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Year 3 - N° 146 – February 21, 2010

Niterói, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The moral influence of the medium in communications

 (Part 1)

The moral influence of the medium in communications According to the teachings spirit, if the medium, in terms of implementation, not merely an instrument, has, however, influence,
under the moral 

As much as we devote to study, to better understand the Mediumship, yet we know very little about this wonderful gift with the Sovereign Wisdom in the universe looked for the highest and tasks of a healthy spiritual. 

However, as we received information on their use in a manner beneficial to our growth as we are immortal spirits, the better we can see it, feel it and witness its effects, to understand that we are in still in its preliminary such complex issues, regardless of Mediumship date of all time, granted by God to all his children. 

Thus, we clamped within a vast literature on this topic so beautiful, some lines that can bring us a little more clarification on the higher purpose to help us to become worthy piece rate psychic area, seeking to serve each day more and better; becoming useful tools in the fields of the Master of Nazareth spread around us the light of love in the form of charity to the needy. 

We start with The Book of Mediums, where we collect the lessons that follow: 

226. - Does the development of medianimity depend on the moral development of the medium? 

"No; strictly speaking, the medianimic faculty depends on the organism, and is independent of the moral nature. This, however, is not the case as regards the use made of medianimity, which may be good or bad, according to the moral qualities of the medium."  

He who sees clearly and trips is more objectionable than the blind man who falls in ditch 

Always has said that mediumship is a gift from God, a grace, a favor. Why, then, is not a privilege of the good people and who are unworthy people who possess the highest degree and use it wrong? 

"All faculties are favours for which you should be grateful; but you might just as well ask why God grants good eyesight to malefactors, sharp wits to sharpers, eloquence to men who use it for evil purposes. It is the same in regard to medianimity; unworthy persons are often endowed with it, because they need it more than others, and in order that it may aid their improvement. Do you suppose that God refuses the means of amendment to the wicked? On the contrary, He multiplies those means about them at every step; He places them in their hands; it is for those to whom they have been given to profit by them. Was not Judas endowed, as an apostle, with apostolic gifts? God permitted him to be thus endowed, that he might afterwards see more clearly the odiousness of his treason." 

The mediums, who misuse their powers, which do not serve them for good, or not to take the opportunity to be educated, suffer the consequences of failure? 

"They will be punished doubly, because they possess, beyond others, the means of enlightenment. He who, having the use of his eyes, fails to follow the right road, is judged otherwise than the blind man who falls into a ditch." 

Since the moral qualities of the medium away from imperfect spirits, as a medium endowed with good qualities transmits false answers or vulgar? 

"Can you look into all the recesses of a medium's soul? Though not vicious, he may still be frivolous, or may be but imperfectly cured of some defect; and he may need an occasional lesson to keep him on his guard." 

By allowing the superior spirits that people endowed with great power, as mediums, and that much good could have done, are tools of the error? 

A medium is never so perfect that it can not be attacked by a weak side 

"Spirits try to influence all mediums for good; but when mediums persist in following a wrong road, we leave them to themselves. We use mediums of slight moral advancement, but reluctantly, and from lack of better ones; for we know that truth cannot be duly transmitted by a liar." 

Is it absolutely impossible to obtain good communications for a medium imperfect? 

"Such a medium may sometimes obtain good communications, because, if possessed of good medianimic faculties, the higher spirits may use him, as we have just said, under particular circumstances, or for want of a better; but they will only make a momentary use of him, and will give him up as soon as they find another whose moral qualities suit them better." 

What is the medium that could be described as perfect? 

"Perfect? Alas! you well know that perfection is not to be found upon the earth; and that, moreover, if it were, you would not be in it! Say, rather, a good medium ; and that is saying a good deal, for 'good mediums' are rare. The 'perfect' medium would be one whom evil spirits would not even dare to attempt to deceive; the best your earth can furnish at present is he, who, sympathising only with good spirits, is least often deceived." 

If it only with good spirits sympathy, as they allow to be deceived? 

"Good spirits sometimes permit deception to be practised even on the best mediums, in order to exercise their judgement, and to teach them to discern the true from the false and besides, however good a medium may be, he is never so perfect that he has not some weak point which lays him open to attack; and so he now and then gets a lesson. The false communications which he receives from time to time are warnings not to think himself infallible, and not to give way to pride; for the medium who obtains the most admirable communications has no more reason to be proud of them than an organ-grinder who should grind out the most splendid music by merely turning the handle of some unusually well-constructed barrel organ." 

What are the conditions necessary for the word of spirits in the upper reaches disclaims any change? 

"Good intentions, and the renunciation of selfishness and pride; both these conditions are essential." 

The moral qualities of the medium influence on the capital nature of the spirits 

Since the word of superior spirits do not is pure, but in difficult conditions are fulfilled, this fact does not constitute an obstacle to the spread of truth? 

"No; for light always comes to those who are willing to receive it. The darkness you have to dissipate results from impurity of heart. Get rid of pride, cupidity, uncharitableness, and good spirits will help you to light, even without the aid of ostensible medianimity.

"Let all who, not having a medium at hand, are desirous to obtain enlightenment, use their own reason in learning more and more of the infinite power and wisdom of the Creator; they will thus give the best evidence of their sincerity, and that sincerity will ensure to them the occult assistance of spirits of high degree." 

227. Although a medium, as such, is only an instrument, he nevertheless exercises a very considerable influence on the communications from the spirit-world. The communicating spirit is obliged, in order to communicate, to identify himself with the spirit of the medium; and as this identification can only take place in proportion to the sympathy, the "affinity," to borrow the expression of Erastes, existing between them, it follows that the soul of the medium attracts or repels disincarnate spirits, according to the degree of their similitude or dissimilitude. Thus good mediums attract good spirits, and bad mediums attract evil spirits; because the moral qualities of the medium necessarily determine the kind of spirits who communicate through his medianimity. If a medium is vicious, inferior spirits come around him in crowds, taking the place of the good spirits who may have been evoked. The qualities that attract good spirits are kindness, good-will, single-mindedness, love of the neighbour, and detachment from earthly things; the defects that repel them are pride, vanity, selfishness, envy, jealousy, hatred, greed, sensuality, and all the passions by which man attaches himself to matter.  ¹ 

Source: The Book of Mediums, Chapter XX.

Each soul is involved in the circle of living forces that will exude the "breath" mental 

We now have some teachings in the Book: In the Realms of Mediumship, Spirit Andre Luiz Chico Xavier psychographics. 

Chapter I 

Undoubtedly - agreed Assistant Aulus - mediumship is the most interesting problem in the world today. Come on man's land was the Spirit. In light of Cosmic Religion of Love and Wisdom and, of course, needs cooperation, so that if you enable understanding. 

About Aulus, informs us André Luiz:  

He was interested in the psychic experiments, since 1779, when Mesmer had met in Paris in the study of famous public proposals launched by the famous hypnotist. Reincarnated at the beginning of last century, appreciated very closely the achievements of Allan Kardec, the codification of Spiritualism, and deprived of Cahagnet and Balzac, with Theophile Gautier and Victor Hugo, ending his days in France, after several decades devoted to channeling and magnetism in a scientific Europe. In the spiritual world continued on this path, observing and working on their educational apostolate. By taking up the work of spiritualization in Brazil, and this for over thirty years, commented, optimistic, hopes the new field of action, giving us the know the exquisite luggage memory and experience that it was carrying.  

Aulus takes André Luiz and Hilary, to hear his lecture Instructor Albério in vast grounds of the Ministry of Communications, among other teachings that said: 

"... Each world has the voltage electromagnetic field of its own, the content of the gravitational force that is balanced, and every soul is involved in the circle of living forces that exude the "breath" of mind in the realm of creatures that Imana in obedience to their needs adjustment or growth for immortality.  

Each planet's orbit that strikes you is marked by balance, not going beyond the lines of gravity affecting it, and each group consciousness evolves in a spiritual movement which is subordinate. 

Children of the Creator, d 'He inherited this ability to create and develop, nurture and transform 

We are therefore very broad range of intelligences, tuned in the same vibration pattern of perception, incorporating a whole, consisting of a few billion if humans, who form as it Humanity Land ... 

... Children of the Creator, d 'He inherited this ability to create and develop, nurture and transform. 

Of course circumscribed conceptual dimensions in which we find, although the smallness of our position compared to the glory of the spirits who are over the angel-hood, we can throw us the active energy of thought itself, establishing around our individuality, the psychological environment that in a private ... 

... Our mind is Dessarte, a core of intelligent forces, generating plasma subtle, to externalize incessantly us, provides features of objectivity to the figures of our imagination, under the command of our own designs. 

The idea of a "being" organized by our mind, the thought forms and which will print movement and direction. 

From all of our ideas clear our very existence ... 

... The second one is easy to complete, all living beings breathe in the wave of psychic dynamic that is peculiar to them, within the dimensions to them or the frequency characteristics specific to them. This psyche is independent of the nerve centers of that time, flowing from the mind, is that it affects all the phenomena of organic life itself ... 

... Examining, then, values and psychic powers of communication between spirits, whatever the plan may be, we must not lose sight of the mental world of the agent and the container, because in any psychic position, intelligence is receptive subject to the possibilities and interpretations of the thoughts that is capable of producing. 

(The conclusion of this article will be published in next week's edition.) 



1) The Book of Mediums, Chapter XX.

2) In the domains of Mediumship, Spirit Andre Luiz, psychographed by Chico Xavier.


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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism