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Year 4 - N° 197 – February 20, 2011

Goiânia, Goiás (Brasil)

Renata Rinaldini - renatarinaldini@hotmail.com

The effects of eclecticism and of heterodoxy in the French spiritist movement

The syncretism, the miscellania of Spiritism with other spiritualist schools, disfiguring spiritist practice in its totality, is the cause of the disappearance of Spiritism in France

As we know, Spiritism appeared in France in 1857, with the publication of The Spirits’ Book by the professor Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail who used the nom de plume Allan Kardec so that a distinction was made between this book and works originating from his profession as a respected pedagogue and disciple of Pestalozzi.

With the success of the first work of the Spiritist codification achieved, a foundation of all its philosophic construction, Allan Kardec decided to establish the Parisian Society of Spiritist Philosophy in Paris on 1st April 1858,  the existence of which was justified in the following manner:

“The universal extension, so to speak, that spiritist beliefs have daily; vividly need the creation of a regular centre of observations. This gap has just been filled. We have the pleasure to announce the formation of the Society which is composed exclusively of serious people who are free from prejudices and filled with the sincere desire for clarification. Since its beginnings the Society has counted upon, amongst its associated people, eminent men and women for their knowledge and their social position. We are convinced that the Society has been called to pay incontestable services to the finding of the truth. Its organic law secures it a homogeneity without which there will be no vitality possible. It is based on the experience of man and of things and on the knowledge of the necessary conditions to the observations which are the object of its researches. Here in Paris those who are strangers to spiritist philosophy and who are interested in it will have a centre which they will be able to visit and communicate their own observations”.

According to the report of April 1862, published in the Spiritist Magazine, the Society experienced considerable growth in its first years of functioning, with 87 effective paying members, listing amongst them: scientists, artists, authors, doctors, engineers, lawyers, magistrates, members of the nobility, army and navy officers, civil servants, teachers, artisans and businessmen. The number of visitors reached almost 1500 people a year, which was considerable for that time. 

The Codifier was strict in the compliance of the statutory rules and with the issue of discipline  

Kardec who served in the post of president from its creation, tired with the excess of work and, upset with administrative squabbles, mentioned the desire to resign the position many times.  However, urged by the Spirits who were the coordinators of the work, he carried on the exercise of president of the Society until his death.

According to what can be noticed in the writings, documents and testimonies of the time, the Codifier was strict in the compliance of the statutory rules and with the issue of discipline with the management of the activities carried out there.   He required extreme seriousness from all the participants and this contributed to more credibility for the institution and to its pronouncements regarding the themes dealt with. He was extremely prudent and austere with recorded opinions and never allowed the Society to become an arena for controversies and sterile debates which were generally instigated by those individuals who were interested on deviating Spiritism from the course established by the works of the Codification.

With his death which was due to an aneurysm, one of his closest collaborators Pierre Gaëtan Leymariewent on to carry out the functions of the editor in chief and director of Revue Spirite magazine(1870-1901) and manager of the Librairie Spirite (1870 to 1897). However, without the same credentials of the Codifier and because of his excessive spirit of tolerance, he was not able to obstruct the action of pseudo-supporters who perverted the purpose of the magazine, opening its pages to advertisements of spiritualist philosophies including to the ideas Roustaing, which differ from Spiritism. At the same time there as a perversion of the Revue Spirite’s purpose, where “free space was given to the fighters of all schools with the condition that they defended spiritualist causes or causes of essentially humanitarian and moral order, thus opening itself to fierce criticisms from some, to the accusations or dissatisfaction of others...”, according to the work entitled The process of the Spiritists” (published by Brazilian Spiritist Federation, pages 22 &23, 2nd edition). 

In Brazil, in present times, we can clearly observe that history is repeating itself   

Within these “fighters of all schools”, are included supporters of Orientalism such as theosophists, Buddhists, occultists, esoteric etc.., as the work entitled Allan Kardec (FEB, volume 3) by Zêus Wantuil and Francisco Thiesen informs us.

That is therefore the cause of the disappearance of Spiritism in France. The syncretism and the miscellanea of Spiritism with other spiritualist schools perverted the spiritist practice in its totality, so much that today, in France and practically all of Europe, it is confused with all kinds of superstitions such as astrology, fortune telling, witchcraft, sorcery etc.

In Brazil and in present times we can clearly observe that history is repeating itself, being that the tactic of the hidden enemies of Spiritism remain the same: that of proposing and enforcing surreptitious entry of questionable practices and ideas into the bosom of the Brazilian spiritist movement.

On one hand we had the adoption of Roustaing’s works by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation as its members nicknamed these works with the titles “Higher Course in Spiritism”, “The Fourth Revelation” and “Revelation of the Revelation”. Thanks to that, we feel the effect of these federalist politics today, in that a soppy, subservient and church-going mentality; which is wrongly confused with a charitable and tolerant posture; has become established in the movement. This is due to a whole set of works, mediumistic or not, which even though they do not mention Roustaing or his works, were able to surreptitiously instil the neo docetist full set of ideas into the bosom of the Brazilian Spiritist Movement. On the other hand and adopting ideas different from Roustaing’s; the supporters of Orientalism; who judge themselves capable of enriching Spiritism and with basis mainly in the dictates of the Spirit Ramatis to the spiritualist medium Hercílio Maes; insist upon giving Spiritism a mystical facet that is based on Eastern religions from the past and on Theosophy. For such, they do not fail to call Kardec and consequently the works of the Spiritist Codification, out dated and the Spiritist Philosophy in need of mending patches, besides considering the Spirit Ramatis himself and his confused dictates as the main artificer for this mission, under the banner of the “universalism”, term generally used to cover up syncretistic ideas and fetishists practices. 

Kardec affirmed that the worst enemies of Spiritism would be amongst its members 

The list of innovations advocated by these sectarian strongholds is extensive: adoption of astrology, of past life therapy, rituals, terminology strange to Spiritism, belief in prophecies regarding the destruction of the planet, belief in extra and intra terrestrial beings with a mission to save the planet, and all kinds of mystical divagations without the least rational or factual basis, thus generally inducing a mystical-religious alienation that is not far short from the traditional dogmatic religions, only with a different facet, of an essentially esoteric nature.

Therefore while we experience all this with crossed arms, victimised by the false idea that we are being intolerant and non-fraternal by studying hard and not endorsing this attempt to distort  spiritist understanding and practice which take place inside and outside spiritist centres and federations, everything will stay as it is; with a tendency to get worse, in the same way as happened to Christianity which is similar to a patchwork quilt due to the same factors that threaten Spiritism today.

The writer Vanda Simões observes this reality attentively and once wrote an interesting article entitled “Our Imperfect Spiritists” which we transcribe here and use it to conclude our considerations:

“Allan Kardec once affirmed that the worst enemies of Spiritism would be amongst its members. This affirmation seems to appear hard and radical, but it came from himself and he knew what he was talking about.  Today in this world with so much confusion, the spiritist movement finds itself wrapped in a tangle of nonsense that leave the serious spiritists worried about the destiny of the philosophy in the world. It is difficult to understand that such rational and pioneering philosophy could have prepared people with a perception of life which is so narrow and hard set.

One of two: either Spiritist Philosophy is defective or the spiritists have not understood its moral scope. Knowing the untruth about the first hypothesis, it is left to us to bow to the reality of the latter.

It is time for change. The millennium ends and a new phase starts on the planet 

The proof of this is in the form of how the Spiritist Philosophy is practiced in the spiritist centres of the entire country, with perfect replicas abroad (mainly in Portugal and in the USA), “forming” supporters who are spiritists in name only. They are imperfect spirits, of which the movement is full, as for example, those who publicly affirm that Kardec is outdated and needs to be reinterpreted, when not even 10% of his thoughts is known in depth.  They consider themselves versed for having read the basic works, and all the ancillary literature, psychographed or not. To read is one thing, but to study, to understand and to comprehend is a totally different matter...”

“The modern spiritist seem to ignore such things. And if they know it, they do not give it any importance, as they defend bizarre ideas which are contrary to the Kardecian fundamentals, based in writings dictated by misleading and pseudo-wise Spirits. These ideas are easily infiltrated in our environment, because they find fertile ground in naivety and lack of study which makes people accept everything without questioning it.It is time for change. The millennium ends and a new phase begin for the planet. The spiritist centres need to become prepared to support man within a life philosophy which is better, more just and broader in its comprehension of divine matters.

“In order to do so, it needs serious spiritists who understand the true meaning of Spiritism and who can bring a new order of practices and goals into the spiritist centres, forming truly good men. It needs spiritists who are able to remove from spiritist centres everything that is not useful for the edification of the creature. And finally to show to the modern Pharisees the true face of the Spiritist Philosophy; as humanity’s modifying agent and not as instruments of false virtues, of mere self-promotion and a factory of fantasies”.


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