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Year 6 - N° 294 – January 13, 2013

Ribeirão Preto, SP (Brasil)

Pedro Campos - pedro@aliseditora.com.br  


Magnetic passes
on animals

To provide magnetic passes to sick animals is a beneficent act, different from
medical-veterinarian care  

Eurípedes Kühl


Magnetic passes on animals?


Let’s hear first, the Spirit Andre Luiz in “Spiritualist Conduct”, FEB, 1960, Chapter 33 – About animals: “In the care for sick animals, one should use all therapeutic resources available, without ruling out even those of a medium kind that can be used for the good. The light of Good should shine on every plane”. 

Sick animals 

Once, when replying to a questionnaire about animals, with questions formulated by the Spiritualistic magazine “Espiritismo & Ciencia”, I was faced with the following question, whose answer I transcribe as follows:

Q. — I your opinion, would there be healing treatments for animals diseases that could be easily done with the use of a Spiritualistic therapeutic?

A. — No! The existence of an earthly medicine, for men as well as animals (veterinarian medicine) is a blessing of the Divine Providence. Its advancements derive from superior planes, inspiring and intuiting dedicated researchers, who produce new drugs and improving healing techniques. However, I must point out that as far as the spiritualistic therapy is concerned, characterized by charity towards animals by giving our animal energies, regenerating or healing (through praying or giving passes), in my opinion, has no side effects. On the contrary: it is highly recommendable, for it is an act of love. And love is everything! 

Kardec and the healing methods 

Preceeding prayer nº 78, in “The Gospel according to Spiritualism”, it is Kardec himself Who advises the sick to seek out healing methods (fluid therapy, named by him “magnetism” and medicine). (highlighted)

Recently, Divaldo Franco, when asked about spiritual healing, stated that: for the ailments of the Spirit, the Spiritualistic Center, and for the ailments of the body, the hospital…

By the reflections mentioned above I must say that in the case of sick animals (who also possess a soul, even if it’s inferior to man’s*), it’s up to their owners to provide veterinarian help and, if that’s the case, within their convictions, the help of passes simultaneously.

(*) - In “The Book of Spirits”, questions 597 to 600. 

Magnetic fluid 

1 – “The Book of Mediums” – Chap. XXII – Of Animal mediumship:

The Spirit Erastus broached at length about the impossibility of animal mediumship as there are no similar fluids between man and animal. Then, we register the case in which: Mr. T…, claims to have magnetized his dog. What’s the outcome? He killed it, for it died after falling into some kind of sluggish state, of languor, after his magnetization. With effect, saturating it with a fluid drained in an essence superior to the special nature of the dog, he crushed it, acting upon the animal as a lightning bolt.   

2 The Magnetic Pass, by Jacob L. Mello, FEB, 1992, Chap. X, Item 18 – Magnetic passes on plants and animals:

The author distinguishes “magnetism” from “spiritualistic pass”, concluding that on plants and animals only the purely physical magnetism (given through magnetic passes) can be conveyed. Quoting Kardec and other spiritualistic scholars, he opines:

- magnetism = human animism;

- spiritualistic pass = from perispirit to perispirit, for in the case of animals, their fluidic cover would not withstand spiritual fluids of a “superior essence”.

Supported by Erastus, Jacob concludes that the spiritualist pass would kill the sick animal. 

3 – Trespassing the Invisible, Yvonne A. Pereira, FEB, 1963, Cap. VIII – Subtleties of Mediumship:

The unforgettable Yvonne A. Pereira (1900- 1984), broaching about psychometrics (the faculty of a medium to describe events around a person, when in direct contact with an object that belongs to him or her), she describes that in a state of partial detachment, when still incarnated, as a Spirit, “visited” animals. These are her words: During the partial detachment, we “visited” animals such as an ox, a horse, a dog and a cat. We verified that the magnetic fluid, the ethereal element in which they find themselves immersed, as the living beings they are, are the same that penetrate men. Hence this vibratory correspondence, which makes the spiritual being of men understand the animal’s, to feel it, as well as those other kingdoms of Nature… (…) The impression we had from the four species mentioned was deep and overwhelming, just as our next of kin. (Highlighted)   

Vital fluid 

Appropriately, I recall question number 66 from The Book of Spirits:

Q: - Is the vital principle the same for all organic beings?

A: - Yes, modified according to species.

Now, should I ask: Who modifies the vital principle?

I ponder, in reply, that in the case of magnetic passes on animals (and on plants…) it is possible that the “first aid help” given my human mediums is subjected, by specialized Spiritual Protectors, to processes of fluidic compatibility, for the proper assimilation of the needy – animal or vegetable. 


Due to the exposed points, the issue of magnetic passes on animals presents an apparent disagreement between the reflections afore mentioned, from Erastus, Andre Luiz and Yvonne A. Pereira…

- Erastus states that the magnetic pass on an animal would kill it, by the fluidic difference;

- Yvonne A. Pereira verified the vibratory correspondence between man and animal, in view of the magnetic fluid – the ethereal element – that penetrates both;

- Andre Luiz claims that the therapeutic resources and the ones of a medium nature for sick animals are an act of love.

Moreover, it’d be premature to radicalize the issue, being a Christian attitude to provide help for plants, animals or human creatures, when in need, using all resources available – material and spiritual

In face of an impasse, the late Prof. Jose Herculano Pires (1914 – 1979) comes to my aid, nullifying the afore mentioned disagreement in his work Mediumship – Life and Communication, EDICEL, 6th Edition, 1986, Chap. XI – Zoological Mediumship. The reflections are crystal clear:

Nowadays, counterbalancing the foolishness of the supposed zoological mediumship, it is rising in the field of mediumship a kind of medium for which a few spiritualists are hopeful. Prof. Humberto Mariotti, spiritualistic philosopher from Argentina, well-known in Brazil for his works and lectures, is a passionate zoophile. In his last trip to Sao Paulo we exchanged ideas and information about what we can call Veterinarian Mediumship. We must not raise animals to the superior condition of mediums, but we may grant them the benefits of mediumship. Mariotti had, as we all do, a few touching episodes of his personal experience in this field. The medium assistance to animals is possible and greatly beneficial. The sick animal can be helped by passes and prayer and even with the recourse of fluidized water. Veterinarian mediums, mediums who specialize in the treatment of animals, would help Mankind to get rid of the heavy consequences of its carnivore greed. Kardec refers, in The Book of Mediums, to the attempts by magnetizers, in France, to magnetize animals and discourages this practice because of the reasons against animal mediumship. He even understands that if the transmission of human vital fluids to an animal is dangerous, due to the great evolutionary gap between the two species. But with the Veterinarian Mediumship, the situation is different. The animal kingdom is protected and guided by human Spirits who were zoophiles on earth, according to countless medium information. The veterinarian medium, like the human medium, does not transmit fluids on the pass on his will, but serving as means to transmit them by protective Spirits. The situation of a medium is therefore quite different from the magnetic or hypnotic situations. When aiding a sick animal, the medium aims his prayers to the superior planes, pleading assistance from the protective Spirits from the animal kingdom and placing himself at their service. The pass is given with the thought geared at God or Jesus, the Creator and the one responsible for animal life on earth. Water is fluidized the same way, confident in the divine assistance. It’s not about a theory or technique invented by us, but naturally born from the love of zoophiles and with countless experience in the spiritualistic realm. (Highlighted)

After that, the author describes some touching episodes of veterinarian human help given by mediums to gravely ill animals or hopeless cases, in most cases recovering the ‘patients’.

Furthermore, from my part, countless times I have given out passes to sick animals and thanks God no one has died because of that. On those occasions, I beg the Protective Spirits the cure for the disease and, when this happens, I wouldn’t know for sure if it was because of animism… In 99,99% of cases, I think not: the merit is theirs!

I conclude that when a medium, not necessarily a “veterinarian”, applies a pass on needy animals, friends from a Higher Plane, zoophiles, are in charge of changing human fluid into a consentaneous fluid with the species of animal being helped, adding up the fluids of Nature, besides their own.

Appropriately, I wrap this up by reminding that St. Francis of Assisi, deemed the “Godfather of Animals”, in the 12th Century, already gave blessings to animals, ever since the beginning of his holy mission on that earthly existence.

As a tradition, even today catholic Churches especially devoted to that saint equally give blessings to animals, on the 4th of October of each year.

As a spiritualist I consider that such procedure characterizes a beneficent act to animals, different from medical-veterinarian service. The blessing of a priest, to my understanding, in some way has the same charitable intention of a pass given by zoophile mediums on our small brothers, every time we see one of them in a state of need.

Editorial note:

About the subject also read the book ANIMAIS, NOSSOS IRMÃOS, by Eurípedes Kühl, 1st Edition 1995, PETIT Publishing, SP/SP.


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