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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 6 - N° 277 – September 9, 2012

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Mediums' Book

Allan Kardec

(Part  27)

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below. 


A. What is the most important factor that difficult the release of the obsessed?

B. We can evoke the spirits?

C. How do they, the spirits know when we evoke?

D. By what signs can recognize the superiority or inferiority of Spirits?

Text for reading

250. Obsession is not a sign of unworthiness, but an obstacle that can oppose certain communications. Applying to remove this obstacle, what's in it, is what you should do the obsessed. Without this effort, their prayers, their prayers will do nothing. (Item 254, question 3)

251. In some cases, the inability to communicate with good spirits can be a real punishment, as well as the ability to communicate with them is a reward that we should strive to earn. (Item 254, question 4)

252. Can not stop the spiritual manifestations that occur spontaneously, because we can not suppress the spirits or prevent exert their influence hidden. Indeed, it would be crazy to want to suppress something that offers great benefits, just because individuals may abuse it reckless. The way to prevent the inconveniences it is, instead, make it known in the background. (Item 254, question 7)

253. In many cases, the absolute identity of the spirit

254. The identity of the spirits of old characters is the most difficult to achieve, making it often impossible, so we were assigned to a purely moral consideration. They think up the spirits, like men, by their language. If a Spirit presents itself under the name of Fénelon, but says puerilities trivia and, of course, can not be Fénelon. However, only says things worthy of the character of Fénelon and that he did not subscribe to furtaria, there is every likelihood that moral is indeed him. The real identity, in this case, is however a matter ancillary because, since the Spirit says only things salvageable, no matter the name under which the say. (Item 255)

255. As the spirits are purified and rise through the ranks, the distinctive characters of their personalities are erased, somehow, in the uniformity of perfection, nor less so retain their individualities. It's what happens with higher spirits and pure spirits. In this culmination, the name they had on earth in a body of a thousand lifetimes by now, something is absolutely insignificant. (Item 256)

256. If we consider the number of spirits that since the beginning of time must have climbed the ranks highest in evolution and if we compare the number of men so restricted that will leave a great name on the earth, we realize that among the higher spirits, which can communicate, most should lacks names for us, that is, names that identify them. As names need to fix our ideas, they can then take a known character, its nature is more identified with them. (Item 256)

257. The same occurs every time a superior spirit communicates spontaneously under the name of a character known. Nothing proves that it is the Spirit that character, but if he says nothing that belies the character of the latter is presumed to be himself, and in all cases, we can say that if he is not, is a spirit of same degree of elevation or maybe sent her. The name issue is therefore secondary, may be considered as simple clue the name of the category that occupies the Holy spirit on the scale. (Item 256)

258. The case changes, however, when a figure lower order Spirit adorns herself with a reputable name, so that his words deserve credit, and this case is so frequent that every precaution will not be too much against similar substitutions. It is thanks to these names lending, especially with the help of the fascination that some spirits systemat. 

Answers to questions

A. What is the most important factor that difficult the release of the obsessed? 

The moral imperfections of the obsessed are often the main obstacle to his release. If he improves his spiritual protector moved gradually and only the presence of this will be enough to expel the evil spirit. This is because the moral imperfections attract and favor obsessing, and safest way to get rid of them is to attract good spirits by doing good; those who only attend the secundam by their efforts to improve themselves. (The Book of Mediums, item 252.) 

B. We can evoke the spirits? 

Yes, we can evoke all spirits of any scale degree to which they belong, both good and bad, both those who have left life recently, as those who lived in more remote times, both men distinguished as the most obscure , relatives, friends, and also that we are indifferent. But that does not mean they want or can respond to our appeal, regardless of their willingness or permission may be denied to them by a higher power, they can be prevented for reasons that are not always met. (Ibid., items 274 and 282.) 

C. How do they, the spirits know when we evoke? 

Often they are prevented by the familiar spirits that surround us and go look for them. From then a phenomenon that is difficult to explain because it concerns the transmission mode of thought among spirits. The universal fluid, dispersed in the universe, is the vehicle of thought, as air is the sound, with the difference that thought reaches infinity. The Spirit, in space, as the traveler is in the middle of a vast plain and listening suddenly pronounce his name, goes to the side of where it is called. Thus the Spirit evoked, however far it is, receives, so to speak, the backlash of thought, as a kind of shock that draws your attention to the side of where the thought comes to him directed. He hears the thought, how on earth we hear the voice. If the invocation is premeditated, the Spirit is sometimes warned beforehand and is in the room before the time is nominally called. (Ibid., item 282, paragraphs 5 and 6.) 

D. By what signs can recognize the superiority or inferiority of Spirits 

By its language, how do you distinguish a reckless of a wise man. Superior spirits never contradict and say only good things; wish only good: this is your concern. Inferior spirits are still under the sway of ideas materials; their conversations resent your ignorance and your imperfection. Only the superior spirits is given to know all things and judge them without passion. (Ibid., items 268 and 263.)



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