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Year 4 - N° 192 - January 16, 2011 

Goiânia, Goiás (Brasil)

Leonardo Azzalin – leonardoazzalin@btinternet.com

Suicide: is it possible to alleviate the sufferings of its victims?

The sweet mother of Jesus is the sublime Spirit who yearns over the suicides and extends her hands, rescuing infirm spirits who voluntarily departed from Earth


"Which is the first of all the natural rights of man? - The right to live. And therefore no one has the right to take the life of his fellow-creature, or to do anything that may compromise his personal existence." 1


If man has no right to endanger the life of the neighbour, but the duty to love him "as himself", let alone to eliminate his own life, especially for being faithful to the fifth commandment, which says: "Thou shalt not kill"!

In their imbalance, suicides ignore that there is no harm that time does not
heal. And they welcome cruel, unforgiving obsessors who lead them to the fall and, little by little, they get subdued by their sick, spiteful will.

They do not meditate on the pain that their extreme gesture may cause on those who love them; do not take into account the consequences on those left behind and who are the many other victims of their thoughtless act: family and friends in the two planes of life. They only belatedly regret this thoughtlessness.

One can well imagine how poignant pain comes to these souls, when sensitive and loving: to the hearts of mothers, fathers, husbands, sons, sisters, brothers, or beloved friends! It is the everlasting,
bitter, atrocious pain that only time, prayer, doing good and the action of noble Spirits can mitigate.

The Spiritist teachings are also abundant in consolations for them, suggesting ways that alleviate suffering, shortening trials, and assuage the souls of those who are gone and those who stayed. They can all, "by following the prescription" given by the Precepts of Love, help themselves ridding their hearts and minds of anxiety and sustain the departed.

It opens the way to faith and infinite mercy of God, by earnest prayer and constant practice of good - in short, to Charity, the best prayer that rises from Earth to Heaven!


The aggression on the physical body also harms the spiritual one


Relieved to know that the sweet mother of Jesus is the sublime Spirit who yearns over the suicides and extend her hands to them, and that the "Legion of the Servants of Mary" rescues the infirm Spirits who voluntarily departed from Earth, leading them to the "Mary of Nazareth Hospital", where they are treated, re-educated and prepared for remedial reincarnations! That is what the Spirit Camilo Candido Botelho tells us through the medium Yvonne A. Pereira in the book "Memoirs of a Suicide."2

The aggression on the physical body also harms the spiritual one, denominated by the Apostle Paul as "celestial body" (I Corinthians 15-40), called perispirit by Allan Kardec. It
is the matrix that will register in the bodies of subsequent incarnations, the result of those injuries, in the form of diseases hardly curable. It is the price to pay for the rebellion against God's implements, for the misuse of free will.

In the book "Religiao dos Espiritos (Spirits' Religion)"
3, Emmanuel, commenting in the Chapter titled Suicide the question 957 of "The Spirits' Book" states that "the results (of suicide) are not limited to the phenomena of intimate suffering because imbalances arise (...) with adjustment impositions in future existences."He also lists maladies as a result of suicide that the Law imposes onto the rebels. It is recommended that this chapter is thoroughly known.

Whoever reads the reported books or the work "Heaven and Hell"
4 (in Chapter V of Part 2 there are testimonies of suicide spirits, with commentaries by Kardec), or even "The Spirits' Book," especially the questions 943 to 957, will never think of attempting against their own lives. On the contrary, they will offer prayers and do good for those who fell in that deep abyss.


God always gives us the means to overcome the hardships


If, to many, the revelation of tremendous suffering experienced by the suicides is frightening, not only in the spiritual world, but also in remedial reincarnations - especially those who naively encourage the illusion that the forgiveness of God removes everything magically, instantly - it also makes us all aware of the duty one has to value the flesh body, to prevent suicide, promoting the Truth, comforting and encouraging those afflicted, stressing the value of prayer as the mainstay throughout the trials or as an intercessory resource and alleviation in favour of those who fell, committing the tragic, painful act.

Spirits warn us of the trials to which the fragile ones trying to escape life are conducted. But God always gives us the means to overcome the hardships, no matter how great they are. If
this suffering is extraordinary, greater still is the love of God that renews all the opportunities to rebuild the balance.

5, the Spirit, comforting a suicide, says to him:

"- In the greatest depths, Raul, there's always room for hope. Do not be overwhelmed by
the idea of impossibility. Consider the renewal of your opportunity; meditate on the greatness of God. Turn remorse in to purpose of regeneration.

The work of fraternal assistance had been initiated through the prayers of the loving and desolate wife. "

Be of good cheer. If these
ideas have come to mind, or if a family member or friend has left the Earth in this way which does not eliminate life but causes excruciating pain and submits to trials beyond those one tries to escape, we should turn to earnest prayer and the practice of good.

We must learn to trust, acting, praying, loving, renouncing, abating the pride, accepting poverty if we have lost our fortune, or a loved one through death, abandonment or other reasons; subjecting us, at long last, to the trials, which soon pass.


All suicides, without exception, regret the error committed


All circumstances change. In the next minute or tomorrow opportunities arise to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and rough trials. It takes trust, making the best of us.

We must pray for the suicides and other sufferers, sympathizing in their sorrows, without
condemning them. That is what tells us the loving mentor Emmanuel, in "Escrinio de Luz (Box of Light)”, inspiring and encouraging us to overcome trials, which are "educational material of the temple where we shelter."

J. D. Innocencio explains:

"All suicides, without exception, regret the error committed and agree on the information that only the prayer relieves the suffering they are in and which seemed endless."

Prayer is an instrument that attracts heavenly balm which descends from Heaven to Earth, easing the pain! Prayer and faith are levers that lift up the fallen on the ways of evolution.

Resort, then, those who suffer this tragedy to prayer and, above all, to the loving intercession of the Heavenly Mother!

The Spirit Saint Augustine urges:

"If you knew how much good faith does to the heart and how it induces the soul to repentance and to prayer! Prayer! "Oh!" How touching are the words coming out of the mouth of those who pray! Prayer is the divine dew which calms the excessive heat of passion. The eldest daughter of faith, it leads us to the path that leads to God (...)


There are religions, as opposed to everything that the Doctrine of Jesus recommends us that deny the prayer to the "dead" - as taught, it is forever sealing their fate, forgetting that the Father's mercy encourages brotherhood and pities the fallen and seek them to lift them up.


"God is Love" and that Love is expressed in everything


Others refuse to pray for the suicides - the neediest of the sufferers and to which the prayer relieves - or even bury them in the "holy ground", as if there were in the universe a region other than the work of the Father of Love, and therefore, sacred, or that the wise Divine Laws submit themselves to ignorance, to the whim of men.

"God is Love and that Love is expressed in everything.

The Spiritist Doctrine clarifies the minds and helps to prevent suicide, in addition to contribute to the restoration of balance both of those with the idea of fleeing life and those that made this dramatic act and to console the 'victims' that were left: relatives and friends.

Knowing it, studying it, propagating its teachings is an effective way to prevent suicides; to guide and comfort family and friends, because it speaks to the hearts through the lively testimony of those who tried to escape problems, diving in unimaginable pain, as well as from what soothes and helps: prayer.

Under no circumstances the act of attempting against one's own life is justified.

Only ignorance, lack of faith in God, in His goodness might lead the creature to rebel against His designs.

Superior Spirits highlight the importance of submitting to the sovereign will of the Father who loves us all and leads us to the necessary trials for our evolution. We must therefore
preserve the body, an essential tool for the progress that we all long, attentive to the words of Emmanuel:

"The blessing of a body, though mutilated or deformed, on Earth, is like precious opportunity for spiritual perfection, the greatest of all gifts that our planet can offer."






1 - KARDEC, Allan. The Spirits' Book. 75th ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1997. 494p. p 406: 3rd Party, Chapter 11, Q. 880;

2 - PEREIRA, Yvonne A. Memoirs of a Suicide. 8th ed.Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1979. 568 p;

3 - XAVIER, Francisco C. Spirits' Religion, by the Spirit Emmanuel. 3rd ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1974, 255p. p 118-119;

4 - KARDEC, Allan. Heaven and Hell. 37th ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1991. 425p. pp. 295-327: Part 2, Chapter 5;

5 - XAVIER, Francisco C. Missionaries of Light, by the Spirit Andre Luiz. 12th ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1979. 347p. p 144-145: Chapter 11;

6 - XAVIER, Francisco C. Escrinio de Luz (Box of Light) by the Spirit Emmanuel.
2nd ed. Matão: Casa Editora O Clarim , 1982. 220p. p 157-158;

7 - INNOCÊNCIO, JD Suicide. REFORMER, Rio de Janeiro, v 112, n 1988, p 332, nov. 1994;

8 - KARDEC, Allan. The Gospel
According to Spiritism. 112th ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1996. 435p. p 383: Chapter 27, it.23.

9 - XAVIER, Francisco C. Roteiro (Itinerary) by Spirit Emmanuel. 4th ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1978. 170 p p 21.



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