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Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine  Portuguese  Spanish
Program VI: Religious Aspect

Year 3 - N° 135 – November 29, 2009


Curitiba, Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com

The Apostles of Jesus


We present in this issue the topic #135 from the Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine, that is being presented weekly, according to the programme elaborated by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), structured in 6 modules and 147 topics.

If the reader uses this program for a study group, we suggest that questions proposed be discussed freely before the reading of the text that follows. If you would like to study alone, we ask you to try to answer the questions at first and only then read the text that follows. The answer key can be found at the end of the lesson. 


1. Who were Jesus' first apostles?

2. Did the companions' of the Messiah group face difficulties to harmonize?

3. Between the initial apostles, ten if they almost found that daily beside Jesus. What is the name of the other two?

4. With Jude Iscariot's death, one of the disciples was chosen to substitute him. Which his name?

5. Who were Paulo and what facts we can highlight in his apostolic work? 


The apostles' group gathered twelve people initially 

1. Jesus congregated around itself twelve direct disciples: Andrew, brother of Peter; Bartholomew; Philip; John, brother of James Boanerges; Jude Iscariot; Mathew (Levi); Simon Peter; Simon, also called "The Zealot"; Jude of James; James Boanerges; James of Alphaeus, and Thomas Didymus.  

2. Assigned of propagate the Gospel or Good New, each one was immortalized as correspondent or "apostle." Those Spirits, called by Jesus to compose his apostolic school, they would be the interpreters of their actions and of their teachings. 

3. Peter, Andrew and Philip were children of Bethsaida, from where came James and John, children of Zebedee equally. Levi, Jude of James and James, children of Alphaeus and his wife Mary of Clopas, relative of Mary (mother of Jesus), they were Nazarene and they loved Jesus from the childhood, being a lot of times called of "siblings of the Mister", tends in their view deep affectionate likenesses. Thomas descended of an old fisherman of Dalmanutha, and Bartholomew belonged to a laborious family of Cana of Galilee. Simon, later called "The Zealot", he had left their land of Canaan to engage in fishing, and only one of them, Jude, was a little discordant note of that concert, because he had been born in Iscariot and it had been consecrated to a small trade in Capernaum, where he sold fish and gewgaws. 

4. The companions' of the Messiah reduced group tried at first certain difficulties to harmonize. Mathew, that initially was called of Levi, it continued in their works of the local tax office and Judas Iscariot continued in their businesses, although if they gathered the other companions, that almost lived daily that constantly with Jesus, close to the transparent waters of Tiberias.

To the initial group they joined Mathias and Paulo later 

5. Mathew was not fisherman, but publican, and it was conserved in the obscurity while Christ was in the Earth. Only after the ascension of the Mister he entered in action, preaching in Judea and in the neighboring countries, until the apostles' dispersion. According to Cairbar Schutel, Mathew would have taken advantage of their moments of rest to write the Gospel that takes his name.  

6. Son of Simon Iscariot, of the city of Kerioth, Jude was, according to Humberto de Campos, an impassioned by Jesus' socialist ideas and he understood that the politics would be the only weapon with which could triumph, in addition he didn't get to reconcile the victory with the detachment of the wealths. When giving Jesus to Caiaphas, he didn't imagine that the things took the direction that you took and, in despair, he committed suicide. 

7. Brother of Andrew, Simon Peter was fisherman and, integrating the group since the beginning, he became a type of the apostles' interpreter and seemingly of the most assiduous close to the Master, that certainly for that it designated him as the "stone" on which would build his church, according to annotation of Mathew (16:18). 

8. Besides the twelve apostles that integrated the initial group fits to mention us two disciples that joined later to the apostolic school: Mathias and Paulo.

Paul was born in Tarsus, but was educated in Jerusalem 

9. Matthias replaced Judas and little is known about his work before this choice, except that out of the 72 disciples that the Lord has designed and sent, two by two ahead of him, all the cities and places intended to visit. According to a tradition committed to the Greeks, after Pentecost, Matthew preached the Gospel in Cappadocia and to the sides of the Euxine. 

10. Paul was born in Tarsus, in Cilicia, and belonged to a family of Jews Pharisaic sect. Educated in Jerusalem, was a disciple of Gamaliel. After leading an intense persecution of Christians, Paul converted to Christianity at the gates of Damascus and from there took a job that did not find similar in any of the other apostles of Christ. 

11. To speak of Paulo's mission and of his vigorous personality it is not easy task. To know in their details it is indispensable the reading of the book "Paulo and Estêvão" (Paul and Stephen), of authorship of Emmanuel. Concisely, we can say that the mission of Paul of Tarsus went to take the Good New to the heathens and, this way, to universalize the Christianity, work that accomplished with true devotement and immense sacrifices.  

12. In carrying out its mission, Paul made three major trips going to Bithynia, Cappadocia, Cilicia, Phrygia, Galatia, Lycia and many other cities, including Rome. And also was immortalized by his letters, in number of 14. Arrested and taken to Rome was the capital of the Roman Empire that came to disembody, victimized by a sword that split the neck and severed her head almost entirely.

Answer Key

1. Who were Jesus' first apostles? 

Andrew, brother of Peter; Bartholomew; Philip; John, brother of James Boanerges; Jude Iscariot; Mathew (Levi); Simon Peter; Simon, also called "The Zealot"; Jude of James; James Boanerges; James of Alphaeus, and Thomas Didymus. 

2. Did the companions' of the Messiah group face difficulties to harmonize? 

At first, yes. 

3. Between the initial apostles, ten if they almost found that daily beside Jesus. What is the name of the other two? 

Mathew and Judas Iscariot. 

4. With Judas Iscariot's death, one of the disciples was chosen to substitute him. Which his name? 


5. Who were Paulo and what facts we can highlight in his apostolic work? 

Paul was born in Tarsus, in Cilicia, and belonged to a family of Jews Pharisaic sect. Educated in Jerusalem, was a disciple of Gamaliel. After leading an intense persecution of Christians, Paul converted to Christianity at the gates of Damascus and from there took a job that did not find similar in any of the other apostles of Christ. In short, we can say that the mission of Paul of Tarsus was bringing the Good News to the Gentiles and thus universalize Christianity, his work with true dedication and immense sacrifices. 



Boa Nova (Good News), by Humberto de Campos, psychography: Francisco Cândido Xavier, pp. 38 e 39.  

Crônicas de Além-Túmulo(Chronicles from beyond the grave), by Humberto de Campos, psychography: Francisco Cândido Xavier, pp. 41 e 42. 

Vida e Atos dos Apóstolos, (Life and Acts of the Apostles ) by  Cairbar Schutel. 

Historical-Geographical vocabulary, by Roberto Macedo.


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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism