36 months later
This magazine was launched during the celebration of the 150 years of the Spiritist Doctrine and nobody imagined the challenges we would find ahead of us. After all, to prepare a magazine’s weekly edition depends on the work of many people because it is humanly impossible for an individual to write 32 different articles every seven days, as it happens in the weekly edition of "O Consolador".
The history of how this magazine emerged is very curious.
At the beginning there were only two members, but soon after, people who wanted to collaborate started to emerge from different places, both from Brazil and abroad. Later on new colleagues joined our team, which enabled us to publish articles in English and Spanish, as well as expand, considerably, the coverage of Spiritist events held in our country and abroad.
As we said a year ago, it is only possible to achieve long-term projects with lots of work and dedication. On top of these two ingredients, for sure we need to count with the indispensable support of our spiritual protectors.
In reassurance to this thought, we can also say that 36 months after the first meeting in which we have decided to create this magazine, its proposed objectives have been met and the response from the public, from this country and abroad, has surpassed our best expectations. (Read about the special entitled The magazine O Consolador (The Consoler) has reached its third year of publication, published in this edition.)
The lesson learned is very clear: we must persevere and commit our best efforts to ensure that the project continues without ever being deviated from the purposes for which it was created.
Taking this lesson into consideration, we are sure that we have earned the support of all people, alive and disincarnated ones, who are conscious about the importance of spreading the spiritist teachings with faithfulness to Kardec, which remains - using here an expression coined by Herculano Pires - the "touchstone" in the field of Spiritism. (1)
(1) Touchstone: As a metaphor, a touchstone refers to any physical or intellectual measure by which the validity or merit of a concept can be tested. It is similar in use to an acid test, litmus test in politics, and a shibboleth.