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Ano 5 - N° 218 - July 17, 2011

São José dos Campos, 
SP (Brasil)

Leonardo Azzalin – leonardoazzalin@btinternet.com


Homosexuality and sexual orientation given to children and adolescents

The theme of homosexuality (and not homosexualism, since the suffix "ism" means illness, which definitely does not correspond to homosexuality) is multifaceted and, obviously, in a single text or in a more succinct approach, it would not be possible to exhaust such a complex issue, as if it were possible to do it. Thus, any minimally sensible scholar would not claim to shed light on such sensitive issue with one or two articles only. However, the theme, as well as all other relevant and difficult to assimilate issues, has to be discussed in the light of the Spiritist Doctrine. It is necessary to study, which involves reflecting and often disagreeing, so that the deepening of our spiritist consciousness may gradually grow.

The problem of obsessions has highlighted a number of human difficulties, including those associated with sexual behaviour. The obsessions are a serious problem not yet known in all their subtleties and have very serious implications. In this context, the so-called "sexual obsessions" are noteworthy as they have generated cases of major disruption.

The admirable medium and spiritist speaker Divaldo Pereira Franco has already addressed this subject with great emphasis. In fact, he is the mediumistic instrument of the work dictated by Manoel Philomeno de Miranda with the resounding title "Sex and Obsession." It is worth noting, too, regarding the subject, the work from Chico Xavier's missionary mediumship by the spiritual writers Andre Luiz, with his works "Sex and Destiny," "In The Greater World" and "Action and Reaction," and Emmanuel, spiritual writer of "Life and Sex."

As well as the heterosexuals, homosexuals have the right to conduct his/her homosexual lifestyle choice, so long as s/he has honesty and integrity in the face of his/her homosexuality, a condition which applies equally to the heterosexual.

Each individual is a universe in itself, with unique characteristics

In absolutely no way Spiritism restricts personal freedom. On the contrary, the successive incarnations, often in different sexes, help explain the different behaviours in this area.

This understanding, deeply embedded in the teachings of Jesus, is not common in most religions said Christian, but, arguably, is a reality of the Spiritist Doctrine.

On the other hand, with regard to educational guidance provided by parents, teachers and psychologists, one must be very careful so that behaviour without more solid roots in the past are not stimulated unnecessarily. Many children and early adolescents experience a period of conflict in these respective stages of life, which includes difficulties in the sexual field, without necessarily, however, presenting effective homosexual tendencies.

In such cases, the attitude of some parents and psychologists of immediate support to the homosexual choice can put forward a choice that is not always held true in the experiences and inclinations of the Spirit. This happens because each individual is a universe in itself, with unique characteristics.

Starting, therefore, from the assumption that no person, whosoever qualified he may be, has full understanding of the intimate universe of another, one must admit that any stimulus to certain homosexual behaviour is an attitude of grave responsibility, especially when dealing with children, preteens and teens, whose personalities are still being formed for this current reincarnation.

In our evolutionary stage, the behavioural-psychological conflict of the adolescent is natural

The spiritual instructor Andre Luiz in "The Missionaries of the Light," in discussing the role of the epiphysis in our mental life, says that around 14 years of age there is a process of conflict between the spiritual background of previous incarnations and education and personal formation of the present incarnation. Thus, in our evolutionary stage, more than usually, the behavioural-psychological conflict of the adolescent is natural. Of course, in addition to the body changes and the acquisition of secondary sexual characteristics, such information by the spiritual benefactor shows us that the transition of youth is much deeper, complex and general than one might suppose at first, starting from a purely materialistic approach.

Now, if the conflict between present and past, around 14 years of age is almost a rule for all of us who are reincarnating on Earth, it appears that only from this "inner battle" a more conscious, more spiritualised and more mature adult will emerge for life, which is precisely the objective of the reincarnation process.

It is inferred that we will only be able to eventually define personality in all aspects, particularly in this intricate area of sexuality. In this area of human behaviour, the coexistence of contradictory tendencies for the formation of a more balanced and spiritual personality is common. Arguably, in this context, the spiritist moral education is of profound relevance, so that the spirits who are beginning a new journey may have, from pregnancy, evangelical orientation, sound ethical examples and emotional support to guide them toward the good, the beautiful, the useful and the true.

Our society allows and even encourages excessive "sexualisation" of childhood

Now, in principle, in cases where homosexual tendencies are not so explicit, the "heterosexual", i.e., a conventional sexual orientation in accordance with the physical morphology of the material body of the individual should be the usual behaviour, even to protect children and young people from an incentive to certain experiences premature for their age group.

In fact, we live a moment in history when our society allows and even encourages excessive "sexualisation" of childhood, causing profound disturbances which arise out of that reality. From the time the individual is more mature physically and psychologically, s/he will actually be able to consider her/his tendency. Thus, if the homosexual characteristics manifest effectively, s/he will be able to assume this condition in a more appropriate time, with more maturity and, if not the case, s/he will have avoided major problems by not being enticed to such an attitude.

Jesus teaches us: "There must be scandals, but woe to that man by whom the scandal comes." In the book "The Gospel According to Spiritism" one finds an interesting guidance that says "if in doubt, we must abstain." Validating this assertion, the Spirit Erastus, in "The Mediums' Book", said: "It is better to reject 10 truths to accept a single lie."

Now, if the individual is actually a homosexual, s/he will not have lost anything for having delayed the time to openly declare such a condition, always reminding that we are referring mainly to children and preteens. And if s/he is not a homosexual, we will have avoided inciting serious disturbance in the inner world and personal history of those whose moral education and spiritual balance to which we should contribute. A so-called conventional sexual orientation, especially in childhood and pre-teenage, is aimed precisely to minimise disruption carelessly emphasised by parents, friends and mentors, and not the other way around. 


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