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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 5 - N° 224 -  August 28, 2011

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Spirit’s Book

Allan Kardec 

(Part 16) 

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions presented, founded in the 2th edition published by FEB, based on translation of Anna Blackwell, are at the end of the text below.

Questions for discussion

A. The moment the Spirit should be incarnated is a solemn moment for him? He feels any grief in this opportunity?

B. When does the soul joins the body?

C. What is the spiritist position on induced abortion?

D. What is the purpose of Providence to create beings like cretins and idiots, which is known to have marked degree of mental retardation?

E. What is the importance of the period of childhood to the spirits who are reincarnated?

Text for reading 

190. Often, the death of a young child is a proof to the parents. (L.E., 347) 

191. When an incarnation fails, for any cause, the Spirit does not reincarnate immediately, he needs time to choose again, unless the instantaneous reincarnation comes from an earlier determination. (L.E., 349) 

192. The spirit, once incarnated, cannot regret the choice he made, because it has no consciousness, but may find it very heavy load, and, if deemed beyond his strength, then him resorts to suicide. (L.E., 350) 

193. In the interval from conception to birth, the Spirit has more or less than their faculties because it is not in the flesh, but connected to the body. From the moment of conception, the disturbance begins to wrap it up and grows until birth. (L.E., 351) 

194. Properly speaking, the fetus does not have a soul, as the incarnation is just about to take place, but it is connected to the soul that animates it. (L.E., 353) 

195. There are children from the womb of the mother, cannot afford to live. This frequently happens, and God allows as evidence to parents or to the Spirit who will embody. (L.E., 355) 

196. There are stillborn children who never had a spirit for their bodies. It is then only the parents that they are born. (L.E., 356, 356-356-A and B) 

197. The matter is not more than the wrapper of the Spirit, as clothing is the body wrap. By joining the body, the spirit retains the attributes of a spiritual nature. The exercise of the faculties depends, however, the bodily organs that serve as its instrument. The organs are the instruments of manifestation of the faculties of the soul. (L.E., 367 to 370) 

198. We never said that the bodies have no influence. They exercise it, and very large, about the manifestation of the faculties, but colleges do not produce, there's the difference. A good musician with a bad instrument will not make good music, but that did not stop him being a good musician. There are cases where the material offers such a resistance that the demonstrations are hindered or denatured, as in idiocy and madness. (L.E., 372-A) 

199. The idiot in the state of Spirit has too often aware of their mental state. He understands, then, that the chains that hinder its development is a proof and atonement. (L.E., 374) 

200. In madness, is the body that is disorganized, not the Spirit, but one must not forget that in the same way the Spirit works on the matter, it reacts on the Spirit to a certain extent, and that he may find himself momentarily impressed by changes of the organs through which it manifests and receives impressions. When the crazy hard enough, it can happen that the repetition of such acts will eventually exert an influence on the Spirit which he did not deliver until after its complete separation from all print material. (L.E., 375 and 375-A) 

201. Many times, the madness leads the individual to commit suicide because, suffering the embarrassment that is submitted and the inability to express himself freely, he seeks liberation through death. (L.E., 376) 

202. After death, the Spirit may resent the disturbance for some time that attacked the bodily life, until it is completely off the subject. (L.E., 377) 

203. The spirit that animates the body of a child may be more developed than that of an adult, if he made the most progress because they are only imperfect organs that keep you from manifesting. He acts according to the instrument that it serves. (L.E., 379) 

204. The disturbance that accompanies the incarnation does not end suddenly with the birth of the child, not only dissipates gradually with the development of organs. Thus the Spirit thinks and acts like a child, although it may be very old as Spirit. That's why the dreams of a child does not have the character of an adult, his object is often puerile. (L.E., 380) 

205. With the death of the body, the spirit of the child returns to its original clarity, but only when the separation is complete, ie, when there will be no bond between spirit and body. (L.E., 381) 

Answers to questions 

A. The moment the Spirit should be incarnated is a solemn moment for him? He feels any grief in this opportunity?  

Yes At this time, the Spirit proceeds as the traveler who embarks on a dangerous crossing and do not know whether or not you will find death in the wave that decides to face. His anxiety is so big, knowing that the evidence of its existence or make the slow advance, as the support. (The Spirit's Book, questions 339, 340, 341 and 342.)

B. When does the soul joins the body?  

The union begins at conception, but is only complete at birth. From the moment of conception, called the Spirit to dwell in this particular body is connected by a fluid tie, which will increasingly squeeze until the moment the child sees the light. (Ibid., questions 344, 345 and 346.) 

C. What is the spiritist position on induced abortion?  

Abortion means the spirit is reincarnated for a life void, which he will have to start over.

There is crime when we break God's law. A mother, or anyone, committed a crime when taking the life of a child before its birth, because it prevents a soul going through the evidence that the body would serve as a tool that was forming. If the continued pregnancy endangers the mother's life, there is no crime in having an abortion; it is preferable to sacrifice the being who does not yet exist to sacrifice what already exists. (Ibid., questions 357, 358 and 359.)

D. What is the purpose of Providence to create beings like cretins and idiots, which is known to have marked degree of mental retardation?  

The spirits that inhabit bodies of idiots are subject to a punishment that the effect of suffering the embarrassment and experience that they are unable to express themselves through undeveloped organs or dismantled. The conditions in which they are due is an expiation of abuse in the past, made of certain faculties. (Ibid., questions 371, 372, 373, 373-A and 374.) 

E. What is the importance of the period of childhood to the spirits who are reincarnated?  

Embodying, with the goal of self-improvement, the Spirit, during childhood, is more accessible to the impressions you receive, you can assist the advance, which should contribute to the charge of educating him. The spirits enter the body to perfecting life, to improve. The delicacy of childhood makes them bland, accessible to the experience and advice that should make them move given that this is that they can reform the characters and suppress the evil inclinations. (Ibid., questions 379, 382, ​​383, 384 and 385.)



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