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Year 3 - N° 138 – December 20, 2009

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com

It will have been the Spirit André Luiz the Dr. Carlos Chagas?

"Two methods can be used to fix ideas about the unclear issues:
first, is to submit all communications to the severe test of
reason, common sense and logic, the second criterion
of truth is in concordance education."
(Allan Kardec in What is the Spiritism - c. 2, n. 99.)

In the book "The Next Dimension" of the Ignatius Ferreira, psychographics Carlos A. Baccelli, 1st edition, we read: 

1ª - c.33, p.210, "... but responding to him, tell him that I must forget, and no longer remember that one day I was Carlos Chagas, I forget that I am André Luiz..." (sic); and in the c.35, p.221, we see: "... including the lower spirit zones, where I spent about eight years..."'; and

2ª - c.35, p.222, "... including the lower spirit zones, where

I spent about eight years...".  

Let's look at such passages in the light of logic, common sense and reason, following the teachings of Kardec in question. To do so we must contextualize them in the face of biographical details of his two sons and Evandro Chagas Filho, information provided by the Emmanuel's presentation of the Spirit Andre Luiz, entitled "New Friend", dated 3/10/1943 and constant in the book Astral City; data and situations told by the Spirit Andre Luiz in books Astral City and The Messengers, and information given by the Spirit brother Jacob in the book I returned. All books were psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier.

First, treat the second passage above, considering it valid as consistent with the passage of c. 7 of Our Home, where Lysias says: "You aren't aware yet, are you, that your stay in the lower spheres lasted over eight years? ".

The data show the mathematical impossibility of the Spirit Carlos Chagas had written the book Astral City

In validating this passage, it should check the logical-mathematical ability to be Dr. Carlos Chagas, the spiritual author of the book Our Home, as his biographical books and chronographs Astral City, The Messengers and I Returned as follows:

A – Death of Carlos Chagas: 8/11/1934;

B - Date of presentation "New Friend" from Emmanuel: 3/10/1943, book Astral City;

C - Preface from Emmanuel in The Messengers: in 25/2/1944; and,

D - Time to create affinity between André Luiz and Chico Xavier: 700 consecutive days, I Returned the book, c. 1, confirmed by letter of Chico Xavier, 12/10/1946, to Wantuil de Freitas, according to book "Testimonies of Chico Xavier", 1st Ed FEB, p. 97-99.

E - Indefinite period between the redemption of Carlos Chagas, Spirit, on the Threshold and the beginning of the period of seven hundred days to create affinity with Chico Xavier, because if the Threshold, had need of treatment, rehabilitation and education in order to become fit for mister writer spiritual.

If we correlate the above data and performing an addition, like so: 8/11/1934 + 8 years + 1 years and 11 months (700 days) + time = 8/10/1944 + indefinite time period, we conclude, therefore, the impossibility mathematics of the Spirit Carlos Chagas had written the book Our Home, the conclusion was given, no more than 3/10/1943, to be the date on which Emmanuel has given us the Spirit of André Luiz.

Added to that, the result of the above sum, the book The Messengers can’t also have been written by Dr. Carlos Chagas, in view of the date of the preface to Emmanuel, for this work be 25/2/1944.

If we assume a similar time period for treatment, rehabilitation and education of Dr. Carlos Chagas as described by Andre Luiz in Our Home, the book Light of Missionaries, foreword by Emmanuel de 13/5/1945, can’t be the mining of Dr. Carlos Chagas, Spirit, in addition, the book Workers of Eternal Life, foreword by Emmanuel de 25.3.1946, is under suspicion as to their spiritual writer.

There is, also, the moral question to consider.

Carlos Chagas was orphan of father to the four years and he would not have conditions of participating in businesses as André narrated

Let us see the statements of Emmanuel when presenting in André Luiz:

1) " There no social records for a physician named André Luiz."

2) " Often real understanding and true love come to us hidden under the cloak of anonymity."

3) " Nevertheless, we are glad to have drawn to our spiritual circles one who might transmit an account of his own experiences. He gives as much detail as possible to clarify the laws that preside over the efforts of diligent Spirits of good will in spheres which are invisible to human eyes, although intimately connected the planet." (accentuated)

4) " Keep this lesson in the book of your soul. They remind us that it is not enough for man to cling to his human existence. It is necessary to know how to use that existence worthy…" (accentuated).

Analyzing these claims Emmanuel, we see that while the anonymity given by the Spirit communicator, to be called Andre Luiz, he reports that he experiences after his disembodied, changing only what is necessary to preserve their anonymity for the sake of his family still in the flesh. We do not have the consistency of the Holy Emmanuel, as the Spirit mentor Chico Xavier, revealed in his books and messages, in the course of psychic experience of our beloved Chico, why doubt when he urges us to keep the book of soul André Luiz experience, whoever he is.

Making abstraction of the time factor after the disembodied Dr. Carlos Chagas, there are passages in the book Our Home, in the face of assertions of Emmanuel, that the Spirit Andre Luiz talked about their own experiences, are characterized by complete inability, as the passage narrated Chapter 35 - Meeting Singular, where Andrew is the Holy Luiz Silveira, former creditor of her father, getting embarrassed as he says: "I wanted to apologize and yet could not find phrases just because, on occasion, my father also encouraged to consummate the unjust attack ...". However, Carlos Chagas was fatherless at four years old and would not be able to participate in any event, business adult how André Luiz narrated.

Carlos Chagas had two children: Evandro Chagas and Carlos Chagas Filho; André Luiz had two daughters
and a son

There is also the question of the family to consider. Carlos Chagas had two children: Evandro Chagas who died in 1940 in Rio de Janeiro, of a plane crash, and Carlos Chagas Filho, who died in 2000, Catholic, balanced life, managing to be president of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences of the Vatican. Both were doctors.

In the sites below we can obtain data on the terrestrial family of the Dr. Carlos Chagas: a) http://www.etall.hpg.ig.com.br/chagas.htm;
b) http://www.medio.com.br/index.php (research for Carlos Chagas); 
c) http://www.coc.fiocruz.br/areas/dad/guia_acervo/index.htm; 
d) http://www.coc.fiocruz.br/manguinhos/carlos.htm.

We see from these data that at the time of extraction of the book Our Home, the earthly family of Dr. Carlos Chagas it was only his wife and one child, whereas the other had disembodied while Andre Luiz tells us that he had two daughters and a son incarnate when he returned in spirit, the old home.

There are other tests to be done, but we completed transcribing the advice of St. Louis Spirit, set out in paragraph 266 of The Book of Mediums: "Whatever the legitimate expectation that you will inspire the spirits who preside over your deliberations, a recommendation is that will never be repeated too often and that you must always bear in mind in your memory when they deliver you to your studies: is to weigh and meditate, is to submit to the crucible of reason more severe all the communications they receive, is to not let asking explanations necessary to form an opinion safe, since a point appears suspicious, doubtful or obscure. "

Let us study Kardec!



The article above was published initially in the site: http://www.institutoandreluiz.org/ca_pedro_bezerra_neto.html

Our sister Lori Marli dos Santos, head of the institution that maintains the site, expressly authorized the publication of the article in our magazine, with a view to its relevance and timeliness.


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