacle to study. If we only searched the effect, this would be unimportant, but as we seek for instruction as well, we must discuss, even with the risk to offend mediums. (...) In their eyes, obsessed are those that do not incline in face of their communications. Some lead to their susceptibility to the point to formalize with a priority given to reading the information received by other mediums. Why a communication is preferred to mine? It is possible to comprehend the bad feeling imposed by such situation. Fortunately, not everyone is like this, in the interest of the science spiritist (...)". (2)


We must have a good sense of analysing carefully everything that comes from spirits  


The readers can observe that the simple quote, at the beginning of the text, is indicating that spirits do not know everything and they can mislead and give their own idea, which is why we must have good sense of carefully examine everything that comes from spirits. This simple care is able to remove all invested of mysticism that can be initiated by spirits or even by behaviour that comes from embodied spirits, as we know by advance, that spirits are still at levels of development and limited in their knowledge and morality, we can be careful when assessing and reflecting, using wisdom and good sense in these evaluations.


On the other hand, without involving directly with phenomena resulting from mediumship, life of spiritists, in particular, their actions and engaging in spiritists movement also request application of these principles. Even in behaviour, social or family life, because they are guiding principles of a balanced life. Using them, we will always something to support us.


The continuity of the text presented by Kardec, partially transcribed above, allows us to extend the horizon of observation to another remarkable aspect of this spiritual treasure called Spiritism. That is, studying it methodically - with the same observer and critical sense, characteristic of discernment and good sense – we will achieve an important step in understanding of its proposal; we will be enlightened conscious, coherent followers. 


Spiritists have the duty to act in favour of their brothers, while acting for their own progress

Informed, conscious, coherent followers will form their own spiritist awareness, this spiritist consciousness will permit them to know what direction to take, which guidelines to use, identify mismatch in spiritist practice - including leaders, who also still need to improve and have experience - to learn how to act safely.


This is the same spiritist consciousness that makes spiritists to understand the duty to act in favour of their brothers, while acting at the same time to their own progress, this consciousness takes positions, that do can be not let down by barriers, that does not depart from the Doctrine because of wrong behaviour of spiritists fellow, finally it awakens them to serious commitment of be reincarnated.


Natural effects of a spiritual consciousness formed by the study and based in virtues of discernment and good sense, safe paths to spiritual awareness. And since that Spiritism is not restricted to mediumistic practice, the field is broad and requires balanced analysis of what we are doing.




1. Publication founded by Allan Kardec in 1858.

2. Extract part of speech of Allan Kardec in Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies at the opening of the social year, on 1 April 1862 (extracted from the Spiritist Magazine June 1862, year V, vol. 6, Issue EDICEL).


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