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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Ano 5 - N° 219 - July 24, 2011

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Wolf

One day, John, a very poor peasant, was walking along a road in the woods. He owned a small farm and was headed to the nearby village.

Suddenly, John saw along the roadside, an animal in the undergrowth; it was motionless and appeared dead.

Approaching, he could see it was a wolf, an animal feared by its very ferocity. However,  filled with compassion, he examined it and saw it was hurt.

- Poor boy! He was hit by the bullet of a hunter for sure.

Anyone else would have fled. However, noble-hearted and generous, John wanted to save the beautiful animal. The winter was over, but it was still cold. Without thinking of himself,  he wrapped it with his beat up cloak and carried it in his arms to his house, which was not far away.

Upon arriving, John's wife saw the animal and got scared, but he explained:

- Lucy, I found this wounded wolf in the woods and could not let it die. After all he is a creature of God, like us! - he explained to the woman.

Horrified, she replied:

- I hope you will not regret it. You know that the villagers were looking for a wolf that was scaring the population. Maybe this is it!

With a calm expression, but determined, he said:

- Do not worry, dear. I believe he will not survive. I just hope to be able to look after him so he will die in peace.

The woman shrugged, returning to her housework.

John took the animal to a small room at the back of the house, which served as storage for his tools in the field. He put it on a haystack and examined his wound. He cleaned the area and located the bullet, which was not very deep.

He took a pair of scissors and cut the hair short until close to the skin. Then, with a small sharp knife, he removed the bullet and tied a piece of cloth around it to stop the bleeding. Then he covered the animal again with his shabby cloak and brought a pot of water, in case it woke up feeling thirsty. Only then he left the wolf alone.

However, as the night became very cold, the good man could not sleep, worried about the wounded animal. The next morning, still early in the morning, before leaving for work in the fields, he went to see how his patient had spent the night. Content, he found the wolf was much better. The animal opened his eyes and he said:

- Welcome, my friend! I see you are recovering well. Drink some water.

He pushed the vessel closer and the animal drank all the water.

- Thank God you will not die - the farmer said petting the head of the wolf - now I will go to work, but I will come to see you. May Jesus be with you!

As he left, he locked the door and went to the fields. He was focused on preparing the soil, removing weeds that grew along the crops, when he felt tired and decided to rest a little. He looked around and saw, with surprise, that the wolf was sleeping nearby, under a bush.

- Did I not shut the door? ...- thought the farmer, puzzled.

However, he smiled and sat down near the sleeping animal. Noticing movement, the wolf woke up, but did not move as if it was very natural for John to be there. John took his canteen and gave him water. He opened the container where his

wife put his lunch and ate a little, leaving the rest to his new friend, who wolfed everything down.

When the working day was over, they went back home. Lucy was puzzled to see her husband coming with the wolf as his companion. John took him to the room at the back of the house and confirmed that, indeed, it was still locked. He looked at the animal, asking:

- Friend, how did you get out of here? ...

The wolf, who gazed at him attentively, showed that it understood. They walked around the shed and along the wooden wall where John saw that there was a hole and disturbed soil, as the animal went in with some ease.

Amazed at the intelligence of the wolf, John returned inside and opened the door. Entering the room, he saw the animal lying with a satisfied expression next the hole which he dug  under the wall to emerge on the other side, free.

John told his wife, who had accompanied him, everything that happened and ended by saying:

- Lucy, this wolf is very smart. I do not think he wants to do us harm. If he wanted to attack us, he would have done it already. I note that, as anyone would be, he is grateful to me for helping him, and he shows it with friendship and affection. He stayed by my side all day, without turning away from me.

And to confirm his words, the animal approached them and licked John's hand.

From that day on, John gave him a name: Wolf. The animal became his inseparable companion, following him wherever he went.

Word began to spread all over the county, and in the village, all were stunned by the news that John saved the wolf that terrorized everyone, and it became his pet.

The first time John went to the village with the wolf, the villagers stood at a distance, full of fear. He calmed them down, saying they could approach it.

Suddenly there came a big man, with a rifle in hand. In a rude way showing hostility, he shouted:

- What are you doing, John? This wolf must die. It has already caused us all plenty of scare!

Seeing him, Wolf put himself in the attack position, growling, ready to attack the newcomer, protecting his friend. Frightened, the big man kept his distance.

Seeing the reaction of the animal, John understood:

- Oh… It was you who shot him! That's
why Wolf is reacting this way. But do not worry. He will attack only to defend himself.

As he spoke, John was stroking the animal's head which calmed the wolf down and made it behave more docile. Gradually, more confident, people were coming up. One wondered how John had managed such a feat. Calmly, he replied:

- It's simple. With love! This animal, like any other, needs to eat and in search of food, approached the village, since it is known that in the winter, animals are holed up and hunting is difficult, and he was hungry. On the other hand, the villagers, frightened because of his presence, began to hunt him. But it only took me finding him wounded and taking care of him, for Wolf to begin to demonstrate gratitude for the help received. Today, he is my good friend! Isn't
it, buddy?

The animal understood that John spoke of him and jumped on his chest, putting his front paws on his shoulders, licking his face, all happy, and smiling in front of the astonished villagers.

This is a true case. However, it does not represent the general rule. When it comes to wild animals, it is necessary to maintain due care and distance for our protection.

Animals, like us, are also evolving beings, and they are sensitive. If treated with love, they respond with friendship and loyalty, as evidenced by numerous examples of cases reported.



(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo, on 27/06/2011.)


O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism