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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 3 - N° 123 – September 6, 2009

CAROLINA VON SCHARTEN - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com


Rob and the catapult


Camille and her friend Rob always went together to school. They were neighbours and studied in the same grade.

One early morning, the sun was just coming out slowly into the sky. It could be seen from behind the houses.

The girl passed through a square and saw a pigeon singing in the bench of a tree. Camille smiled. She was so happy to see the bird.

— Look  at   the   beautiful   pigeon,  Rob! — She  said. She

pointed to the bird and wanted to share that moment with her friend.

The boy saw it and quickly looked for a stone on the floor. It then found his catapult on his pocket and placed the stone into it.

Rob was so quick; Camille was not able to stop him. She was horrified when she realised his intention. She then jumped and pushed the catapult away into the floor.

— Rob, what are you doing? Did you intend to hurt the bird?

The boy was really angry and said:

— I didn’t want to hurt the bird, but kill it.

Camille started to cry.

— I can not believe you wanted to kill that poor bird! Are not you aware we should respect nature, and specially, every alive animal? Animals are our younger brothers and also sons of God. They need our protection and care.

— Even a bird?

— Yes, even a bird! How would you feel if someone shoots someone from your family? What if they shoot your mom, for example?

Rob thought for a while and then said:

— I would feel desperate. My mother is the person I love the most in this world!

— See? This bird also has a family. Look up, to the bench of the tree!

The boy then looked and agreed:

— Yes, there is a family there! There is a nest with 2 cubs in there!

— See? You were about to destroy a family. Those cubs would be orphans if you killed the mother.

Rob took a deep breath, and realised what he was about to do.

— Thanks to you, Camille, this little family is happy and at peace.

They were late. They needed to hurry up or they would arrive late for school. Once they got into the room, they got to know what the class would be about. The topic for the day was “Ecology”.

Camille and Rob looked at each other, and smiled. The teacher saw it and wanted to know why.

Rob felt ashamed, but told everyone what happened this morning. It would serve as and example for the other students.

When he finished telling them what happened, the teacher said:

— Congratulations, Rob. You related your experience to us. You showed courage and humbleness by doing it. What about the catapult?

— Oh, teacher.... I will never use it again. I promise.

After school, they were on their way back home and remembered the pigeon once they passed by the square.

They looked up to find her. She sensed the children’s intention and flew close to them.

The bird sensed no fear and stayed looking at them for a little while. It seems she knew she was safe there.

Camille found a sandwich left from snack

time and gave it to her. The pigeon took it and flew back to her nest.

It then gave the food to her cubs, which anxiously waited for their mother.

Rob and Camille smiled. They felt so happy and then returned back to their homes.

                                                                  Aunt Celia


O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism