We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below.
A. Kardec lists 26 principles that should be taken into account to recognize the quality of spirits. How can we summarize them?
B. To think of the spirits who are worth sometimes the names of saints or known characters?
C. We can recognize the Spirits by impressions that cause us to your approach?
D. Why was not the reincarnation taught by all spirits communicating at the time of Kardec?
Text for reading
358. Of all the spiritist phenomena, the most lend themselves to fraud are physical phenomena. First, because more impressive sight than intelligence. Secondly, because, arousing curiosity, more than others, are more suited to attract the crowds. (Item 315)
359. In all, people are more easily deceived those who do not belong to the craft. The same is true of Spiritualism. Those who do not know let themselves easily mislead by appearances, whereas a previous study initiates the attention, not only on the causes of the phenomena, as well as under normal conditions in which they usually occur, providing them thus means discovering the fraud, if any. (Item 316)
360. The imitation of all spiritualistic phenomena is not easy. There is that obviously defy the ability of conjurers: such movement of objects without contact, the suspension of heavy bodies, the blows from different sides, appearances etc. Unless the employment of machinations and collusion. Because of this, it is necessary to observe carefully the circumstances and having regard to the nature and position of the people. In principle, we believe that one should be suspicious of anyone who makes a spectacle of these phenomena, or object of curiosity and fun, and want to produce them at will. (Item 318)
361. The spiritists meetings offer many advantages, by allowing those who take part in them are clarified through the exchange of ideas, questions and observations by the making, all of which leverage. But for all that produce desirable fruits, require special conditions. (Item 324)
362. Each meeting spiritualist is a collective whole. (Item 324)
363. The meetings spiritualists have very different characters, as the order with which they perform; therefore, their intrinsic conditions may also differ. (Item 324)
364. According to the gender to which they belong, the meetings can be frivolous, experimental or instructive. (Item 324)
365. The meetings consist of frivolous people who only see the fun side of the demonstrations and have fun with facetiae of trifling spirits. It is at these meetings that ask trivia of all sorts, which ask the spirits to predict the future and a thousand other things of no importance. Common sense tells us that the high spirits do not attend the meetings of this kind. (Item 325)
366. The experimental meetings are particularly engaged in the production of physical manifestations. For many, are a sight more curious than instructive. Unbelievers leave them more admired than convinced. This is not true of those who will study, understand beforehand because the possibility of phenomena: observation of facts determines their positive or complete conviction. If there are loopholes, will be able to discover them. (Item 326)
Answers to questions
A. Kardec lists 26 principles that should be taken into account to recognize the quality of spirits. How can we summarize them?
We judge the spirits by their language and by their actions. Shares of Spirits are the sentiments that inspire and the advice they give. Assuming that good spirits say and do only good, all that is evil can not come from a good spirit. Spirits have a superior language always dignified, noble, high, without any mixture of triviality; speak with all simplicity and modesty, not ever brag, boast never know his or her position among others. The language of inferior spirits or vulgar always has some reflection of human passions; any expression that demonstrates meanness, conceit, arrogance, quackery, acrimony, is a characteristic sign of inferiority or trickery if the Spirit is presented in a name respected and revered. Good spirits say only what they know, express themselves simply, without prolixity, never give orders, not imposed, but advise and, if they are not heard, they retire, not praise, approve us when we do good, but always with reservations; acts are very scrupulous in advising, in all cases relate solely to an end serious and eminently useful; seek to correct errors and preach the indulgence, and never sow tares by perfidious insinuations, the part of the superior spirits joke is thin and often witty, never vulgar; prescribe only good and his advice are perfectly rational. (The Book of Mediums, item 267.)
B. To think of the spirits who are worth sometimes the names of saints or known characters?
All names of saints and characters known not sufficient to provide a shield every man on Earth. Among the few spirits who have a known name on earth: behold that very often they refrain from giving his name. But like most creatures embodied asks the name, to satisfy them take someone's name that people know and respect. When it's for good, God allows so be it among spirits in the same category, because there is solidarity between them and likeness of thoughts. (Ibid., item 268, paragraph 3.)
C. We can recognize the Spirits by impressions that cause us to your approach?
Yes Many mediums recognize the good and bad spirits by printing enjoyable or painful experience that their approach. The medium experiences the sensations of the state in which it is the Spirit who comes near him. When the Spirit is happy, your state is quiet, lightweight, quiet, and when is unfortunate, it is busy, hectic and this agitation is naturally nervous system of the medium. (Ibid., item 268, paragraph 28.)
D. Why was not the reincarnation taught by all spirits communicating at the time of Kardec?
There are two reasons: on one hand the ignorance of spirits communicating, whose ideas were still very limited at present. For them, this should last for ever: nothing see beyond the circle of their perceptions and not fidget to know where they come from and where they go. Reincarnation is a need for them in which they do not think but when she arrives, know that Spirit progresses, but do not know how. This is a problem for them. Secondly, we must understand that prudence often use the Spirits in the dissemination of truth: a light and lively sudden dazzle and does not clarify. Can then in some cases it useful not disclose it but gradually, in accordance with the times, places and people. Moses did not teach everything that Christ taught and Christ himself said many things whose comprehension was reserved for future generations. In a country where prejudice reigns supreme color, where slavery is rooted in customs, would have repelled Spiritism simply because proclaimed reincarnation, since the idea that you can become a slave, and vice versa, they seem monstrous. It was better to accept the general principle first, then to take the consequences later? (Ibid., item 301, paragraphs 8 and 9.)