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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 4 - N° 188 – December 12, 2010


Fernanda Trebien / ftrebien@hotmail.com


The violence and its antidote

The last days of November were marked by the violent attacks and confrontations that have blazed across the brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro. Police and drug traffickers have clashed and this violence has consequently affected inocent people, especially children.

There is an antidote for everything, some take effect immediately and others have long term results. 

There are two points to consider in with regards to the drug trafficking problem which happens in Rio. 

One one hand there are the drug addicts, who are compelled to consume drugs not only  because of their physical ilness but also due to a spiritual influence. 

What Herculano Pires, André Luiz e Cornélio Pires have written about alcoholism, is also applicable for chemical dependents. The alcoholics are not alone when consuming the substance which will destroy them. Spiritual vampirism exists and is largely studied by the spiritists. 

It is necessary to give the drug addicts medical treatment combined with spiritual treatment. 

Emmanuel wrote that only education can change the face of the world we live. That is why the childhood is so important, it is an opportunity to educate spirits who are returning to Earth. 

On the other hand there are the drug dealers, who make a living out of the drug trade and see it as business, altough illegal.

Many naive people believe that legalizing drugs would stop the trafficking and consequently the violence.

However, legalizing the trade of ilicit drugs is the same as to stop the pharma regulation control. When we buy a medicine from a pharmacy we expect that the regulatory bodies know its composition and effects. If it was harmfull, surely it would not get the license to be traded.

Illegal drugs cannot be traded because of their harmfull consequences.

It is necessary to suppress the illicit drug trafficking. The drug dealers should not take advantage of an addict to make profit. 

In with regards to education, the true education aims to lead an individual to perfection, but the journey to perfection requires sentiment and wisdom; what Emmanuel has defined as the two wings. 

"The sentiment and wisdom are the two wings with which the soul will rise to the infinite perfection. In the narrow circle of the terrestrial globe, both are classified as moral and intellectual development. As we are examining the values of the world itself, we recognize that both are essential to progress, however, we must consider the moral as being superior, because the intellectual part without morality can provide numerous opportunities  for the fall, while the moral development will never be excessive, as it represents the core of the most important evolutionary energies. " (The Comforter, question 204) 

This type of education will teach us how to live with each other, accepting people as they are. The true Christian inspires others with kindness, which brings awarenesss to himself, enabling his own change of conduct. 

Joanna de Angelis says that, when Jesus has descended to the region of afflictions in order to help us, He gave an example of how the true Christian shall behave. Joanna recommends (Moral Laws of Life, chap. 31):

"Certifies your trust in the Lord and the excellence of your faith by coexisting with those who are more unfortunate than yourself.

Be the lamp which enlightens their march.

Expect nothing from others. Be of help, forgive, understand.

If they deceive or betray you, if they require from you what they cannot give, love them more, because they need more love and help than you presume.

If you can live peacefully with difficult friends and make them your partners, you have succeeded, because Jesus, in your heart, will always be reflected in the way treat those who seek you and with whom you ascend towards God. " 

If the drug addicts receive the type of support above described by Joanna instead of condemnation and contempt, they have a great chance to succeed and get back to their normal lives. We have plenty of examples in our earthly society.



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