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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 6 - N° 285 – November 4, 2012

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Mediums' Book

Allan Kardec

(Part  35)

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below. 


A. Spirits can reveal to us our past lives?

B. Spirits can describe the nature of their suffering or happiness?

C. Spirits can help us discover treasures?

D. Can spirits guide men in scientific research and discoveries?

Text for reading

322. We arrived to a fairly high degree, to feel free from vanity, the sage of the Earth that have committed scientific errors recognize such mistakes and confess without shame. But if not yet dematerialized enough, can save some of the prejudices that he was imbued when incarnate. (Item 293, question 26)

323. Spirits that are not yet dematerialized cling to things. Misers, who hid their treasures, may, after dead, watch them and save them, and the fear in which they live, that someone will snatch constitutes one of his punishments, until they understand the futility of this attitude. (Item 295, question 31)

324. The issue of hidden treasures is in the same category of unknown heritage. When the Spirits want or can make similar revelations, they are the spontaneously, without the need of mediums for this. (Item 295, note Kardec)

325. The confidence one can have in the descriptions that spirits are of different worlds depends on the degree of advancement of real spirits that make them. (Item 296, question 32)

326. It is not impossible to obtain, on other worlds, some clarification. The good spirits, for example, even delight in describing to us the worlds they inhabit, aimed at teaching us how to improve, prompting us to follow the path of goodness. (Item 296, question 32)

327. The best verification of the accuracy of these descriptions lies in that there is agreement between them. We must, however, remember that similar descriptions are designed to improve our moral and which is therefore on the moral state of the inhabitants of other worlds that we can be better informed, and not on geological or physical state of these spheres. (Item 296, question 32-a)

328. The questions about the constitution and the elements of the astronomical worlds comprise the field of scientific research, for whose realization should not spare us the Spirits work. (Item 296, note Kardec)

329. An objection made ​​by opponents of Spiritualism concerns contradictions incurred in spirit teachings. They ponder: if the teaching is given by the spirits, as if not identical features? (Item 297)

330. It turns out that these contradictions are as a rule more apparent than real, there are more on the surface than at the bottom; lack therefore of importance. (Item 297) 

Answers to questions 

A. Spirits can reveal to us our past lives? 

God sometimes allows them to be revealed as the goal. If it is for our edification and instruction, the revelations are true and, if so, often made ​​spontaneously and so entirely unexpected. But he does not allow it ever to satisfy idle curiosity. (The Book of Mediums, item 290.) 

B. Spirits can describe the nature of their suffering or happiness? 

Perfectly, and the revelations of this kind are a great lesson for all of us, because they show us the true nature of future rewards and punishments. Destroying the false ideas that formed the man in this respect, they tend to revive faith and trust in God's goodness. Good spirits are happy to describe the happiness of the elect, the bad can be constrained to describe his sufferings in order that repentance the win. Herein are sometimes even a kind of relief: the bastard who laments, hoping to get sympathy. (Ibid., item 292.) 

C. Spirits can help us discover treasures? 

The Spirits do not engage with these things, but the mocking often indicate that there are treasures, or take pleasure in pointing them in a place where they find themselves on opposite place. It has its usefulness, to show that true wealth is at work. If Providence intended hidden treasures to someone, this course will find them, otherwise not. (Ibid., item 295.) 

D. Can spirits guide men in scientific research and discoveries? 

Science is a work of genius and the work should only be acquired by working for it is that man prospers in his way. What merit would not he be if he takes more than ask the spirits to know everything? At that price, anyone could become wise. The same happens with the inventions and discoveries that are of interest to industry.

There is yet another consideration. Is that everything has to come to his time and when ideas are ripe to receive it. If the man had had that power, subvert the order of things, making the fruits sprout before the station itself. (Ibid., item 294, question 28.)



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