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Year 6 - N° 259 - May 6, 2012

Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais (Brasil)

Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com 


From the Atom to angel: the evolution of
intelligent principle

(Part 1)

Ricardo Baesso de Oliveira

That our Universe was born

There are 13.7 billion years, all that existed was concentrated in one point, a scientist called primitive atom or cosmic egg. Its size was trillions and trillions of times smaller than a pinhead, was rich in highly energy condensed to the point of its heat to be billions and billions of degrees Celsius.

Suddenly, no one can know why he has inflated the size of an apple. And then exploded, ejecting violently in all directions the energy and the contents therein.

This energy is strongly condensed and produced the elementary particles of matter. In the first three minutes, these particles formed atoms and hence the hydrogen and helium, the chemical elements simplest and most abundant in the universe.

Meanwhile, the energy ejected, along with the elementary particles, formed an immense cloud that has expanded more and more. Slowly, after a great shot in all directions, she began to cool down and gain density. This process formed the big red stars.

They worked for a few billion years, as fiery furnaces which occurred within the atomic explosions of extraordinary magnitude. There he forged the key elements that are present in all beings: iron, carbon, gold, and finally the 92 basic elements that make up all beings and every one of us. The death of one of these stars formed our galaxy, our sun and planet Earth.

The above is what scientists call the Big Bang, ie the big explosion. 

And God with that? 

The problem appears when God put the following questions: What was there before the beginning? Who gave the initial impulse? Who holds the universe as a whole and all beings to continue to exist and grow?

Nothing? But from nothing, nothing can come.

Before the Big Bang, there was God, who exists from all eternity.

There were also many other universes, for God was never inactive. These universes were created by his will, fulfilled their role (field development of the Spirit) and had their matter collapsed to resurface later, which the legendary mythological bird, Phoenix, that rose from its ashes. For a world gone made ​​and the matter that composes it is renewed.

This theory finds resonance in the mind of the Spirit André Luiz: similar worlds serve the purpose they are intended for long ages devoted to the evolution of the Spirit, until the pressure systematically undergo collapse atomic whereby cadaverizados are transmuted into stars. These dead ball, however velop the new guidelines of the Divine agents, which have about the disintegration of the material surface, giving rise to the elements release tablets if ordered by explosion, emerging new acquis corpuscular for the reconstruction of houses of heaven, in which God's work extends and perpetuates in its creative glory.

Ready the universe, the spiritual principle can start the long march toward perfection on which it is intended.

At the same time it has created, from all eternity, the material worlds, God is created from all eternity, spiritual beings. If not so, the material worlds would lack purpose.

The material worlds would provide spiritual beings elements of activity to develop their intelligence. 

Born the intelligent principle 

The purpose of the Universe is the development of the human spirit. Ready the Universe, the intelligent principle can begin its long march toward perfection on which it is intended.

God renews the living and renewing worlds.

Indestructible, the spiritual principle is elaborated in the various metamorphoses which suffers an intern in the mineral, vegetable and animal, before acquiring the reason and identify themselves with mankind.

Regarding the origin of the intelligent principle we know nothing.

According to some, it is an emanation of the Deity.

The sui generis properties who recognize the spiritual principle prove that it has its own existence, since its origin was in the area, those properties would miss him, provided that intelligence and thinking can not be attributes of matter.

In our eyes there is a specific way, can be likened to a flame, an ethereal glow or a spark, whose color varies from dark to bright ruby, according to its purity, high-capacity drives to provide shelter and experiences that become permanent structures and increasingly complex.

It was created simple, uneducated, but possessed of perfectibility. Simple, because it only formed part of a single, homogeneous. Ignorant because without knowledge, experience and acquisitions. Perfectible because having the capability of the progress of a project close development of a purpose in the sense of a movement toward more diversity, complexity and cooperation. 

The intelligent principle wears the matter 

Created, it should connect to the field, holding bow and instrument of the Spirit that we serve and on which, at the same time, exerts its action. This binding occurs through the formation of a field of influence, not physical. Similar to the gravitational field, or electromagnetic field (the magnet attracting iron filings), the field created by the intelligent principle is a zone of influence where it will lead to unification of atoms and the development of life in the different kingdoms of nature. But is a spiritual element to be defined in abstract, which may not have direct action on the matter and being an essential intermediary. With the intelligent principle, therefore, is born a wrap subtle fluid, which in a sense, is an integral part of it. Like all matter, this very subtle energy field is extracted from the universal cosmic fluid, the primitive energy of the universe, which, in this circumstance, undergoes a special modification.

This fluidic envelope will improve step by step with the intelligent principle, becoming in due course in the spiritual body (perispirit). 

Through the mineral realm, the attraction 

The intelligent principle, it connects, then through its envelope of subtle energies, the newly formed matter, the atoms and subatomic particles, preparing to establish itself the principle of attraction, first acquisition of the intelligent principle, while still in the mineral realm.

The Law of Attraction governs the intra-atomic elements, very powerful forces, hold together the atomic subparticles. At this stage along with the mineral realm, the intelligent principle acquires the ability to unite, unite, attract, it will be invaluable in the future.

The mineral realm provides the strength, the conquest of the bone structure symbolic of the spiritual principle. 

The life appears on Earth 

The long stage with the mineral kingdom has enabled the intelligent principle in the art to unite, unite, add. He found himself now able to advance their self-development, acquiring other properties: irritability, sensitivity, memory, instinct, etc.. He would do this in a million years I would train in plant and animal kingdoms.

The planet found itself ready to receive life and intelligent principle able to act at the meeting of the chemicals that give birth to the first life forms on Earth.

The earth was formed from the condensation of matter disseminated in space. The explosion of a red star (supernova) has released a cloud of gas and elements on all sides. Slowly, these gases gained consistency by gravity. He was born the Sun was able to attract around which the planets formed from the debris of the previous explosion. One such planet was the Earth. That was about 4.6 billion years.

By 800 million years the Earth has remained a sea of ​​fire due to its stellar origin and the meteor that fell brutally on her, but was gradually creating a crust that made it easier cooling. The proper distance from the Sun and the balance created by the gravity that retained liquids created the conditions of the emergence of an atmosphere capable of hosting life.

According to one hypothesis, there are 3.8 billion years, primitive atmospheric gases (methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water vapor), prevailed in an environment where electrical discharges and ultraviolet rays, culminating in the formation of amino acids and bases, the basic units proteins and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). With the molecules essential to life, surrounded by delicate lipid layer were born primitive bacteria.

The bodies of living beings formed by the meeting of basic molecules, under the law of affinity, as the conditions of the vitality of the globe were conducive to this or that species.

According to another hypothesis, the first forms of life, or chemical molecules essential to life, came to Earth from other regions of the universe.

Is correct either case, it did not take the blind forces of chance. The intelligent principle was there, with its powerful magnetic field, creating the conditions for chemical reactions were to occur to allow the emergence of life. 

The Divine Sculptor 

Toward all phenomena in our system there is a community of Pure Spirits, in whose hands the reins to retain directors of life. Jesus is one of the members of this community.

With their armies of workers devoted ruled the regulations of the physical phenomena of the earth, arranging her future equilibrium in the base of the elements of matter, organized the scene of life, creating the necessary existence of the beings of the future. He atmospheric pressure suitable to man, established the ozone layer, for that filtered the sun's rays conveniently.

And finally, the artists and technicians of the highest spirituality, under the loving care of Christ, cooperating in building the world of cells, the building of forms of organized and intelligent porvindouros centuries, culminating in the appearance of early hominids, with the cerebral cortex complex man's three million years. 

(This article will be completed in the next edition of this magazine.)



1.      The Pathway of Light, cap. I, Emmanuel/Chico Xavier.

2.      Evolution animic, Gabriel Delanne.

3.      The Genesis, cap. XI.

4.      Short history of nearly everything, Bill Bryson.

5.      Imperfect creation, Marcelo Gleiser.

6.      Evolution in Two Worlds, André Luiz/Chico Xavier.

7.      Interior Lighting, Joanna de Ângelis, cap. I.

8.      The Comforter, Emmanuel/Chico Xavier, pergunta 79.

9.      The Spirit's Book, itens 8, 21, 22-a, 25, 38, 39, 41, 88, 88-a, 115, 540, 728-a.

10.  The Blind Watchmaker, Richard Dawkins.

11.  The Tao of Liberation, Mark Hathaway e Leonardo Boff. 


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism