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Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine  Portuguese  Spanish
Program VI: Religious Aspect

Year 3 - N° 134 – November 22, 2009


Curitiba, Paraná (Brasil)  
Cristiane Parmiter - crisparmiter@gmail.com

The mission of Jesus


We present in this issue the topic #134 from the Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine, that is being presented weekly, according to the programme elaborated by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), structured in 6 modules and 147 topics.

If the reader uses this program for a study group, we suggest that questions proposed be discussed freely before the reading of the text that follows. If you would like to study alone, we ask you to try to answer the questions at first and only then read the text that follows. The answer key can be found at the end of the lesson. 


1. What was truly the mission of Jesus?

2. Matthew says that people from Israel liked the way Jesus preached. Why is that?

3. What was the style Jesus used when preaching?

4. Many revelations came from Jesus. Mention the ones considered the most important ones.

5. Spiritism doesn’t consider as miracles the cures or prodigies which came from Jesus. The real miracle that Jesus made was other one. Which miracle was that?


People from Israel thought Jesus preached with authority

1. Jesus came to this world, as Isaias said, to give hope to the ones who were dying, to give faith to the ones who didn’t have it, to guide the lost ones. He also came to present himself as the role model, the one sent by God, the only one able to teach us with perfect and pure examples. From this comes the famous sentence given by John: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John, 14:6)

2. Coming from a Superior sphere, Jesus came to humankind in a very simple way, not pompous nor rich. Jesus presented himself as predicted by the prophets of the old times, but was received with mistrust by John, who was his precursor. John once sent two people to find out if Jesus was really the Messiah. When Jesus started preaching, he wasn’t immediately understood not even by his disciples. Jesus followed his path going through incomprehension from others, despise, bitterness and loneliness.

3. Nobody ignores the simplicity, humility and poverty in which Jesus was born. He never had anything material of his own and made friends with very poor and simple people from one of the poorest areas of Rome. Jesus never occupied any Cathedral and, without ever writing anything about himself, he divided the eras between before and after he came. Nobody else ever did it. He stays as the biggest presence, the biggest personality, the highest expression of History in the world of all times.  

4. One fact in particular is worth a moment of our attention. Although people from Israel never accepted him as the Messiah, people who listened to him preaching liked it. They liked it because noticed he preached with authority. This was one quality that the other preachers didn’t have. (Matthew, 7:28-29)

Transcendental and important truths were taught by Jesus

5. Rabies and other preachers were very meticulous about ceremonials and the cult of appearances. But they never touched the hearts of the crowd when exposing truths and preaching about having good morals. Jesus preached about being kind, forgiving, being tolerant and not too attached to material things.

6. Jesus has always been an wise preacher and he often used parables to awake the interest and impress his listeners. This way of preaching made his teachings reach the hearts and minds of mankind and stay in the memory of societies for centuries.

7. Transcendental and important truths were brought by Jesus and registered in the Bible. Jesus revealed the love and the paternity of God, showed us his goodness, mercy and justice, teaching us to trust in God and take our thoughts to him.

8. When Christianity announced this sentence of Justice: “Each one will receive what they give ”- Christianity is a doctrine of moralisation of habits and behaviour in its excellent aspects. It’s not a new cult or a political party. It is, in essence, a moral code that includes the rights of everybody and establishes at the same time the responsibility of each individual according to their personal situation and the influence this individual exercises on the society they live in.

The real miracle made by Jesus wasn’t the cures he practised

9. To be Christian means to be faithful to God, not only in the moments of happiness but mainly in the moments of trouble when everything seems to fall apart. The heritage left from Jesus is still not understood by mankind. It is love, peace, just; without misery, poverty, hate, homicides and wars.

10. In his mission, Jesus made happen phenomena considered miraculous, however, the cures and prodigies he made happen are psychological phenomena. This means that this phenomena has, as primary cause, the faculties and attributes of the soul. And that is why these phenomena could be repeated afterwards by different individuals, confirming this famous phrase said by the Messiah: “What I do, you will be able to do and more”.

11. Perfect and wise spirit, Jesus made these phenomena happen in front of the eyes of mankind without disobey any law of Nature. He manipulated fluids like someone who knows its properties and qualities, and that is why we shouldn’t say that he made miracles happen. (Consult this subject in the Genesis, by Allan Kardec, chapter XIV and XV).  

12. The real miracle that came from Jesus was being able to modify, within 3 years, without never writing a word about himself and living in one of the poorest areas of his time, the spiritual side of the world in which we live. This divided the eras in “before” and “ after” Jesus.

Answer Key

1. What was truly the mission of Jesus?

Jesus came to this world, as Isaias said, to give hope to the ones who were dying, to give faith to the ones who didn’t have it, to guide the lost ones. He also came to present himself as the role model, the one sent by God, the only one able to teach us with perfect and pure examples.

2. Matthew says that people from Israel liked the way Jesus preached. Why is that?

Although people from Israel never accepted him as the Messiah, people who listened to him preaching liked it. They liked it because noticed he preached with authority. This was one quality that the other preachers didn’t have. (Matthew, 7:28-29)

3. What was the style Jesus used when preaching?

Jesus has always been an wise preacher and he often used parables to awake the interest and impress his listeners. This way of preaching made his teachings reach the hearts and minds of mankind and stay in the memory of societies for centuries.

4. Many revelations came from Jesus. Mention the ones considered the most important ones.

The heritage left from Jesus is still not understood by mankind. It is love, peace, just; without misery, poverty, hate, homicides and wars.

5. Spiritism doesn’t consider as miracles the cures or prodigies which came from Jesus. The real miracle that Jesus made was other one. Which miracle was that?

The real miracle that came from Jesus was being able to modify, within 3 years, without never writing a word about himself and living in one of the poorest areas of his time, the spiritual side of the world in which we live. This divided the eras in “before” and “ after” Jesus.  


A Gênese, by Allan Kardec, chap. XIV, item 31,  and chap. XV, items 1 and 2.

Boa Nova, by Humberto de Campos, psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier, page 48.

O Espírito do Cristianismo, by Cairbar Schutel, page 20.

Páginas de Espiritismo Cristão, by Rodolfo Calligaris, pages 172 and 173.

O Sermão da Montanha, by Rodolfo Calligaris, pages 209 and 210.

A Caminho da Luz, by Emmanuel, psycographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier, page 108.

Em Torno do Mestre, by Vinícius, pages 128, 229, 235 and 304.


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism