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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 5 - N° 214 - June 19,  2011


Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


Cairbar and the need to study

The works
of authorship Cairbar Schutel, who died in January 1938, already belong, since January 2009 to the public domain and can therefore in accordance with art. 41, Law No 9610 of 02/19/1998, to be published by any publisher who is willing to this task.

Cairbar books are, without exception, important and deserve greater attention from all of us who serve in the press or spirit houses.

Schutel not only stood by his dedication to the good or the dissemination of Spiritism. Your appreciation for the study of Spiritism highlights several of his works, for example, we can see in the book "Mediumship and Mediums," which we have drawn five points of close interest to all persons engaged in mediumship.

Here they are:

Environment influence on the medium sessions - Remember Cairbar at the work mentioned that communication with spirits require much modesty, much respect, civility and very much recoil. (Mediums and Mediumship, pp. 73 and 74.)

The environment exerts considerable action for the success of the sessions and even Jesus had a special care of it.

In the famous episode of Mount Tabor, the Master was accompanied by only three apostles. At Bethsaida (Mark, 8:22), he led the blind guy out of the village before treating him. The same fact occurred with the deaf and stammering man, that Jesus took him from the crowd and attended him on side (Mark, 7:32), and the daughter of Jairus (Matthew, 9:18), whom he cured in a room isolated from the curiosity of others.

Appeal to the privacy of séance - Practice sessions should be private, with few agreed assistants and regulars because foreign elements affect the outcome of discussions. (Work cited, pp. 53 and 72.)

It is not conceivable, therefore, the conduct of public séance, with open doors, without circumspection and discretion required to psychic practice, something that it is seen in many Spiritist Houses, for no reason that can be justify.

What mediums should observe - First - Cairbar taught - the mediums has to study, as a preparatory study of those dedicated to the séance is indispensable for the exercise of mediumship. (Work cited, pp. 75 and 76.)

The mediums need to have, yet, much persistence, great patience, perseverance in the meetings and studies to better relate to the unseen world.

Orientation to scholars and enlightening - Anticipating what is known about the modern subject, Cairbar already recommended in his time in service to discarnate communicators "should let the Spirit speak communicating." (Work cited, p. 53.)

He knew then that the so-called indoctrination or clarification of Spirits is equivalent, in material terms, the fraternal assistance, where the attendant hears more than he speaks, allowing the vent to give wide attended feelings often dammed by the environment in living.

Environmental conditions of the séance - The séance - Cairbar recommends - requires an environment of semi-darkness or illuminated with a red lamp for low light. (Work cited, p. 51.)
He was thus a recommendation that would make Andre Luiz several decades later in his book "Disobsession" (Desobsessão) psychographed in 1964.


The concern with the study and research was not limited, however, the work mentioned, because it would be again emphasized in one of his most important books - "Life in Another World", in which Cairbar presents us at the end, this important and very current message:

The grave is not the end of existence.

Our destiny is grand.

There are worlds of light, where truth reigns; worlds that will be our future abodes!

As progress perfectly characterizes the gradual evolution of our planet that will one day be paradise on earth, so this uncompromising Law, which governs the worlds that sway in the Ether, prepares us happy dwellings, dispersed in the House of God, which is the Infinite Cosmos.

Have faith and study!

Ignore? To advance in! Because of the study and research that clarifies the truth comes to intelligence, and thus, spiritual evolution, we crane through the roof, to understand the things of the Spirit, the things God has in store for all who seek to grow in His knowledge and His grace.

The lights of benevolence, we conquered, enlighten us all science, all religion, all philosophy, so that we can, with just titles, to observe the magnificence of the universe and through science to be sure of immortality and Eternal Life. "("Life in Another World", pg. 126)



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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism