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Year 6 - N° 285 – November 4, 2012

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)

Renata Rinaldini - renatarinaldini@hotmail.com


The prophet Daniel and the European crisis


Americo Domingos Nunes Filho

Daniel, in his prophecies, alludes to the new Earth transformed in regeneration world, under the aegis of Jesus, our master and guide

The prescience of some facts of the future is a relevant theme, allowing those who deny their divine fatherhood moments of intense reflection. Some occurrences foreseen by premonition mediums, a sub-division of inspired mediums ("The Mediums’ book, chapter 15, item number 184), strongly shake materialistic beliefs.

It is important to emphasize, however, that with respect to the prediction of the future we should not accept the possibility of the events of history being scheduled in advance, since if that was the case, we would be before fate, openly damaging our free will.

We believe that entities located in steps of high spiritual hierarchy, endowed with great psychological knowledge can, by the experience and the knowledge already acquired in the spinneret millennia of reincarnations, anticipate the future of terrestrial humanity, without the destinies being outlined, as well as a father can foresee the reaction of some of his children.

A higher Spirit, away from the parameters of the physical world, living in the Fifth Dimension, into eternity, in real time that does not exist, has the ability to know if a particular creature will be happy in his venture into somatic life. Hence being able to predict the future of those living on Earth; "if one doesn't do it, it is because the knowledge of the future will be harmful to man; it will hinder his free will; it will stop man in his work he must commit to his progress; the good and evil that awaits for him, being in the unknown, are, for him, a test ". ("Genesis", page 307, Lake Edition)

Allan Kardec, in the same work, affirms that "time is but a relative measure of the succession of transitory things, eternity is not susceptible to any extent, in terms of its duration, for her, and there is no beginning or end: for her, it is the present.” The Codifier continues: "If centuries and centuries are less than a second compared to eternity, what will then be the length of human life?" (Genesis, Chapter 6, page 90)

The dematerialized Spirits are as a man on the top of a mountain, space and time do not exist for them

Continuing with the study, now in Chapter 16 of "Genesis", the famous Lyonnais master makes a very illustrative comparison: "Suppose a man is placed on the top of a mountain, watching the vast extension of the plain. In this situation, the distance of a mile won’t be very much to him, and he will easily be able to cover in a single glance all the accidents of the ground, from the beginning to the end of the road. The traveller who follows this road for the first time knows that, walking, he will reach the end of it; that is a prediction of a simple consequence of their march, but the accidents of the ground, the ascents and descents, rivers to cross, forests to cross, the cliffs where one could fall into, the robbers lurking to loot his baggage, the hospitable homes where he can rest, all this is independent of him as a person; the future is unknown, because his view does not extend beyond the small circle that surrounds him. As for the duration of his journey, he measures it through the time it takes to travel the way; remove the landmarks, and duration fades. For the man who is at the top of the mountain and who follow his trip, all of this is the present. Suppose the observer descends to near the traveller and tells him: "In that moment you will find such a thing, you will be attacked and rescued", he will be predicting the future. The future exists for the traveller, for those who are on the top of the mountain, that future is the present. ("Genesis", Lake Edition, page 306)

If we get out of the circle of purely material things, and if we enter by thinking in the field of spiritual life, we see that this phenomenon takes place on a larger scale. "The dematerialized Spirits are as a man on the top of a mountain; space and time do not exist for them. But the extent and penetration of view are provided for their purification and to the elevation they reach in the spiritual hierarchy. Regarding inferior spirits (lowly-evolved spirits), those are like men armed with powerful telescopes, alongside others who only have eyes. For the inferior (lowly-evolved) spirits, vision is limited, not only because they can hardly move away from the planet to which they find themselves bound, but also because the coarseness of their perispirits scramble distant things for them, just as a fog hides the body from their eyes. "("Genesis", FEB Edition)

As we know the book of Daniel from the Old Testament
makes references to some futures events

Although the Superior (highly-evolved) Spirits may be aware of the future, due to the fact the people from Earth are subordinate to their free will, they ignore the precise dates of events, since man has freedom of choice and execution of their tasks, becoming advanced or delayed in this desideratum. The Master Jesus says regarding his return to Earth, that “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son [a] but the Father only”. (Matthew 24:36.)

In reality, the future is not predetermined, since there is no fatalism. Man is responsible for what he thinks and does. Through the freedom of action, he represents, on the stage of life, the actor who develops the theme according to his will.

Indeed, we know that beings that are endowed with great leadership potential demand for another chance in spiritual life, a new chance to reincarnate and rectify serious mistake they carried in the past. And they fail again. They fail, despite the clear mission that they had set themselves up to achieve. There were no fatalities and, yes, respect for free will. It is clear that very highly evolved Spirits can easily predict the ill success of these tasks and know that "the scandal is needed" (Matthew 18:7), to serve as a means of spiritual growth for many other beings.

The Book of Daniel from the Old Testament makes some references to future events; by the prophet achieving through out-of-body experiences or projection of consciousness, (i.e. freeing oneself from one’s physical body at night time) and becoming aware in the spiritual dimension of the dream king Nebuchadnezzar and of his explanation (Daniel 2:19). The Babylonian king saw a great statue with terrible looks which was destroyed by a rock and which then became a great mountain and filled the whole earth (Daniel 2:35).

In fact, the prophet revealed, in a nutshell, future events of more than two thousand five hundred years ago, talking about the Babylonian Empire ("You are the head of gold" - Daniel 2:38), ; then the Persian predominance, "monarchy of silver" ("shall arise another kingdom ..." -Daniel 2:39), soon afterwards he unveiled the "third kingdom of bronze" - Daniel 2: 39), Alexander 3rd the Great domain, the precursor of Hellenism, commanding the Greek soldiers, who used clothing and armour of bronze.

Neither through diplomacy nor by marriage among the nobles of different kingdoms, was there the merging of Europeans

Then he unveiled the fourth kingdom, which would be "strong as iron, because iron breaks to pieces and shatters all things" (Daniel 2:40), foreseeing the appearance of the Roman monarchy, much more powerful than those mentioned above. The Romans used iron for making swords and other weapons, such as in the manufacture of wheels and chariots.

Then the clairvoyant predicts the collapse of the Roman Empire and the barbarian invasions being one of the main factors, emerging, then, the creation of various kingdoms such as the Anglo-Saxons, Visigoths, Lombards, providing formation of some European nations: “And as you saw the feet and toes, it shall be a divided kingdom." (Daniel 2:41). Next, he predicted that this fragmented kingdom has "some of the firmness of iron” (Daniel 2:41), though it was the iron mixed with clay. Indeed, the principal responsible for all this was Christianity, which occupied a preponderant role in the integration of the barbarians, as these were converted to Catholicism. At the same time, the barbarians respected the Romans, because they wanted to have a life similar to theirs.

Although, the authorship and some predictions related to the Babylonians and Greeks, has been currently questioned by some historians arguing that the book of Daniel was written later on, the final report draws attention when the Jewish prophet, during the interpretation of dream about the destruction of the foot of the monument made up of clay and iron, thus prophesied: " As you saw the iron mixed with soft clay, so they will mix with one another in marriage,[b] but they will not hold together, just as iron does not mix with clay. "(Daniel 2:43).

His prediction is impressive because no one, from Charlemagne through, Charles 5th, Louis 14th and Napoleon, managed to amalgamate by force the kingdoms into one empire. Neither through diplomacy nor by marriage among the nobles of different kingdoms, there was the merging of Europeans.

Europe passes through very troubling moment with the economic slowdown and the crisis that follows from it

Daniel predicted the lack of unity among European countries, proven long after the emergence of Nazism, communism, dictatorships in Greece, Portugal and Spain, as well as intense division that happened in the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and, in especially violent form, in Yugoslavia, highlighting, at present, the lack of policy coordination to solve the current socio-economic crisis, reaching the European Union, resulting from high public debt bloc nations, especially Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Ireland.

Europe goes through very troubling times with the economic slowdown, the flight of capital from investors, the sharp rise in unemployment, the credit crunch, the intense popular discontent with cutting wages, freezing of social benefits, measures to reduce spending and the decrease or small increase in GDP of European countries. It is also important to emphasize the prophetic phenomenon, considering that not all European Union nations use the euro as their official currency. Another fact to consider is the present movement that aims to separate the Basque territory from Spain.

Finishing the prophecy, Daniel said that after "God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed...” (Daniel 2:44), “Because the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.” (Daniel 2:35.)

Jesus is called "the cornerstone" (Ephesians 2:20 and 1 Peter 2:6), and certainly Daniel alludes to the new Earth transformed into new world of regeneration, under the aegis of the Master. This reign of peace for those who will follow the Christ in spirit and in truth, practicing his teachings and being welcomed into the transformed world, with the title of the server of the good.

Translator’s note:

[a] Some manuscripts omit nor the Son

[b] Aramaic by the seed of men

Américo Domingos Nunes Filho - is a MD based on Rio de Janeiro. 



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