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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 6 - N° 273 – August 12, 2012

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Mediums' Book

Allan Kardec

(Part  23)

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below. 


A. In a spiritist manifestation, such as to know if the shocks are produced by spirits?

B. Communications may not be reflective of the mind of the medium or assistants?

C. In the mediumistic seances must alternate sexes, to join hands, glare-free environment, certain places and times?

D. What is needed for a mediumistic communication is considered good?

Text for reading

214. The soul of the medium can communicate like any other Spirit: what today is called animism. By the nature of communications is to be distinguished if the spirit who communicates is that of the medium or another. In the state of somnambulism or ecstasy is that the spirit of the medium most often manifests itself, because then you are more free. In the normal state the fact is more difficult. (Item 223, questions 2-5)

215. In mediumistic communication, the spirit of the medium is the interpreter, because it is connected to the body issuing the necessary talks and for being a chain between men and spirits communicating. It is the spirit of the medium who receives and transmits the thought, even when they are still used tables, drawing boards and baskets, or the medium is mechanical. (Item 223, questions 6-9)

216. The medium only when there is passive mixing their own ideas with those of the spirit communicator, but is never entirely null. Your competition is always necessary, as an intermediary, even if it is called the mechanical mediums. (Item 223, questions 10 and 11)

217. The Wandering Spirit, when he addresses the spirit of the medium, does not speak French, nor English, but that is the universal language of thought. To express their ideas in a language articulated, transmitted, takes the words to the vocabulary of the medium. (Item 223, question 15)

218. Not all mediums are able to receive messages in tongues, that spirits use only accidentally, when this may have some utility. For the usual communication and a certain extent, they prefer to make use of a language familiar to the medium. (Item 223, question 16)

219. An illiterate person can be written as the medium, but it is understandable that have great difficulty to overcome mechanical, for lacking the habit of hand movement required to form letters. The same applies to the mediums that designers can not draw. (Item 223, question 18)

220. The expression of thought by poetry, by design or by the music depends, sometimes, the ability of the medium, sometimes the Spirit. Superior spirits possess all the skills, the lower have only limited knowledge. (Item 223, question 22)

221. The Spirit that wants to communicate includes, without doubt, all languages​​, because languages ​​are the expression of thought. To express this thought, you need an instrument, and this is the medium that can not forward the communication only by the organs of your body. However, these organs can not, for a language unknown to the medium, which have the flexibility to what is familiar. A medium who know only the Portuguese can accidentally give an answer in English if the Spirit wills to do it, but spirits are impatient with the strength they find, hence not always do so. (Item 224)

222. The inaccuracies of style and spelling can either come from the spirits as the medium. Clinging to such things is but vanity. It is therefore permissible to correct them without any qualms, unless ca ¬ racterizem the Spirit that communicates. (Item 224) 

Answers to questions 

A. In a spiritist manifestation, such as to know if the shocks are produced by spirits? 

You have to first delete all the natural causes that may be behind the protests: the wind, games, action etc. of animals. Noise spiritist shows signs of intelligence with his obedience to the will and the occurrence of the place designated by the observer. If the phenomenon is actually produced by the Spirit, he wants to mean something. If thinking of replies to the bystanders, he can not be denied an intelligent cause. (The Mediums' Book, item 83.)

B. Communications may not be reflective of the mind of the medium or assistants? 

Experience has shown the error of this thesis. Here is an example of the independence of thought of the Spirit communicating over the medium and those present. In a French ship of the Imperial Navy, serving in the China Seas, all were busy talking to the tables. Then had the idea of evoking the spirit of a first lieutenant in the same ship, was killed two years. The spiritual entity appeared, and after a number of communications that led to the amazement of everyone, said the following through punching, "I will pray earnestly to the captain to pay the amount of ... (indicating the amount) you owe and that I could not repay it before my death. "Nobody knew of the case, the captain himself had forgotten the debt, which is very small, but looking at his notes found mention of the debt first lieutenant, whose value conferred with the message. The psychographic communications received by the medium Chico Xavier, giving details of names and addresses, especially by young newly disembodied, are an incontestable proof that the authentic communications have nothing to do with the thought of the medium or the sitters. (Ibid., items 69 and 70.) 

C. In the mediumistic seances must alternate sexes, to join hands, glare-free environment, certain places and times? 

No, the only prescription that is strictly required is the collection, an absolute silence and patience, especially if the effect is slow to produce. The choice of days and certain hours favors the appearance of spirits, which also have their jobs and can not be made available to the preferences of the incarnate. A place dedicated to the psychic activity facilitates concentration, although the best time psychic activity be one in which the participants of the task are calmer and less distracted by their normal duties. (Ibid., items 62, 63 and 282.)

D. What is needed for a mediumistic communication is considered good? 

For a communication to be good it needs to do a good spirit, so that this good spirit can transmit it, you need a good instrument: that he wants to pass it, we need to order suits you. (Ibid., item 186.)



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