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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 6 - N° 294 – January 13, 2013
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


The problems of the world

The headlines
that appeared in the press last week show that the construction of a new world, where justice, love and charity are a common practice, it will require all of us a great effort, especially on the issue of education which can no longer be confined to the mere statement.

The new world not only need doctors, but of good men, something that is not merely the responsibility of the school.

Indeed, let’s see a small sample of what the press publicized on the day that that text was written:

- Political crises of 2012 should be extended worldwide in the coming year.

- Even if the Syrian president resigns, the conflict between the Syrians will continue.

- Protests continue in Arab world: Lebanon and Bahrain to be the next scenarios.

- Landslides in Duque de Caxias (RJ) cause deaths and great destruction.

- A Europe increasingly dissatisfied will mark the year 2013.

- The economic crisis and unemployment in Spain, Greece and Italy should continue.

- Crisis between Cristina Kirchner and Clarin group intensifies.

- The future of Venezuela is difficult to predict.

- If Israel attacks Iran, we will have a war on a global scale.

- Political convicted by the Supreme Court is sworn in anyway.

- Priest is arrested for having masturbated in front of a girl of 13 years old.

The list could be extended, if it was included here the numerous cases of corruption that have characterized the political practice in several countries, including Brazil.

It is reported these facts to show our readers that Spiritists are not naive people who believe the world will improve just because God wills it.

It is not that what we learned in spiritual doctrine.

The world will get better, yes, but this requires the effort of those who inhabit it, and this is undoubtedly what prompted Jesus to say, regarding the so-called "end times", which on that day only God knows when it will occur, ie, there is no date because that date depends on a number of factors and especially the effort of all of us, whether Christian, Muslim, Jew or atheist.

Remember, the purpose of the subject, a message from Bezerra de Menezes, psychographed by Chico Xavier, titled "Problems of the world", in which the well-known and respected Benefactor referred to the theme:

"The world is full of gold.

Gold in the soil. Gold at sea. Gold coffers. But gold does not solve the problem of poverty.

The world is full of space.

Space in the continents. Space in the cities. Space in the fields. But space does not solve the problem of greed.

The world is full of culture.

Culture in education. Culture in the art. Culture in mind. But the culture of intelligence does not solve the problem of selfishness.

The world is full of theories.

Theories in science. Theories in philosophical schools. Theories in religions. But theories do not solve the problem of despair.

The world is full of organizations.

Administrative organizations. Economic organizations. Social organizations. But organizations do not solve the crime problem.

To extinguish the scourge of ignorance, which cherishes the misery, to dispel the shadow of greed, that creates the illusion, to kill the monster of selfishness, which promotes war, to undo the worm of despair, which promotes the madness, and remove the pond crime, which carries misfortune, the only efficient remedy is the Gospel of Jesus in the human heart.

Let us therefore valuable, extending the Doctrine that unravels the letter, the construction of the New Humanity, radiating influence and inspiration of the Divine Master, the emotion and the idea, the guideline and the conduct, by word and example, and paraphrasing the concept unforgettable by Allan Kardec, around the charity, proclaim to the world's problems: Outside of Christ there is no solution.


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