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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 5 - N° 228 -  September 25, 2011

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Living with differences

A small doe was walking through the woods where she lived and ran into a young armadillo. In the beginning, they just looked at each other, from far away, indecisive and fearful. 

Suddenly, the small doe, decisively, approached the armadillo and said: 

- Hello! Are you taking a walk? Do you want to play with me?

The baby armadillo gladly accepted. Generally, the other animals did not give him much attention because he was small. 


And both began to play hide and seek and did not see time passing by. Looking for new hiding places, they distanced themselves into the woods more and more. 

They did not realize that it was getting late and night time was fast approaching. When they did, they got very afraid. Playing, they had gone too far from home and did not know how to get back. 

As night fell, they were crying in fear. 

Suddenly, the armadillo and deer heard a voice saying: 

- Tot! Tot! Where are you, my daughter! 

The doe, lifting her head, said happily: 

- It's my mother! It's my mother coming to pick me up! ... 

From another side, they heard a different voice: 

- Tat! Tat! My son, where are you? 

The armadillo, which was crying buried in the ground, looked up happy: 

- My mother is looking for me! Mom! Mom! I am here! ...- he shouted. 

Following the voices, before long, the mothers of both were with them. 

Upon meeting and seeing their babies together, they began to fight, each one accusing the other one's offspring of having taking themselves away from home. 

The doe's mother said angry:

- It was your ugly and dirty baby that misled my Tot! My daughter would never go away from me without letting me know! 

Irritated, the mother of the armadillo, then answered: 

- What? Your daughter is ugly! Especially, with those long thin legs! My Tat is beautiful! Look what a beautiful armour covering his body he has! He is also very obedient. He never went into the woods without telling me where he was going. I blame it on your daughter, you know? 

And so, from offence to offence, the fight increasingly worsened. 

Frightened, the kids looked at each other and then ran to intervene because their mothers continued to shout and insult each other.

Suddenly they heard the armadillo, which cried out: 

- Stop! Stop already with this fight! Shame on you! Two mothers fighting like that? Is that what you want to teach us? 

He shouted so loudly that at that time, hearing his question, the mothers stopped fighting and looked at each other, embarrassed. 

The little doe looked at her mother and said: 

- Mom! How can two mothers fight like that? Nobody's to blame! Tat and I met

by chance and I invited him to play hide and seek, and he accepted! ... 

The armadillo confirmed it nodding his head: 

- It's true, believe me! After that, we inadvertently moved away from home and ended up getting lost! 

Full of shame, the mothers looked at each other, looked at the children, and then the mother doe approached the mother armadillo and said: 

- I am sorry, I acted wrong. I was so nervous about my daughter's disappearance that I said things without thinking. Actually, your son is very nice. He is dirty, but I see that you are too. It must be the place where you live, right? 

And the mother armadillo replied smiling: 

- It's true. We live in a hole in the ground. But I was also very upset and did not think before saying things. Looking again, your daughter is pretty! She is very lean, but her hair is beautiful. 

Both made their peace. Finally, all was peaceful. 

The two mothers became very good friends. They understood that they had differences, and that that was not important. What really counts is to accept and live with differences, understanding that we are all different from each other, thus we can not consider ourselves better or worse than anyone else. 

What really matters is to accept each one as they are, because accepting ourselves, we will know ourselves better and we will love each other.


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 05/09/2011.)


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