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Year 3 - N° 122 – August 30, 2009

Londrina, Paraná (Brasil) 
Alcíone Fagundes dos Santos - alcionefagundes1@gmail.com


Chance does not exist; life is causal, not casual

Free will, when we are in erraticity, i.e. before reincarnation process, consists in choosing gender of existence and nature of tests, two key items in the called programming of reincarnation

What governs our existences, teaches the Spiritism, is not random, but free will, an achievement of human being that develops with evolution of soul. Free will exercises, however, in different ways when we are in erraticity and when we are in physical life, Kardec clarifies that theme very masterful in item 872 d 'The Book of Spirits.

Referring to the issue, André Luiz asked us to avoid using the words chance, luck and bad luck, because such terms do not have the significance that we attribute to them.

After a storm, as the saying goes, comes the calm. André Luiz disagree, assert: "After a storm, wait for others”. In contrast, instead of saying that "there are evils that come to good", we can say that "all evil comes to our good."

Joanna de Angelis confirms the theory exposed by André Luiz when dealing with unexpected events. "Unpredictable - she says – is divine presence surprising violation. Unexpected is the divine interference always vigilant. Unexpected is the divine occurrence working for order. "(Alert, ch. 3, psychographic work by Divaldo P. Franco.) 

The case of the czar Alexander - Kardec, in the Journal of Spiritist 1866, pp. 167 to 171 did interesting comments on the attempted murder of the Russian czar Alexander. At

the time of the attack, a young farmer named Joseph Kommissaroff intervened avoiding that the crime was consummated.

That is what Kardec wrote about it:

1) Many will attribute to chance the appearance of the young peasant at the scene.  Chance, however, does not exist. As the time of the czar had not arrived, the boy was chosen to prevent the occurrence of crime, because things that seem the effects of random are combined to bring the expected result.

2) Men are unconscious instruments of the designs of Providence and it is for them that Providence manifest, without need to resort to prodigies. 

3) If the young Kommissaroff had resisted the impulse received from spirits, they would have other ways to thwart the crime and preserve the life of the czar.

4) A fly could sting the hand of the murderer and divert it from its purpose; a fluidic current could be directed to his eyes overshadowing him and so on. But if it had sounded the fatal time to the Russian emperor, nothing could preserve him.

Brought the case to a spiritist session held in the house of a Russian family living in Paris, the Spirit of Moki, through Mr. Desliens, explained that even the existence of the tiniest of beings is not left to chance. The main events of theirs lives are determined by their ordeal, the details, influenced by theirs free will. But the whole situation was planned and combined in advance, by those who God predisposed to their care. 

Choice of tests - Free will when we are in erraticity, i.e. Before reincarnation process, consists in choosing gender of existence and nature of tests, two key items in the called programming of reincarnation so in vogue in nowadays and that the Spiritist doctrine study on questions 258, 262 and 872 d 'The Book of Spirits.

There are only two exceptions to the theory of choice referred by superiors’ spirits. The first, when spirits are in theirs origins and do not have sufficient experience to exercise it. The second, when, by their inferiority or lack of good will, they are not able to understand what is better for them. God can then impose an existence without hear them, but the Father knows how to wait and does not ever precipitates an atonement.

Confirming the teaching of the fundamental book of spiritist doctrine, Kardec consign in the Spiritist Magazine of 1866, pp. 182 to 188, the information below:

1) When leaving the Earth, according to power there acquired, the spirits seek the environment that is familiar to them, unless, when they cannot be detached, they are in the night, unable to see or hear anything.

2) When preparing to reincarnate spirits put their ideas to decisions of the group that they belongs. The group discussed the matter, research and advise.

3) Spirits can then advised, informed, fortified, if they want, follow their way, aware that during the journey they will have a host of earthly invisible spirits that will not lose sight of them and will attend them.

 4) Each person in the world has a mission to accomplish. Being on a large scale, or on a smaller scale, God will ask to all accounts of the opportunity they have been delivered.

5) In this sense, the duty of the spiritists is great, because the gift that was given to them is one of sovereign gifts of God. Without inflate spiritists must make every effort to deserve it.

6) No one should reserve just for yourself the talent, but they should offer to all brothers, working in spiritist field, under the assistance of good spirits, which will never fail them.

7) Instruct the ignorant, assist the weak, have compassion to the afflicted, protect the innocent, feel sorry for those who are in mistake, forgive enemies - these are the virtues that should grow in abundance in the path of true spiritist.

Planning of reincarnation - The reincarnation planning is almost infinite and satisfies the criteria that arise from moral victories or occasional loss of each candidate. In general, states Manoel P. Miranda on Themes of Life and Death, they are established automatically operating without major concerns on the part of technicians in rebirth, and for which the great majority of spirits returned to the earth, identified by their own evolutionary order.

Beside the automatic laws of reincarnation, there are specialized programs and labour to attend specific purposes. Candidates in average level of development, before being sent to earth experience, require the opportunity, committing their best proposals and presenting the resources that they expect to use, to gain the blessing of resumption in the blessed school human.

Examined by skilled and dedicated developers, who use special techniques to evaluate possibilities offered, they are subjected to lengthy training sessions, according to the service to be undertaken with a view to the welfare of mankind, after which the best are selected, which reduces margin of failure. Those that are not accepted, return to courses of specialization to other activities, particularly in balance, where they can fortify themselves to defeat evil inclinations of earlier existences where they failed, and to acquire valuable skills that they will use, in the future, when reincarnated as trends and skills.

According to the applicant's personal data sheet, some research is done on those that can provide support, accordingly, within the karmic maps, providing necessary meetings in the sphere of dreams, or directly, where a plan was drawn up in advance in which the future members of the clan live together, first in erraticity and them on Earth, where they go with a family already established. 

The influence of the law of cause and effect - The right to plan our own  reincarnation is conferred by a law: that gives the human free will, freedom of choice and conduct, which Kardec studied thoroughly in his books. The free will is, however, limited by virtue of another law: the law of cause and effect, whereby each of us receives from life what we give to life, because the seeding is free, but the harvest is mandatory.

We can see, therefore, that the conduct of men affects a lot the programming of their life. There are two classes of causes that influences human existence - warns Manoel P. Miranda on Themes of Life and Death -: nearby causes resulting from this present life in which the person lives, and remote causes, which come from past actions.

Nearby Causes, located in this existence, generate new commitments that, if negative, can be alleviated immediately by opposing attitudes, and, if positive, expands in its application. Cigarette smoking, alcohol, drug abuse, worship sex, the gluttony, among other factors solvents and destructive, are free choice, not included in educational process for anyone. The one that binds to any of them will suffer inexorably, harmful effect.
Cigarette smoking accounts for cancers of various origins, tongue, mouth, larynx, and for many diseases and respiratory diseases, particularly the terrible pulmonary emphysema. Alcoholism is generating organic disorders and psychological consequences, causing misfortune that should not happen in that way. That is the launching of madness, depression or aggression, in mental area, being responsible for gastric disturbances, kidney and especially by irreversible liver cirrhosis.

Free-will in state of incarnated - After programming reincarnation in state of erraticity, free-will is, then after we are incarnated, the ability that we have to accept or resist to entrainment, temptations and influences that are voluntarily submitted . Many yield, few resist. This is where the role of education and period of childhood are vital to humans, as Kardec warns on the item 872 d 'The Book of Spirits.

We are in our corporeal existence; subject to change by virtue of free will that God gave us. Many precipitated marriages are born from that, because a person may well become involved with another person, outside of their programming reincarnation, they may even have children together. The fact does not mean that the children come by chance. It only means that spiritual protectors and friends take every opportunity, even the wrong, to sow the good. The born child has a link, of course, with one of the parents.

Precipitate marriages usually have a short life. The reason is simple: if we have programmed an entire team of mentors and friends of the couple helping them to make things right in others cases it do not always occur.

There are also cases of reprogramming, in which, to meet an emergency, may be given a new direction to the history of a person. There are many examples, in books of André Luiz. One case is when the husband was suicidal, leaving women and children without the strength necessary to perform their tasks. A second marriage in this woman life may well happen, with the help of spiritual protectors. This is a common assumption to the reprogramming of existence.

The experience of Otávio - The following example is from the cap. Book 7 of The Messengers, book of André Luiz psychographic by Francisco Cândido Xavier, shows what can happen in the life of a person who rebels with the established program. That is what happened with Otávio, whose existence was an absolute failure.

 After acquiring huge debts in another time, Otávio was collected by brothers dedicated to "Our Home," which proved to be relentless with him. Otávio prepared himself, then during thirty years, to return to Earth in mediumistic work, eager to settle his accounts and increase in the path of perfection. The Ministry of Communication helped him with all the facilities and, above all, the six entities friends moved more resources to the benefit of his success.
The marriage was not in his plan; his particular case so requires. Despite single, he should receive when he was twenty years old the six friends who worked for him in "Our Home", which would reach his circle like orphans. At first, he would face increasing difficulties, then he would receive aid materials, as he shows renunciation, detachment, disinterest in return of benefits.

At thirteen years old, Otávio became motherless; he was spiritist from the youth, and when he was fifteen years old started the first called from the higher plan. His father married a second time and, despite the kindness and cooperation that the stepmother offered, Otávio put himself in a position of false superiority in relation to her, to live revolted, between complaints and misplaced lamentations.

Led to a spiritist group of excellent guidance evangelical, he lacked the qualities of worker and faithful companion. Feeding distrust with regard to spiritual guidance and showing marked penchant for the critical of acts of others. And much doubted, the spiritual appeals were taken to account for hallucinations. A doctor advised sexual experiences and, when he was nineteen years old, Otávio delivered up to the unbridled abuse of sex, a fact that gradually retreated him to the spiritual duty.

His father passed away when he was over than twenty years old. Two years later, the stepmother was taken to Rest Home, leaving six children in the orphanage, which Otávio finally abandoned, without imagining that launched his generous creditors of "Our Home" to an uncertain destination. Later, he married and received as his child a monstrous entity linked to his wife, creature of a condition much inferior than his. His home became a constant torment until he disembodied, having barely completed 40 years, consumed for syphilis, by alcohol and the grief, without doing anything useful to his eternal future.


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