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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 6 - N° 283 – October 21, 2012
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Cauci de Sá Roriz: 

“Spiritists from Goiás state are very entrepreneurial” 

The president of the Spiritist Federation of Goiás, the central Brazilian state, talks about the development of the Teachings in the region and the role played by the Federation, known by its acronym, FEEGO

Cauci de Sá Roriz (photo), born into a Spiritist family in the city of Belo Horizonte, in Minas Gerais state, is the current president of the Spiritist Federation of Goiás. He has lived in the state for many years, working at a regional Law Court. He is also a well-known public speaker and has an almost unmatched knowledge of the development

of Spiritism in Goiás. That is one of the issues discussed in this interview: 

Give us an overview of the Spiritist Movement in Goiás. 

When I still lived in Rio de Janeiro, and later in Brasília, I used to hear many good things about Spiritism in Goiás. When I finally moved here, I did not hesitate, I joined the local movement and was able to confirm its dynamic aspect. Spiritists from Goiás state are very entrepreneurial. They are always coming up with new events and initiatives to disseminate Spiritism. 

What is the guiding force of the Spiritst Federation in Goiás? 

Our Federation, FEEGO, walks shoulder to shoulder with the Spiritist Centres. We don’t compete against them, we only support them and help them play their role better. With that approach, we have created an amazing solidarity network across the state, which enabled us to organise some mega Spiritist events. 

How is your work with Spiritist groups in the capital, Goiânia, and other parts of the state? 

FEEGO has a group of some 30 people who almost every weekend travel to visit one Spiritist group, however faraway it may be. With that, we get to know the problems they are facing and we establish true links of friendship and solidarity. We also share the positive experiences, taking the lessons learned in one reality to other groups.  

When was the Spiritist Federation of Goiás founded? And who were its pioneers? 

It was founded on October 3rd 1950. It was a very interesting process, as it came from a demand by the existing Spiritist groups in Goiânia. As so many Spiritist groups were involved, there were many pioneers in the initial days of the Federation. Among them were José Félix de Souza, Romeu Pelá, Sebastião Peleja, Sebastião Queiroga and Ranulfo de Souza. 

Tell us more about the Goiás state Spiritist Congress. 

We held the 28th Congress this year, gathering 3,500 adults, 800 young people and 300 children. The event is broadcast live on the Internet and was followed by people in countries like Russia, India, China, Australia, Japan, in the three Americas and Europe. 

How do you finance the event? 

We have a well-structured system that has been going on for many years. Usually what those taking part pay is enough to cover our costs. For 2013, we are in contact with private companies that are willing to support us. We have looked into that and have agreed to sponsorship, which will enable us to go further with the dissemination of the Teachings. 

 What are the other means you have to help disseminate Spiritism?  

We have a publishing house, but we have only published 27 titles. The team is focused mostly on the production of CDs and DVDs, for which there is huge demand. We also have a dynamic team of volunteers and two people on our pay roll who are doing a great job, something really special in the Brazilian Spiritist Movement. We produce two programmes that are broadcast on an open TV channel (Cultura) and also on an internal network. We also back up a team working on another television programme for a Brazilian network. We provide support to Spiritist Groups that produce their own radio programmes across the state and we have built up a very good relationship with the media in Goiás, which means we are able to put across our message to Spiritists and the wider public. 

What else would you like to add? 

I would just like to say that at FEEGO we have a principle of working together and reaching consensus for our decisions. All our decisions are collective. We refuse to talk down to people or to decide on their behalf. And that is not really anything new. In the second part of Posthumous Works, dedicated to the Constitution of Spiritism, Allan Kardec teaches us “there is a guarantee of stability in the collective being that is lacking when all lies in a single mind.” He goes on to say: “A collective being, on the contrary, perpetuates and is not threatened by anything.” We are convinced that the success of FEEGO is the direct consequence of putting into practice this teaching from Allan Kardec.





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