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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 6 - N° 292 – December 23, 2012
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


How we see Jesus

Five years ago, Christmas Eve, 2007 it was published in this magazine as especial entitled “How Spiritism sees Jesus and Christian moral” -
http://www.oconsolador.com.br/36/especial.html –, what is always worth to remember it, to show the reader Spiritism obeisance to deal with Jesus and his teachings.

Items 6 and 7 from The Gospel According to Spiritism, chapter I, Kardec wrote: 

"The Old Testament has had Moses as its personification, the New Testament has it in Christ. Spiritism is the third revelation of God's law, but it has not to personify it in any individuality, because it is the fruit of the given teaching, not by man, but by spirits, who are the voices of Heaven, at all points of the Earth with the assistance of an innumerable multitude of intermediaries. It is, in a sense, a collective being, formed by all the beings of the spirit world, each of which brings their lights tribute to the men, to make them known this world and the fate that awaits them. 

"Just as Christ said, 'I do not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it', also Spiritism says: 'It has not come to destroy the Christian law, but to execute it." Nothing teaches contrary to what Christ taught, but develops, completes and explains in clear terms and to everyone, what was said only in allegorical form. It comes to meet, in the time predicted, what Christ announced and the attainment of things to come. It is therefore the work of Christ, who presides as also announced that the regeneration operates and prepares the kingdom of God on earth. " 

Analyzing the text above in the Introduction to The Spirits’ Book (LAKE, 3rd edition, p. 11 and 12), Herculaneum Pires says, with the intellectual authority as we know, that the Bible is the encoding of the first Christian revelation, Spiritism, encoding the third revelation, and the Gospel is the second revelation, "that shines in the center of the triad of these revelations," the figure of Christ with the sun illuminating the other two, as one that "direct intervention of the High for the reorientation of terrain thought". 

Sun that lights the other two! Herculano could not have been happier when he wrote these words, and yet, only confirmed what, long before him, Léon Denis and Emmanuel had written about the spiritual friend whose birthday will be commemorated in two days.

The "spiritual governor" of our planet, as words of Léon Denis, really has had, and has continued to have, a key role in the organization and direction of the world in which we live, as we can infer by reading this short essay that Emmanuel inserted in chapter 1 of the book The Path of Light.

"Pray the spiritual traditions of the world toward which all phenomena, from our system, there is a Community of Pure Spirits and Elected by the Supreme Lord of the Universe, in whose hands retain director reins of the life of all planetary collectives. This Community of angelic and perfect beings, which Jesus is a divine member, which has been given to us to know, only has ever met, near Earth, to solve critical problems to the organization and direction of our planet, for twice in the course of known millennia. The first occurred when the terrestrial globe was loose from the solar nebula, so that was drowned in Time and Space, the beacons of our cosmogonic system and prodrome of life in matter on ignition of the planet, and the second, when it was decided the coming of the Lord on Earth, bringing to the human family the immortal lesson of his Gospel of love and redemption. " 

There was therefore no reason that Allan Kardec, commenting on the answer given by the immortal to the question 625 d 'The Spirits' Book, wrote: "Jesus is for the man the kind of moral perfection to which humanity can aspire on Earth. It has given in as it offers the most perfect model, and the doctrine he taught is the purest expression of his law because he was excited from the divine spirit and it was the being purer than ever appeared on Earth."


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism